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食評 (8)
等級3 2015-12-20
3322 瀏覽
金貴軒在威尼斯人內,某日在這裡逛街順便在這裡飲茶,原來這裡的點心不錯,推薦生煎包及素腸粉,生煎包用石鍋上菜以保持熱度,鍋底墊了一些生蔥,不知是否用了牛油,吃時有滿滿的牛油香。素腸粉裡頭包了羅漢齋包括本耳、蘿蔔等等,腸粉皮算滑吃起來頗清爽。這裡的菜單有英文的,外國朋友來澳門旅客時可考慮請他們來這吃點心。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
The Chef here used to work in Lei Garden especially in the Singapore branches, and 金貴軒 is the latest name replacing the previous Cantonese restaurant it took over, since shareholder ownership did carried a slight change in the background. This restaurant concentrates a lot on Chinese Medicinal and Healthier recipes, especially when one of the owners is a Doctor himself. Four separate groups of friends were simultaneously in Macau and the middle person gathered all us up to try out this relatively new but unknown restaurant, together with the owner. The part owner was so generous he paid for the meal in the end and also opened a few XO bottles for the boys, after the ladies retreated back to their hotels.._ In St Mark’s Square - This area has undergone dramatic changes in the restaurants set up.  Even the Maxim’s originally from Paris has now sarcastically become a Minim’s!!   Yet still carrying the 1st commercial Synesso Coffee machine in use i HK/Macau_ 花膠燉竹絲雞 - Double Boiled Fish Maw with Silkie FowlThe fish maw is gelatinous thick, but it was the soup depth which had us blown away, it would have needed a lot of base ingredients to achieve the ‘stickiness’ to the lips._ 鮑片海鮮湯 – Abalone & Seafood Soup, with Lime WedgeThe lime apparently elevates the seafood freshness. This was also excellently done and one of the best soups I have had which wasn’t just all talk but not performing. This was pure seafood essence. *Obviously remember that we were dining with one of the Bosses, it had better be good! We will just have to visit here separately again to see.._煎鵝肝拼雜苺 – Pan Fried Foie Gras with Mixed Berries and CroutonsI took a small bite out of curiosity but that’s it. Didn’t really think it had a place in a Cantonese restaurant…_ 燕窩炒蛋白 併 炸鴿子蛋 – Birds Nest Stir Fried Egg White in a Fried Nest, with Fried Pigeon EggsThis was a well executed dish. The egg white was smooth but not sticky like some places using too much flour, the fried pigeon eggs are used because they have less cholesterol than quail eggs. _ 玻璃蝦伴西班牙火腿 x 山葵蛋黃醬蝦球 – MOP 268Sauteed ‘Crystal’ Prawns paired with Spanish Iberico Ham for the saltiness umami balance, on the right are Wasabi Mayo coated Fried Prawns. Both were done expertly and the usage of Spanish ham seems to be a trend but here the pairing was indeed smart!_玻璃蝦球伴中式雲腿 – ‘Crystal’ Transparent Prawn with Fried Yunnan Ham, Fermented Shrimps Paste SauceThis is the Chef’s variation to the above crystal prawn and is much larger and crunchier, requiring a lot of preparation effort. Again the fried Yunnan Ham which is mostly observed in older Cantonese recipes is smart and its slightly honeyed too. Shrimps paste is strong and all the elements tied together very well. Great job._ 川芎白芷魚頭湯 Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort, Angelica Dahurica with Fish Head & Tofu