帶著小晴晴, 還會浪漫嗎? 這天一家三口在The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge享用The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience, 就真的是最浪漫的一刻了. 在澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店51樓一面看風景, 一面吃高水準的下午茶, 您說浪漫不浪漫? 只是小晴晴會四處亂走, 哈哈.常常有朋友問, 那裡有好景的餐廳? The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge必然入圍. 除了有靚景, 更有相當舒適的環境, 教人迷倒的時光.The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience $488最重要的是, 這客下午茶, 兩位用只需$488, 如果配兩杯Louis Roederer香檳的話, 就是$688, 這個價位, 真的相當合理呢.習慣從scone吃起, Orange Scone, Chocolate, Raisin Scone, and Plain Scones是三款不同味道的鬆餅, 當中原味鬆餅最適合配上果醬及whipped cream, 而香橙果醬鬆餅, 朱古力及葡萄鬆餅就是比較甜美的選擇.Savo
帶著小晴晴, 還會浪漫嗎? 這天一家三口在The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge享用The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience, 就真的是最浪漫的一刻了. 在澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店51樓一面看風景, 一面吃高水準的下午茶, 您說浪漫不浪漫? 只是小晴晴會四處亂走, 哈哈.
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常常有朋友問, 那裡有好景的餐廳? The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge必然入圍. 除了有靚景, 更有相當舒適的環境, 教人迷倒的時光.
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The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience $488
最重要的是, 這客下午茶, 兩位用只需$488, 如果配兩杯Louis Roederer香檳的話, 就是$688, 這個價位, 真的相當合理呢.
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習慣從scone吃起, Orange Scone, Chocolate, Raisin Scone, and Plain Scones是三款不同味道的鬆餅, 當中原味鬆餅最適合配上果醬及whipped cream, 而香橙果醬鬆餅, 朱古力及葡萄鬆餅就是比較甜美的選擇.
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Savory方面, Foie Gras Mousse, Sage, Brioche, Cranberry Gelee是以鴨肝慕絲為主打, 甘香的鴨肝, 加上鼠尾草以及蔓越莓啫哩, 剛好減輕了那肥膩的感覺呢.
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Scottish Salmon Terrine, Asparagus Cream Cheese on Rye就是煙蘇格蘭三文魚肉餅, 配上蘆筍檸檬奶油乳酪以及黑麥麵包, 煙蘇格蘭三文魚肉質對辦, 而蘆筍檸檬奶油乳酪就幾清新.
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繼續下來, Dolce Gorgonzola, Honey, Pistachio, Artisan Cracker的主角是意大利戈蘭佐拉藍紋乳酪, 再配上蜂蜜, 開心果, 以及Artisan餅乾, 香濃的意大利戈蘭佐拉藍紋芝士, 結合蜂蜜以及開心果的甜味, 很討好的組合.
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Quiche Lorraine是法式洛林鹹批, 亮點是那酥脆的批底, 餡料亦很豐富呢.
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Pass around的鹹點是Alaska King Crab, Eggs Crumble, Sour Cream, Cucumber, 最吸引的是阿拉斯加帝王蟹, 質感鮮嫩, 再跟上炒蛋, 酸奶油, 以及黃瓜, 有誰會抗拒呀!
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不如把鏡頭轉到甜品吧, Dark Chocolate Cherry Tart即是黑朱古力櫻桃撻, 酥脆的撻底當然令人滿意, 而黑朱古力櫻桃更令人動容, 濃烈的黑朱古力, 配上櫻桃, 自是甜美的選擇.
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Passion Fruit Yoghurt Mousse這客熱情果酸奶慕絲, 酸酸甜甜, 醒胃.
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至於Blanc Mange, 靚靚賣相之餘, 還有香滑的奶凍.
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Mango Choux就是芒果泡芙, 做得精緻, 芒果很香甜, 泡芙本身亦很鬆化.
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Pass around的甜點是Poached William Pear with Earl Grey Tea, Amaretto, 那煮威廉斯香梨本身已經很清甜, 再配上伯爵紅茶以及安摩拉多杏仁酒, 讓香梨還有茶味及酒香.
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最後, 還有Live food station的Mini Lemon Tart with Lemon Meringue, 這些迷你檸檬撻, 是幾清新的, 愛吃的朋友, 可以多吃幾件呢.
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不能欠缺的是喝口茶, 我還是例牌的Earl Grey, CEO就選來Sweet Memories.
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靚景, 靚場, 精彩的下午茶, 在The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge的The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience, 還不是最浪漫的一刻嗎?
