港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 L5 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (2)
我喺尖沙咀返工 已經係亞士厘道壽司lunch嘅常客 這座大廈只有三間有廚師發板壽司餐廳 所以晏晝會去食lunch 不嬲去開17樓 20樓都有去過 雖然平啲但唔夠17樓好 今日再去嘅時候17樓冇開 又約咗朋友 所以就喺𨋢入面望下仲有邊間 就見到一樓壽司廣 以前都聽聞銅鑼灣壽司廣口碑幾好 所以就去一樓試下有冇位。入去要求坐吧枱 睇到menu 260蚊 sushi set lunch, 九件壽司加六舊卷, 朋友嗌咗 $220 壽司+天婦羅飯 set. 之前有一個沙律 size其實唔錯 比其他地方一個兜幾塊菜多, 不過我同我朋友沙律都未食完,我個壽司 set 已經到咗, 我個朋友同我一樣都係食緊沙律,壽司都未開始食,就個天婦羅都嚟埋。 所有食物灘咗最少五分鐘我哋先開始食,我食得慢可能有十分鐘。 壽司講求新鮮,基本上生魚拎咗出嚟20分鐘內要食, 咁樣做實在不太好, 千両$150 set lunch 都冇佢咁差。跟住見到師父問點解會咁快一早出曬所有食物,佢個反應 令我以後都唔會再嚟,佢話因為呢個係set 一句道歉都冇,淨係「唔」咗一聲望住我等我講完, 食到用紫菜包嘅uni salmon roe 等等嘅壽司 啲紫菜已經係韌嘅! 我哋坐低只係一點零十分 我問師父晏晝幾時閂 佢話兩點半last order 咁佢趕乜嘢呢?? 一點半已經洗完吧檯收工 冇生意仲咁嘅服務 執笠都係應該。 加埋支清酒每人消費平均350蚊, 真係去千両好過 😡 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-08-17
1061 瀏覽
My family fancied a “sushi treat” and so went to Sushi Hiro for dinner. We’ve been there for lunch several times, but this was the first time for dinner. For our party of two adults and two “early teens” - we ordered two dinner sets (the Iki set and Sushi set) and a couple of things (chicken wings and assorted tempura) from the a la carte menu - this proved to be plenty of food for us. The food was very good quality and the service was very good. The staff were very courteous and well organised. They introduced each course and explained how we should eat each dish. We were all very full after our meal so my recommendation is you don’t need one dinner set per person. My favourite was probably the sea urchin pudding and the assorted sashimi from the Iki set, where they served toro and kinki fish - very yummy! There were 9 pieces of sushi from the sushi set - all very good quality and tasty! Everything was presently nicely - even the wasabi and ginger tasted good! The peach and salt ice-cream with crisp wafer was basically a “burger” with the crisp wafer as the buns and the peach/salt ice-cream being the “burger”. The atmosphere/ ambience bared some resemblance of a typical sushi-joint in Japan - very relaxed and just a nice place to enjoy the food and chat with your dinner party. of a vibe was very calm and is a comfortable place to sit and talk. Overall - definitely a place to spend a “dinner treat”. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)