港鐵荃灣站 D 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
*截單時間: 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
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食評 (235)
等級4 2025-01-07
417 瀏覽
Search荃灣印度菜 見好多人介紹依間 就嚟咗一試QR code落單 可以免卻溝通問題最後揀咗一個wrap一個咖喱 都幾抵食Butter Chicken $58食印度菜一定會揀依個偏橙紅色 但食落又唔會辣 都幾香幾濃郁with Paratha 唔知同naan有咩分別呢 食落好似差唔多咁配咖喱一流Beef Roll $56好足料嘅一個roll有好多肉又多菜 味道都唔錯Mango Lassi +$15質感有啲偏稀 無平時飲嗰啲咁濃厚 但芒果味都幾重嘅 繼續閱讀
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聽講提起荃灣印度菜一定有佢份,一於試試佢咩料!呢個全日餐可以揀雞/牛/雜菜,配烤餅/薄餅/飯➪ 鮮新整起,都等咗一段時間,拎上嚟熱辣辣♨️➪ 雞嘅份量唔少,冇用大舊蔬菜充數,唔使慳住食🙌🏻➪ 稱唔上驚為天人,都係預期中嘅香料味道,唯獨冇expect過佢一啲都唔辣➪ 薄餅外層烤得微微焦脆,包裹著滿滿咖哩汁同洋蔥雜醉,一齊送入口中,就係食咖哩嘅高光時刻🤤跟餐+$16,比出面飲到嘅稀身,甜、酸度適中,不過小編都係鐘意rich返少少嘅texture🤏🏻注意⚠️餐廳冷氣奇弱,喺依家呢個天氣之下食到我汗流浹背,會想再試多啲其他菜式,但建議開返冷氣先🥵! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-10
1279 瀏覽
我們於9/8(五)約下午三點半左右到達餐廳,內裡並沒有客人。餐廳環境較昏暗。用QR code下單。我們叫了一個Colourful Curries 咖喱咖哩🍛及甜品。❶Mix veg Korma 雜菜Cashewnut base (Korma)甜腰果底SET套餐一人細份量咖喱配油酥餅($78):雖然叫SET但不包飲品。咖喱餡有大量青豆,幾塊薯仔,椰菜花等,咖喱不算辣,熱騰騰,油酥餅亦不錯,點咖喱絕配。❷Thai roti banana pancake 泰式煎餅香蕉餅($45):有4塊,內裡香蕉餡甜甜的,不錯。埋單不用加一 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-08-06
1154 瀏覽
今次我嚟到巴巴站,叫左 BBQ雞腿 + 油酥餅Paratha、正宗印度咖哩牛 + 烤餅Naan、胡椒脆餅Masala Papad,仲有清新嘅芒果乳酪Mango Lassi。🍗 BBQ 雞腿 + 油酥餅 ParathaBBQ 雞腿經過炭燒,外皮香,肉質鮮嫩,搭配香脆的油酥餅 Paratha,口感豐富。🍛 正宗印度咖哩牛 + 烤餅 Naan正宗印度咖哩牛煮得入味,咖哩醬汁濃郁,配上烤餅 Naan,讓人回味無窮。🍘 胡椒脆餅 Masala Papad胡椒脆餅 Masala Papad 是一道開胃小吃,脆脆的口感和濃郁的胡椒味,讓人一試難忘。🥭 芒果乳酪 Mango Lassi芒果乳酪 Mango Lassi 是一道清涼的飲品,芒果的甜味和乳酪的香氣相得益彰,清涼解渴,特別適合炎熱天氣。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-22
1429 瀏覽
I have visited this restaurant thrice. <Shop>- The entrance door is very strange. Each time I feel it difficult and weird to open^^"+ Decoration is fine and looks good. There is a great picture of nature landscape- Table & Stool are very small and uncomfortable especially for men- Cleanliness is fair but I just feel uncomfortable with the small table luckily I can sit on a sofa<Meal>+ It is good that their lunch sets offer "Butter Chicken Curry" so I don't need to stick with normal curry for lunch set price.+ Side dish is good in options. It comes from 2 Rice or 1 Rice + 1 Paratha  Plus 1 soft drink  (2-rice is definitely very full even for men)- The butter chicken curry is a bit salty  . And if you don't add $ for extra volume of curry, it won't be enough to serve with those rice and paratha- Paratha is actually not a good choice. It is oily which can affect the taste of curry.  Roti or Naan will be definitely better.<Service>- No physical menu and have to use QR code.  The shop has ever missed my order due to QR order- There are quite a lot of Indian salaryman . Please do not be surprise if the shop prioritizes to serve with Indian customers first- In my 3rd visit,  I arrived and placed order earlier than an Indian. But the chef has finally cooked for that Indian first .Due to this experience , I think the chance of my 4th visit will be quite low.Butter Chicken Lunch Set (extra volume curry)Chicken Masala 繼續閱讀
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