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-03-05 452 瀏覽
當銀河二期開幕的時候, 其中一個注目點, 當然要數The Ritz-Carlton的幾家餐廳. 位處51樓的The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge, 居高臨下, 應該是全路氹其中一個最好景的餐廳. 這天下午, 我們就在這裡, 優閒的享用了一頓高水準的下午茶.先要讚這裡的環境, 相當高雅, 如果您喜歡找個有情調, 有靚景的地方吃下午茶的話, 這裡一定是個好選擇.The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience $488: 9分, 這客下午茶, 兩位用$488, 如果配兩杯Louis Roederer香檳的話, 就是$688.Foie Gras Mousse, Sage, Brioche, Cranberry Gelee: 由savory開始, 這客鴨肝慕絲, 味道甘香, 配上鼠尾草以及蔓越莓啫哩, 正好平衡了鴨肝慕絲的肥膩感, 再加上底下的奶油麵包, 挺豐富的配搭.Scottish Salmon Terrine, Asparagus Cream Cheese on Rye: 至於煙蘇格蘭三文魚肉餅, 配上蘆筍檸檬奶油乳酪以及黑麥麵包,
當銀河二期開幕的時候, 其中一個注目點, 當然要數The Ritz-Carlton的幾家餐廳. 位處51樓的The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge, 居高臨下, 應該是全路氹其中一個最好景的餐廳. 這天下午, 我們就在這裡, 優閒的享用了一頓高水準的下午茶.
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先要讚這裡的環境, 相當高雅, 如果您喜歡找個有情調, 有靚景的地方吃下午茶的話, 這裡一定是個好選擇.
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The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience $488: 9分, 這客下午茶, 兩位用$488, 如果配兩杯Louis Roederer香檳的話, 就是$688.
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Foie Gras Mousse, Sage, Brioche, Cranberry Gelee: 由savory開始, 這客鴨肝慕絲, 味道甘香, 配上鼠尾草以及蔓越莓啫哩, 正好平衡了鴨肝慕絲的肥膩感, 再加上底下的奶油麵包, 挺豐富的配搭.
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Scottish Salmon Terrine, Asparagus Cream Cheese on Rye: 至於煙蘇格蘭三文魚肉餅, 配上蘆筍檸檬奶油乳酪以及黑麥麵包, 賣相很精緻, 像甜點一般的美麗.
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Dolce Gorgonzola, Honey, Pistachio, Artisan Cracker: 愛吃芝士的, 就要留意這客餅乾, 中間的餡料是意大利戈蘭佐拉藍紋乳酪, 蜂蜜, 以及開心果, 香濃的芝士味道, 跟蜂蜜的甜味, 起了很好的化學作用呢.
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Quiche Lorraine: 傳統一點的就是法式洛林鹹批, 很喜歡批底很酥脆呢.
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Alaska King Crab, Eggs Crumble, Sour Cream, Cucumber: 也有Pass around的鹹點, 是相當名貴的配搭, 用上鮮嫩的阿拉斯加帝王蟹, 配上炒蛋, 酸奶油, 以及黃瓜, 很清爽的感覺.
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Dark Chocolate Cherry Tart: 來到甜品方面, 亮點當然是黑朱古力櫻桃撻, 帶相當濃烈的黑朱古力味道, 但加入了櫻桃之後, 就剛剛好. 撻底是相當酥脆的, 牛油味道很香濃呢.
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Passion Fruit Yoghurt Mousse: 至於熱情果酸奶慕絲, 慕絲質感細滑, 熱情果味道酸酸甜甜的, 很開胃.
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Blanc Mange: 賣相精緻的Blanc Mange, 奶凍相當香滑, 有水準.
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Mango Choux: 接下來的芒果泡芙, 質感相當鬆脆, 芒果味道香甜, 很怕吃到淋淋的泡芙, 這裡的就令人滿意了.
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Poached William Pear with Earl Grey Tea, Amaretto: 甜品也有Pass around, 說的就是煮威廉斯香梨, 香梨味道清甜, 加入了伯爵紅茶以及安摩拉多杏仁酒之後, 在甜味中還帶茶香及酒香, 有驚喜.
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Orange Scone, Chocolate, Raisin Scone, and Plain Scones: 吃scone是下午茶的重頭戲, 這裡就有香橙果醬鬆餅, 朱古力及葡萄鬆餅, 以及原味鬆餅三款選擇. 或許是放久了, 鬆餅不算太鬆軟, 質感偏實, 但加上果醬及whipped cream同吃, 還是很甜美的.
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Mini Lemon Tart with Lemon Meringue: 除此之外, 還有Live food station, 供應迷你檸檬撻, 配上面頭的檸檬蛋白酥皮, 檸檬味道清新, 不會太甜, 加上鬆脆的撻底, 很討好.
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至於喝的, 就跟文迪分別選來Sweet Memories以及Earl Grey. 下午茶, 當然要喝口茶合適.