Soup – MOP 238This is a very typical Medicinal fish soup or stew, especially in Cantonese cuisine and is said to alleviate headaches and period pain, also to enhance blood flow. The large pieces of Mountain Yam inside absorbed in the super sweet soup. I haven’t had a 川芎白芷魚頭湯 of this high quality for a long time - again let’s see if this standard can be maintained when we come back anonymously soon._脆皮燕窩釀雞翼 – Crispy Air Dried Chicken Wings Filled with Birds NestA lot of people do a similar recipe these days, some use Sharkfin, some use Glutinous or Black rice. The wing itself was super crispy and also carries chicken meat inside. Yes! I am not into those recipes which take out all of its own meat and then stuff something else into it. Here it kept both and was still fried well and moist inside._ 三色豬仔奶黃包 – 3 Natural Colored Piggy Buns MOP 36 Filled with Custard. The dim sum chef’s precision can be seen here, although it would probably work better with the trendier molten salted egg yolk lava.._脆皮咕嚕肉 併 酥炸苔條九肚魚 – Fresh Pineapple Sweet & Sour Pork,  Seaweed Strips Battered Bombay Duck FishThe batter on the pork was the aerated crunchy type I like, but the pork inside could be less leaner as it was too healthy. The fish was fried non-oily but this time I preferred a softer batter instead as per normal, which usually pairs better with duck fish, a super tender melt in your mouth fish – which some people prefer it steamed for the same reason._葡式焗響螺 – Portuguese Curry Sauce baked WhelkHa! I can seriously tell you after eating a few versions of this in Macau, all the Hong Kong versions adopting this Macau curry sauce almost lose hands down without exception. You see, the soul of this dish is the Portuguese Curry, and who can make their curry taste more Portuguese than the Macanese themselves who grew up eating Macanese-Portuguese food? The ones in HK are always yellow and coconut-ty. This whelk here and other Macau versions have a properly spiced curry sauce base which makes the dish jump to another level in sophistication._辣子蝦球 – Fried Sichuan Chili PrawnsInterestingly I just had a similar dish in Shanghai which also cooked a ‘dry’ fried version instead of the sauteed ‘wet’ version. Both did it with flying colours. Crunchy tasty prawns, adequate batter thickness, hot but not disturbing, and it has that proper sichuan pepper numbness! When I eat this or similar dish in HK I am always like what happened to the numbness bit? It even happened recently when I went to San Xi Lou – which to me was majorly toned down._豉汁蒸盤鱔 – Black Bean Sauce Steamed Eel I was not too happy with the presentation, as ‘盤鱔’ should look exactly like a 盤, which is like a round container. Usually either the eel strips are formed around as a circle or somehow it has to be circular. That aside, the taste was decent yet the sauce could handle more garlic and even more soy beans flavour._四川水煮龍躉球 – Sichuan Shuizhu Chili Oil Giant Grouper Fillets MOP 298You taste the Freshness of the fish first, before the Hotness and Numbness arrived until much later. This is the essence of Sichuan/Chongqing cuisine – balance. I can’t pinpoint it precisely however as the smell of this Sichuan dish was too clean for me, I suspect it was a bit cut back on the 5 toasted spices?