港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 P3 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
粵式fusion私房菜餐廳,由特色小菜到矜貴的參茸海味菜式也有供應;店內設有多間獨立貴賓廳,是聚餐、設宴及招待商務客戶的好選擇。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
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食評 (12)
等級4 2025-03-15
0 瀏覽
一家提供高級中式料理的餐廳,環境典雅,設有私人房間,適合聚會。這裡的菜單精緻,融合了多種海鮮和肉類的創意搭配,讓人期待每一道菜的呈現,每一個菜式都好有驚喜,好有水準,但令我印象最深刻嘅係以下,龍騰四海 - 這道菜以新鮮的龍蝦為主角,配上各種精緻的配料,外形美觀,煙霧效果增添了神秘感,口感鮮美。招牌玻璃乳鴿外脆內軟,每一口都係肉汁嘅鮮味,而且仲保持咗乳鴿嘅味道,實在係必食之選。冰鎮咕嚕肉外脆內軟,而且係一個好難做得好嘅菜式,而呢度都做得非常之好食,簡直係讚不絕口,色香味俱全。一試難忘。尖東星御薈的每一道菜都體現了廚師的用心,無論是味道還是擺盤都令人印象深刻。不僅適合美食愛好者,也非常適合家庭聚餐或商務宴請。推薦來此享受一頓精緻的中式盛宴! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-05-17
695 瀏覽
Poor service and rude staffBooking was made on 9th May to book a table for four on 17th May 1830. Our booking got cancelled on the day of our booking (17th May) at 1700 which is 1.5 hours prior to booking time. There was no notification from the diner but only a notification from Open Rice system. My friends and I planned on a long-awaited gathering hoping to try this place out so we decided to call the diner to check and see if they made a mistake cancelling our reservation on the same day of our booking.I called the diner to ask them and no one picked up. After some attempts, a man finally picked up and could not even answer directly if this is the number of the diner and the questioned me about why I was making such a call. After I asked him about the sudden cancellation, he only made some excuses and said “full house long time ago”, “no table left”, “booking cancelled already” with a very rude tone without any explanation or apology. He then just dismissed the inquiries and hung up on me.First, they did not notify us when we made the booking when their staff said their booking is full “A LONG TIME AGO”. However I still managed to book through OpenRice 9 days prior to the reservation time.Second, they cancelled on us 1.5 hours before the booking time without any direct notification. This left us with insufficient time for planning.Third, the lack of manner is not acceptable. The staff was impolite, rude and irresponsible. Such disrespectful behaviour shall not be tolerated. Hanging up on potential customers or in fact, anyone, lacks basic respect and courtesy. I highly doubt if this diner has proper training for their employees.Even though I did not get to dine here, my experience was very poor and I do NOT recommend this place at all. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-02-05
822 瀏覽
材料新鮮,煮法特別,食物好食,員工服務好,環境舒服。最喜歡龍蝦2食,蛋白蒸龍蝦鮮甜香滑,炒龍蝦鬆好好味。青桔燉湯好甘甜,清潤,飲落好舒服。乳鴿肉好香,皮好脆。蛋白杏仁茶自家製,超級好味。黑色叉燒彈牙,汁特別好味,未係其他酒樓食過。欖角骨都好特別,好鮮味,豬肉有咬口,香滑多汁。凍鵝肝好食到停唔到口,有清香蘋果味,唔會食滯 ,香滑似雪糕。冰鎮鮑魚鮮甜,好味,賣相一流。脆鱈魚好鬆脆,下面有炸多士,好好味。總括來說,CP高,會再去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-10-10
1164 瀏覽
食過返尋味!今日又同朋友嚟食飯,試咗新菜式:1. 星御四小碟(前菜):精心製作的開胃菜,每一個小碟都充滿了驚喜。螺絲菜、木耳、牛柳粒、魷魚好好食。螺絲菜更加係少見2. 冰鎮鮑魚:鮑魚彈牙,鮮甜、爽,加上冰鎮前處理過,香味四溢3. 花雕話梅醉蟹:蟹肉鮮嫩,花雕酒和話梅的味道混合在一起,讓人一嘗就無法忘懷。獨特的口感和味道,另人回味無窮,話梅的甜同花雕的香係絕配4. 野生椒炒銀鱈魚:銀鱈魚肉質細膩,配上野生椒的獨特香氣,讓人食欲大增5. 龍騰四海(澳洲龍蝦):白雪藏金龍:龍蝦肉質鮮美,口感紮實,配上棉滑的蛋白,更加鮮甜可口。松子炒龍蝦鬆生菜盛:脆、甜、爽6. 金盞玻璃乳鴿:永無失望。皮脆肉嫩,汁多可口!7. 濃湯粒粒浸菜苗:湯頭濃郁,菜苗新鮮8. 醒酒泡米線:香香辣辣、米線的口感綿密,食完頭髮尾都濕埋,醒酒的效果明顯😂9. 木瓜杏仁茶:味道清新,木瓜和杏仁的組合出奇地好食所有菜式都非常美味的,每一道都讓人感覺到廚師的用心和技巧。值得再嚟😇 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-08-09
1180 瀏覽
有朋友食過推薦尼間新開嘅餐廳,食物質素喜出望外🤩推薦黑叉燒!食落個下有驚喜,好軟好入味。開頭見咁黑,擔心焦味好重,食落一啲都唔覺。下次一定會再叫。另外叫左炸海參同炆翅,好足料。淨係記得個炸皮好薄,入面海參質地啱啱好。味道唔算話好有驚喜,但尼個價錢出面一定食唔到。朋友之前推薦一定要叫玻璃乳鴿,完全冇令人失望。成碟餸就係皮薄餡靚。肉汁鎖住晒,搣開嗰陣啲汁爆出嚟。餐廳好貼心,有比膠手套,食個時要小心啲。個次平日夜晚去都多人,開頭擔心上菜好耐,點知服務態度好好。經理會走過嚟問有冇意見,傾落先知廚師之前係某名店總廚,難怪質素咁高會再推薦朋友去 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)