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The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge的The Ritz Carlton Afternoon Tea Experience, 兩位用只需$488, 能夠在城中其中一個最好景的餐廳, 享用精緻的下午茶, 委實是浪漫到不行的.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2016-02-29 500 瀏覽
you can have an amazing overview of the whole Galaxy resort and its grand resort deck while enjoying your afternoon tea since this bar and lounge is located on the 51st floor of the Ritz Carlton Macau. Delicious savory and desserts included in the set, with various choices of tea or coffee (I took Sweet Memories, recommended by one of the staff, it's a lovely sweet floral and fruity tea) Services are excellent, all staff are very welcoming and proactive, they even refilled some of the savory tha
you can have an amazing overview of the whole Galaxy resort and its grand resort deck while enjoying your afternoon tea since this bar and lounge is located on the 51st floor of the Ritz Carlton Macau. Delicious savory and desserts included in the set, with various choices of tea or coffee (I took Sweet Memories, recommended by one of the staff, it's a lovely sweet floral and fruity tea) Services are excellent, all staff are very welcoming and proactive, they even refilled some of the savory that we love in the set without any extra charges. I will definitely go back again soon when they have new items for the set ;)
Afternoon  tea  set  for  2
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$280 (下午茶)
Afternoon  tea  set  for  2
$ 560
It's located at the 51st floor of Ritz-Carlton Macau with the view was brilliant view of Galaxy Macau, which you can enjoy during your tea time.It has a wide range choices of teas & coffees in the menu for all different people tastes which were unexpected. Further to that, if you would fancy some champagne during your tea time experience, you can just add extra MOP200+10% for 2 glasses of Louis Roederer to pair with your tea set, this would bring it up to another level.Most recommand if you are
It's located at the 51st floor of Ritz-Carlton Macau with the view was brilliant view of Galaxy Macau, which you can enjoy during your tea time.
It has a wide range choices of teas & coffees in the menu for all different people tastes which were unexpected. Further to that, if you would fancy some champagne during your tea time experience, you can just add extra MOP200+10% for 2 glasses of Louis Roederer to pair with your tea set, this would bring it up to another level.
Most recommand if you are looking for a delighted atmosphere equipped with world class service in Macau.
Traditional, Orange, Raisin & Chocolate Scones with Strawberry Jam and Clotted Cream
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Afternoon Tea Set
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Chocolate Scone
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Dark Chocolate Cherry tart
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Scottish salmon terrine , asparagus cream cheese on rye caviar
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Quiche Lorraine
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Alaska king crab, eggs crumble, sour cream, cucumber (pass around snack)
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Foie gras mousse, sage, brioche, cranberry gelee
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Blanc mange
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Mango choux
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Passion fruit yoghurt mousse
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Poached William pear with earl grey tea , amaretto (Pass around snack)
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
90 分鐘 (堂食)
$250 (下午茶)
Traditional, Orange, Raisin & Chocolate Scones with Strawberry Jam and Clotted Cream
Afternoon Tea Set
$ 499
Chocolate Scone
Dark Chocolate Cherry tart
Scottish salmon terrine , asparagus cream cheese on rye caviar
Quiche Lorraine
Alaska king crab, eggs crumble, sour cream, cucumber (pass around snack)
Foie gras mousse, sage, brioche, cranberry gelee
Blanc mange
Mango choux
Passion fruit yoghurt mousse
Poached William pear with earl grey tea , amaretto (Pass around snack)
2016-02-20 826 瀏覽
The Afternoon Tea at the Ritz-Carlton was indeed a delightful experience, from the moment we stepped off the lift into the cosy ambience on the 51st floor. With a wide choice of teas to complement the mouth-watering delicacies displayed, I chose the Organic English Breakfast Tea, while my companion chose "Sweet Memories", which is kind of what we took away with us!The presentation was attractive and I commenced with what turned out to be my favourite of the afternoon...the foie gras mousse with
The Afternoon Tea at the Ritz-Carlton was indeed a delightful experience, from the moment we stepped off the lift into the cosy ambience on the 51st floor.

With a wide choice of teas to complement the mouth-watering delicacies displayed, I chose the Organic English Breakfast Tea, while my companion chose "Sweet Memories", which is kind of what we took away with us!

The presentation was attractive and I commenced with what turned out to be my favourite of the afternoon...the foie gras mousse with sage, brioche and cranberry gelee. Another favourite was the delicious Scottish salmon terrine. My companion's favourite was a toss between the Alaskan King Crab mixed with egg crumble, sour cream and cucumber and the mini lemon tart with lemon meringue made on the spot at the food station, both of which were replenishable at whim.

The service, as expected from any Ritz-Carlton establishment was, of course, impeccable and the price tag of $488 for the Afternoon Tea well worth the experience. You'll be seeing me again soon!😋👍
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$250 (下午茶)