_星洲黑胡椒蟹 – Singaporean Black Pepper Crab MOP 438The crab meat was good along with the peppery sauce but we commented that the original Singaporean version would be much drier without that starchy sauce. I personally also like a dab of white pepper in this recipe as the fragrance is enhanced a lot!_腊肉炒芥蘭 – Cured Pork Belly with Stir Fried Gai LanThis is one of my favourite recipes or sometimes with Roast Pork Belly, or Salted Pork. The vegetables were tender and young. So good with rice._桂花 鳳凰炒長遠 – Fried Vermicelli with Scrambled Eggs and Bean Sprouts, Dried Conpoy 長遠 refers to the soft but long vermicelli noodles and since this is the Shark Fin-less version its name changed slightly, albeit this one also had no crab meat. This dish is said to really test the chef’s wok frying skills, as he has to toss fry the noodles with the eggs and sprouts but create an Osmanthus look-alike effect. If you look up what Osmanthus Flowers look like, I think the Chef did a good job here._ Osmanthus Flower Original Source: ( http://goo.gl/1Jsq33 )_芝士海鮮蟹蓋焗飯 – Cheese and Seafood Baked Rice We have been eating for over 5-6 hours for this meal as there was a lot of guy’s chat amongst us after the ladies left, hence we ate so much as we were drinking XO and then eating non-stop. Since I was relatively sober I remembered the food details a bit luckily. I think this was decent and with dry rice grains. To me however I wanted more eggs inside the rice to pair with the wettish seafood._ 秘製醬美國牛肉乾炒河 – MOP 98Supposedly their strong dish here, the sauce was indeed complex and the beef flavourful without being artificially tenderized. By the time we received this in the end, apparently the Head Chefs have retired due to tireness and so this was fried by a more junior chef and came out today a little broken up. But it has potential. Totally non-greasy at the bottom too… Will come back to re-try and see if that was just an excuse_ 龍蝦湯黃金泡飯 – Golden Lobster Soup with Deep Fried Rice Pops and Chinese Crullers MOP 228 This is a Signature here and wow this was intense in the flavour. Sometimes the rice is served as both fried and as normal rice, but here there were so confident they served it with crispy rice only. Very creamy and addictive… best version of this I have ever tried anywhere. _ Chinese Crullers Dipped into the Golden Lobster Broth - I was so full but I inhaled the whole thing as I have never experienced this quality before and won’t know when I will again. Hope this high standard is repeatable!! Coz I am coming for you and the soups above._2 Layered Osmanthus Goji & Coconut Milk Puddings - I prefer more Osmanthus flavour but the bottom coconut layer was a good contrast. 