港鐵灣仔站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:30 - 22:00
10:30 - 22:00
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食評 (23)
On the way home by tram, I noticed a new restaurant had opened in the place where a fried chicken restaurant once was. 五指間蘭州牛肉麵 (English name: Wu Zhi Jian Beef Noodles) was what it was called. Taking a look, I realized it was a Chinese restaurant serving Northern Chinese food. But most interesting of all? 90% of the diners were Middle Eastern. There was a large sign with the Halal certifcate of authenticity that it served Halal food. Normally a Chinese noodle restaurant doesn't peak my interest but this place suddenly did.The interior was set up like a fast food restaurant. Ordering can be done at the counter or at the touch screen display near the entrance. You pick up your food when the number on your ticket is announced. Staff speak Mandarin but there are two who speak Cantonese and fairly good English.Menu is in English and Chinese with no 10% service charge. We ordered two drinks that were $10 each if you order food (otherwise it's $15). Boyfriend had the Sweet Fermented Oats (on the left) and I had the Sour Plum Drink ($10).  The sweet fermented oats was very sweet and reminded me of amazake except they use oats here instead of rice. Boyfriend loved it a lot. My sour plum drink was very different than the Taiwanese version in that it was more on the sweet side than sour which was quite nice over all. I never had it like this before.Langzhou Beef Noodles ($48) was the signature noodle so we gave it a try. Portion was large enough to share between us.  From the photo it looked spicy but the staff said it wasn't spicy as the chilli oil is an optional addition that can be found at the condiment corner where you also get free water. Boyfriend added a bit of the chilli oil and it was SUPER spicy. The kind that really sticks to you. The noodles were very smooth and chewy. The soup was a clear beef broth. It was topped with slices of daikon and beef.  The beef was very good. Hearty beef flavor and very tender. Not chewy at all. The daikon took up the flavour of the soup well.Boyfriend ahd the Chinese Hamburger with Cumin Beef ($32). We've had this several times in Hong Kong and it was always disappointing. But here it was not! A very crispy flakey pastry that wasn't oily.Inside is was filled with a mince beef that was heavily seasoned. It was slightly spicy but not so much I couldn't handle it.We also shared  a plate of Boiled Beef Dumplings ($48). You get twelve so quite a decent portion. It came with black vinegar for dipping. The dumplings were not a large size but the filling was juicy  and well seasoned. The wrapping was a bit thick but that is more common in Northern China. The food was very good and price was not expensive. The place was extremely clean with a lady there constantly cleaning tables. A lot of the diners ordered skewers as well which were done the Mainland Chinese way with plenty of spices. We didn't order them because I was afraid it might be too spicy but they did look good.  I can see why so many Middle Eastern people were dining here. It is difficult to find good and not expensive Chinese Halal food in Hong Kong. Something definitely worth recommending. 繼續閱讀
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中國大江南北,有唔同嘅菜系同飲食習慣,各具特色。但對於唔少香港人嚟講,大西北嘅蘭州清真菜相對少接觸,亦都係我哋嘅第一次。位於灣仔嘅五指間蘭州牛肉麵,餐廳走快餐店佈局,啱晒初嚐大西北大漠美食嘅我哋。羊肉串羊肉串係跟餐小食,羊肉被滿滿嘅香料包住,先係孜然味,後勁再嚟辣味,好惹味。蘭州牛肉麵講起蘭州嘅美食,一定就會諗起蘭州牛肉麵。而蘭州牛肉麵最講究嘅一定係個湯底,用上長時間熬製而成嘅牛骨湯,清香濃郁,加上芫茜同葱,香味充滿層次。至於麵條幼細彈牙,牛肉用上切片嘅牛𦟌,肉味香濃。咖喱牛肉飯世界各地嘅咖喱,各走不同路線,而蘭州風格嘅咖喱香而不辣,啱晒撈飯!配料主要有無筋又夠腍嘅牛肉、索晒汁嘅薯仔同紅蘿白,仲有半隻滷蛋,整體味道唔錯,但就略嫌配菜嘅份量少咗啲。孜然牛肉肉夾饃肉夾饃以千層酥皮包住牛肉、青椒、洋蔥等餡料,外層香脆鬆化,入面配料豐富,充滿口感。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-06-17
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抽起條筋好想食蘭州牛肉麵,睇食評搵到呢一間諗住試吓,結果換來失望。首先嗰度喺快餐設定,要自己出去點餐按號碼取餐,牛肉麵湯底剩係得鹽味,冇酸菜供應醬料要自助。牛腱有四至五片,麵條唔差,但整體毫無驚喜。我哋仲點咗一個蕃茄雞蛋拌麵同埋牛肉水餃,拌麵啲麵根本係未淥夠時間,有點兒硬,完全唔夠味。水餃好細粒,唔juicy, 似食粉頭。講真我真係唔知啲好評係點嚟,本身都真係好想俾次機會,但係如果上過大陸食蘭州牛肉麵,老實講真係唔需要喺香港食啦,唉… 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-06-16
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灣仔新開嘅牛肉麵,就算冇時間返大陸,都可以食到,又幾好喎!除咗牛肉麵之外,仲有飯、餃子、串燒等等蘭州牛肉麵,賣相相當吸引,個清湯見到就好想飲❤️❤️湯如果淡少少會更加理想鍾意佢有大量嘅蔥👍🏼👏🏼夠晒清新牛𦟌口感軟熟,厚薄岩岩好,至於麵條都做到彈牙口感,唔錯唔錯😁😁而且份量都幾多,食晒都真係非常滿足,好飽🤓🤓餃子皮比一般香港雲吞水餃厚,更加有飽足感,餡料都算多如果想清清地,食啲簡單嘅嘢,而家餐廳都係唔錯嘅選擇😄😄 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我只想同間舖嘅老板講,你有心係香港開檔做得耐就唔該做多啲功夫同請多啲人,要慳錢就唔好做,我今日4點去食唔係午飯最忙時間,見到幾個員工做到唔停手都處理唔晒成場客人,做到佢哋都有少少手忙脚亂,不過見到佢哋都盡力做,客人都理解無發脾氣,但間舖就真係有太多改善嘅地方:1.請多個人做收銀兼樓面啦,我見收盤阿姐去後面廚房食飯時,成間舖滿客無人收枱,樓面員工太忙根本行唔開去收盤、清潔,要客人自己收盤先有位食2.下午茶餐飲品不能更改,要跟價錢牌上圖片一樣,太攪笑,加錢轉都唔得,太唔靈活啦3.主打清真牛肉麵所以好多伊斯蘭教及其他外籍客人(今日半間舖嘅客都係) 但電子叫號取餐只講廣東話無英文又無顯示牌,外籍客人白等唔知已經可以取餐4.細碗不足得幾隻,見一家大細客人想攞隻碗分食都無晒另外讚嘅地方:1.收銀個男仔真係好員工,咁忙都無任何態度差或發脾氣,睇得出有盡力處理出餐及同客人溝通有咩賣晒要更換等等雜事,之後有空閒仲主動行出去收盤送餐,香港後生仔員工已少見,不管佢係咪國內新移民都要讚,好榜樣!2.食物價錢合理,味道唔差,牛肉麵都幾好味,快餐價錢算係咁,另外牛肉夾餅係即做,入口仲係熱,抵讚,不過等出餐時間就等咗耐啲3.有洗手地方(非洗手間內) 俾客人用幾方便4.其實今次賣蘭州麵算幾好生意,比上兩手賣炸雞同漢堡應該有得做,不過老板要多聽意見改善一下,或落舖睇睇總括嚟講我都會返頭再幫襯,希望下次有改進,吸引更多回頭客啦(包括好多外籍客)。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)