2 dim sum desserts combined into one smartly._ Pomelo, Mango & Sago Soup, with Mango Pudding - Like the Dessert Soup more, it has fresh mango and pomelo taste. Many shops hardly get this bit right, unless you go to specific dessert shops in HK or Macau._ It was Generally Very Impressive, especially with the Herbal Soupy dishes and the ending Lobster Broth with Fried Rice Pops -Of course going to an Invitational Nature Tasting event might occasionally make the final taste slightly biased, but when you are eating together with the Boss the whole night, I think we definitely would have gotten the best food available! But if this was indicative of it’s potential, I will definitely want to be back and re-try it on my own before I pass on the final judgment Price: Approx. HKD $400–$500 + 10%Food: ♕♕♕♕ to ♕♕♕♕♕ (Note this was dined with the Boss, and he Paid the Bill)Address: 路氹城威尼斯人購物中心聖馬可廣場3006舖Cotai, Venetian Shopping Mall & Casino Complex, St Mark’s Square, Shop 3006Ph: 2882 9339 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
威尼斯人中午不愁沒東西吃,單是飲茶已有差不多十間選擇了,這天本想約澳門友人吃利苑酒家的 (香港的是米芝蓮/米其林一星),但中午訂不到位子,就改為試試她建議的金貴軒了金貴軒海鮮酒家位於威尼斯人聖馬可廣場中,接待處在聖馬可廣場,但要再坐電梯才到酒家 (我走樓梯算了) 金貴軒的點心款式較為特別呢,我們三個女生都愛嘗新東西,當然要點來吃啦 店員先送來小吃,結帳才發現原來要Mop20的不過有我愛吃的酸蘿蔔及炸魚仔,總算付得甘心 先來一個秘製醬美國牛肉乾炒河 (Mop98),即是常聽到的乾炒牛河平常的總是油油膩膩的,女生通常都怕吃胖,原來可以叫少油的喔,罪惡感降低了,多吃也不用擔心雖然我吃不出任何秘製醬的味道,但鑊氣夠,河粉條條分明,加些辣椒醬吃好吃呢 鮑羅萬有春卷腸粉 (Mop42),很特別的新派點心,用軟滑的腸粉包著香脆的春卷,有趣的二重口感 三色豬仔包 (Mop36)送來時我們不禁同時"嘩~"出來,粉色系的小豬包好可愛喔可愛程度連旁邊及路過的食客也探頭查看呢不過味道普通,裡面的奶黃餡淡淡的,可以說完全只有可愛外表而已 石窩至尊生煎包 (Mop42)送來時還聽到石窩裡傳出煎東西的聲音,石窩保溫效果超高,我隔了很久才吃也是熱燙燙的,我覺得像煎香了的小籠包,裡面有著很多湯汁呢,吃時要小心不要噴到衣服啊 蟹籽麻辣燒賣(Mop42),燒賣從小吃到大,但還是第一次吃到麻辣口味的燒賣呢,吃下時舌頭麻麻的很過隱,但友人卻說太辣受不了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-06-17
1484 瀏覽
As I was checking out the Venetian, I went to Elegant Seafood Restaurant for dinner.Elegant Seafood Restaurant serves Chinese food in a grand and elegant setting with a huge liquor cabinet located at the reception.Here was what we had:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆鯊魚骨花膠湯:This was soup boiled with shark bones and fish maw hence the lovely milky cream colour.The star of the soup was the 1.5cm thick fish maw that had a super sticky texture so you could imagine how much pure collagen was in it.It was such an unforgettable experience eating this because it was so soft and extremely gelatinous which meant it was good in quality.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆海鮮湯:Seafood soup with clamsThe presentation of this was different, it was served like tea in a Chinese tea pot.There is a wedge of lime to add lime juice into the soup.I tried it without the lime and the soup had strong seafood flavours especially the clam with a sweet aftertaste.After the lime was added, the soup became more appetizing.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆佛跳牆:Buddha jumps over the wall.This is the famous Buddha jumps over the wall soup that had sharks fin, sea cucumber and fish maw which had a rich taste from the delicacies in the soup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆川芎白芷魚頭湯:Fish head soup with Chinese Angelica and Ligusticum wallichii (Szechuan lovage)This is a herbal soup that is good for you. For more details the staff will happily explain it.Anyway, I loved it because it had a strong fish taste with a nice bitterness from the herbs.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆燕窩炒蛋白 併 炸鴿子蛋:Stir fried egg white with bird's nest and fried pigeons eggThis dish is loaded with protein, the scrambled egg white was silky with delicate pieces of bird's nest in it.As well as the scrambled egg white, there was pigeon egg which had a lovely jelly like texture with an opaque colour.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆玻璃蝦球伴西班牙火腿rawns paired with Spanish hamOn this plate was prawns done in two ways, one was in a crispy wasabi coating while the other one was complemented by the Spanish ham★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆玻璃蝦球伴中式雲腿rawn with Chinese Yunnan hamThe Chinese ham and prawn were a perfect balance because the saltiness of the Chinese ham was just right.For more flavour, there was prawn paste to take it to another level.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆脆皮魚翅/燕窩釀雞翼:Stuffed chicken wings with sharks fin/bird's nestThere are two choices of fillings, it can be stuffed with sharks fin or birds nest.I had the birds nest version and the chicken wing was crispy stuffed with a fair bit of bird's nest encased in a juicy chicken wing.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆葡式焗響螺:Baked Portuguese whelkThe whelk was stuffed with diced chicken and crab that was marinated in a lovely thick sauce which had a hint of curry in the taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆脆皮咕嚕肉 併 酥炸九肚魚:Sweet and sour paired with fried bombay duck!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_duckI must admit the name is weird when I found it from wiki.Anyway, the sweet and sour cannot fail because the pork was crispy and appetizing.As for the fish, it didn't look like fish because there was seaweed mixed in the batter which made it look different but the texture of the fish was really silky just like jelly.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆辣子蝦球Chili prawns:I loved these prawns because there were so many Sichuan spices used to cook this.It had a light crispy coating which released the fragrant flavours with a spicy kick that creeps onto you.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆豉汁蒸盤鱔:Eels steamed in black bean sauceI loved black bean sauce hence I liked these silky slices of eel in black bean sauce but watch out for the bones though.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆四川水煮龍躉球:Giant grouper slices in hot chili oilThe grouper fish slices were silky but because they put okra in this dish, the fish was even more viscous with a strong spicy taste that was a bit too spicy for me.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆星洲黑胡椒蟹:Singapore style crab in black pepperThe crab was cracked nicely so I got to eat big chunks of crabmeat conveniently from the claws which was flavoured deliciously by the sweet black pepper sauce.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆腊肉炒芥蘭:Chinese broccoli stir fried with cured meatI was surprised how nice the cured meat was because the fat on top was crispy and the cured meat was not too salty while the Chinese broccoli was crisp with a sweet taste that didn't have any grassiness to it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆芝士海鮮蟹蓋焗飯:Baked seafood rice with cheese.Beneath the cheese was rice and lots of diced seafood.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆鳳凰炒長遠:This was stir fried glass vermicelli with egg and beanshoots .I loved the fragrant egg taste and springy soft glass vermicelli that went well with the juicy beanshoots.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆乾炒牛河:Stir fried beef noodlesA flawless noodle dish that was not oily.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆龍蝦湯瑤柱貴妃飯:Lobster soup with scallop and crispy riceLast but not least was this golden soup which had a lovely sweet lobster taste with some creaminess that is best dipped with the crueller to soak the broth.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆三色豬仔奶黃包:Tri colour steamed piggy bun:I was too full to eat this but I was told they use natrual colourings for the bun.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Elegant seafood restaurant:Level 5, Shop 3006(Access via St. Mark's Square)TEL:+853 2882 9339https://www.venetianmacao.com/restaurants/chinese/elegant-seafood-restaurant.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-06-09
1589 瀏覽
近年澳門的餐飲水準越來越高,無論中菜西餐,都有力壓香港名店的趨勢。上週四晚,甜魔媽媽到訪澳門威尼斯人金貴軒,原來又是收集珍饈百味的藏龍臥虎地! 多年沒有再訪威尼斯人,當晚也被老點了一回,又走了一些冤枉路才找到。其實大家找路時別問餐廳名,只要認住三樓購物中心大運河盡頭的聖馬可廣場,就會見到金貴軒。澳門餐廳的高樓底、環境與氣派,絕非香港餐廳可以媲美!除了宛如置身水族館的豪華大廳,金貴軒又設特多連同洗手間的獨立廂房,提供高度私隱空間給各式聚會。都說找路遲了抵達... 廂房就不拍了,但帶著妹妹,要換片要走動,有房真的方便很多。直接跳到食物吧,很多時餐廳如果湯水做得好,食物也相應有質素得多,這裡就是例子。先來的 鯊魚骨湯花膠湯,以石鍋呈上保持熨熱溫度,入口盡是鮮甜膠質,幾乎要漿住咀巴了!花膠也實在厚得誇張... 結果我們要出動刀叉來分吃,而且是點上鮑汁享用,滋味又是一絕!另一款以紫砂茶壺呈上的 鮑片海鮮湯 質感相對較清,但也落足料,鮮甜美味。特別喜歡廚師加上一枚青檸,飲之前擠一點檸汁進湯,那微酸會與海鮮產生意想不到的化學效應哦~也好想好想品嚐有天下第一湯美譽、馳名招牌的 佛跳牆;然而自己承諾了「一翅都唔食」,這匯集鮑參翅肚的名湯,這輩子是無緣再重溫了。是有點失落,不過仍覺得是對的堅持。不要緊,接下來的 川芎白芷魚頭湯 又是精品來的;川芎/天麻是種味道濃烈的中藥,不易處理,這裡的魚湯奶白濃郁鮮甜,正好與藥材的味道匹配相合,一碗後還意猶未盡要再添!然後開始一系列精美小菜,首先吃的 燕窩炒蛋白 細嫩動人,加上脆炸紫蘇葉,並外脆內軟滑的炸鴿子蛋,帶來多重口感變化,組合微妙十分滋味。接著 玻璃蝦球伴西班牙火腿 也是令人拍案叫絕的配搭,火腿的鹹鮮豐富又提昇了蝦球的味道,兩者是估不到的合拍。另一邊的 芥末蝦球 則爽口得來多份微辛滋味,也很好吃。上述菜式深受食客歡迎,但老闆說中式演繹的 玻璃蝦球伴中式雲腿 也一點不輸西式版本。的確,雲腿鹹鮮得來質感更為鬆化,不會搶去碩大蝦球的爽口感,配搭鮮美的蝦醬,果然讚!接著有很巧心思的 脆皮魚翅/燕窩釀雞翼,甜魔媽媽吃的當然是燕窩版本。很喜歡這裡的雞翼皮脆之餘,還保留適當雞肉與肉汁,吃時肉汁滲進份量豐厚、原本無味的燕窩,超好吃!特別一提,金貴軒的大廚曾前後在一星利苑及一星MGM 金殿堂任職,難怪功力如此深厚。葡式焗響螺 也是令人回味的菜式。成品火候足又夠乾身,中間的雞肉、蟹肉已經渾然天成,每啖都充滿香濃葡汁滋味,越吃越想吃下去啊~接著有 脆皮咕嚕肉 併 酥炸九肚魚:咕嚕肉有層薄身香脆的炸漿,將嫩滑肉質並肉汁緊鎖其中,醬汁又調得酸甜合宜,好吃;九肚魚清脆不膩,同時裡面嫩得驚人,都是顯功架之作!接著有辣媽非常欣賞的 辣子蝦球,碩大的蝦球初進口只有爽脆鮮美,麻香與辣意遲一步才慢慢滲出,之後纏繞味蕾約有數分鐘,屬後勁凌厲的種類!另一家鄉菜式是 四川水煮龍躉球,除非另外指定,否則這裡的水煮魚都選用龍躉;而原來,魚皮豐厚、膠質重的龍躉拿來水煮,滋味也很一流!當然湯底夠香夠麻,也是重點。也很喜歡 豉汁蒸盤鱔,那鱔豐腴夠肥、肉質彈牙,在香濃豉汁襯托下一點不覺泥味,特別是近皮的位置脂香迷人,一定要趁熱享用!好懷念新加坡的胡椒蟹!這裡也有 星洲黑胡椒蟹,不過用的是本地而非斯里蘭卡蟹,肉質較為腍甜,沒那麼結實,不過除此之外胡椒香氣濃烈,又帶辣勁,也是個不錯慰藉了。這頓吃得異常豐富又邪惡,也應來碟青菜中和一下。不過這 腊肉炒芥蘭 除了芥蘭爽脆嫩甜,同上的腊肉也未免太香口誘人!不難估計,結果全部都給吃個清光。臨尾的澱粉質環節,先有 芝士海鮮蟹蓋焗飯,成品超足料,海鮮與飯的比例約是一比一,加上芝士去焗,自然香口鮮美。老闆又即興加點了 鳳凰炒長遠,說坊間貴價炒魚翅易吃,反而這經典粵菜不多餐廳願做了。而其實,當軟粉絲炒得夠鑊氣,配搭細緻蛋花、爽口芽菜等,簡單得來滋味極佳,很讚。乾炒牛河 也是臨時加點菜式,很喜歡成品一點不油、調味也令人滿意,不過當晚的出品是稍為濕身了些。時間不早了,最後急急拍下吃下 龍蝦湯瑤柱貴妃飯,也是時間帶妹妹回去休息。不過這飯真的要大讚,那湯底鮮得甜得非常過份!飽極也要全部乾掉;當然金銀飯也是口感豐富美妙。也補記用餐中段,餐廳特別上給妹妹的 三色豬仔奶黃包。樣子真的太可愛啦!而且包身質感很鬆軟,中間的奶黃不是流心但也軟滑可口,十分好吃,識食妹妹一吃就是兩個~見到妹妹喜孜孜的樣子嗎?一連吃下兩隻呢!除了豬仔包,一早吃了粥仔來的她,還吃了鮑魚、蝦球,非常好胃口又識食啊!那晚見到她的好胃口,甜魔媽媽開始不再擔心她的康復進度了。如果大家經開威尼斯人又想吃中菜,這裡絕對是你的不二之選! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)