+853 88686632
With modern art deco design masterfully blended with the traditional hand-painted pillars, Jin Ying delivers an exquisite Chinese dining experience, using the finest seasonal produce to craft for you authentic, healthy and deliciously refreshing cuisine. You will be spoilt for choice by our comprehensive à la carte menu that includes timeless classics, regional appetizers, barbecue dishes, seafood delights, dim sum, superb noodle and rice dishes, desserts.
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食評 (7)
等級4 2024-09-16
566 瀏覽
今次來到新濠天地內一間中餐廳 金映閣 ,呢到午市以點心燒味、懷舊籠仔蒸以及小炒為主,到晚餐時段有一系列粵菜供應,有新鮮海鮮、啫啫煲、澳門特色菜等。因豆沙獅頭包關注佢地一段時間,剛好比我發現到外賣平台上有以下抵食套餐,即刻入手一份。平時兩個人想食中菜好難叫好多餸,幾鐘意推出呢種雙人套餐👍,將經典菜式一次試晒。▼金映閣經典雙人套餐 搶購價$525海膽金錢蟹盒蜜汁黑豚叉燒金沙紫蘇鹹蛋蝦紅燒自製黑豆腐鹽水菜心浸魚滑原隻鮑魚福建燴飯楊枝甘露燉雙皮奶 2份包一壺茶▼首道前菜 #海膽金錢蟹盒 ,炸到十分香脆可口,隱約可見包係入面海膽,增加風味。.成晚最有驚喜絕對係以粵式荔枝木燒出來 #蜜汁黑豚叉燒 ,肥瘦適中,又唔會膩,肉質軟嫩。.金沙紫蘇鹹蛋蝦 蝦身上細沙狀陣陣鹹蛋黃香味,炸到連蝦殼可以一齊食,略嫌蝦肉唔夠爽,不過真係幾香口惹味。.原煲黑豆腐既紅燒汁適合撈飯,黑豆腐柔軟嫩滑,感覺比平時豆腐更香。.食到呢到開始七八成飽,福建燴飯先開始上場,原隻鮑魚放面,有蝦肉粒、干貝、冬菇粒等配料,滿滿香濃海鮮羹包住每粒飯,食到尾唔會乾身。.甜品係一人一份楊枝甘露燉雙皮奶,上層酸甜楊枝甘露,配香滑雙皮奶,另有芒果果肉和西米等配料,增加口感,甜度適中。環境舒服,周末晚餐時間算安靜,同場好多都係一家人過來食飯。以今餐套餐來講都好抵食,每道精緻,份量足,兩至三人都夠食。_⭐️ 餐廳兩個入口,一邊位於賭場內,另一邊一家大細一齊入 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-29
873 瀏覽
『品味東方美味,傳播中華飲食文化🇨🇳』每逢週末,一家大細最開心就是聚在一起,一盅兩件,享受家庭之樂🏡近期留意到新濠天地金映閣有一款超吸精的"豆沙獅頭包"🦁外型非常打卡,而且聽說這裡的半肥瘦蜜汁叉燒入口即化,即時帶齊一家大細來試試先!新濠天地的殿堂級中餐廳如譽瓏軒,天頤一直都享負盛名🏅這次與金映閣聯承的品味東方美主題,將東方古今中式佳餚匯聚在同一個地方,即便三餐都吃中菜也有非常不一樣的體驗,口味亦很適合一家大細👨‍👩‍👧‍👦【重點餐點】👜海鮮手袋酥🦐巧手三式餃🦀花雕蛋白蒸松葉蟹🐟舟山大黃魚(腿絲古法蒸)🐖蜜味西班牙黑豚叉燒🍛魚子醬海膽蟹肉飯🦁豆沙獅頭包🥭楊枝甘露燉雙皮奶金映閣的出品就如餐廳名字一樣⭐️每道菜都十分精緻,閃閃發光!「海鮮手袋酥」👜別看它外型精緻小巧,咬落外脆內軟,用料十足,口感很有驚喜🤩而「巧手三式餃」這道飲茶必點的神仙點心,用上松茸帶子及海膽等🦐和新鮮蝦餃一拍即合!跟著登場的「豆沙獅頭包」🦁每日限量十份,精美的外型盡顯廚師的用心雕琢!當然「蜜味黑豚叉燒」亦沒有令小編失望😋肥瘦相宜咬落甜香可口,自己一個吃完一盤都不為過!再來就是主菜「花雕蛋白蒸松葉蟹」和「舟山大黃魚」🦀兩味海產都用上了中式傳統蒸法烹飪🐟保留了松葉蟹和黃魚自身的鮮味,用蛋白和腿絲輕輕伴碟就能最大程度發揮其美味!吃飽當然少不了甜品部份🥭楊枝甘露和燉雙皮奶可謂完美絕配,楊枝的酸甜與雙皮奶的綿滑,口感昇華,大滿足!【商家資料】金映閣 📍 澳門新濠天地一樓 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-27
727 瀏覽
Jin Ying serves exquisite and authentic chinese cuisine and dim sum 🥢 blends the essence of tradition and modernity ✨ sumptuous contemporary interior 🕊️ range of photogenic dim sum in bunnies 🐰 chicks 🐣 penguins, and more 🐧 lion king red bean bun with over 10 hours of hand craftsmanship 🦁 lychee wood-burning cantonese roasted barbeque with distinctive smoky sweet aroma 🪵 spectacular and attentive service 💫金映閣 精緻正宗中菜點心 🥢 結合了傳統烹飪同現代廚藝 ✨ 糅合時尚裝潢 🕊️ 一系列吸晴創意點心 包括兔子 🐰 小雞 🐣 企鵝等 🐧 獅子紅豆包 師傅花了10多小時精心製作 🦁 燒味用荔枝木烤製 具有獨特煙燻甜香 🪵 店員細心 殷勤有禮 💫🦐 金魚蝦餃王 MOP$88steamed shrimp dumpling外層晶瑩彈牙 金魚造型 粒粒飽滿內餡蝦肉鮮嫩爽脆🦪 藍青口鮮肉燒賣 MOP$88steamed traditional pork dumpling with blue mussels 青口裏面有粒燒賣 上面粒青口飽滿 彈牙鮮香🦁 豆沙獅子包 MOP$48lion king red bean bun每天限量供應10個 師傅用10小時精心製作外層香軟 豆沙蓉綿密香滑 甜度啱啱好🐰白兔椰汁糕 MOP$38bunny coconut pudding濃濃椰奶香 滑溜香甜🐥 雞仔鹹水角 MOP$38deep-fried glutinous with dried shrimps and chives外層酥脆帶甜 餡料鹹香軟糯🦐 爆竹脆蝦腸 MOP$98steamed rice flour rolls with shrimp and scallop腸粉柔滑 炮仗造型 蝦肉彈牙 帶子鮮甜🍠 香酥芋角 MOP$68deep-fried taro dumpling with duck外層酥脆 內層軟綿 餡料鹹香🪵 荔枝木燒味拼盤 MOP$188cantonese barbeque platter荔枝木燒味 獨特煙燻甜香蜜汁黑豚叉燒 肥瘦均勻 軟腍香甜澳門燒南仔 皮脆肉嫩 肥瘦層次分明爆汁📍 @cityofdreamsmacau 新濠天地1樓 🇲🇴 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-13
477 瀏覽
🇲🇴提到澳門 除了葡撻 葡國雞 豬扒包外 澳門也有不少中菜廳供應精緻的中式美饌 餐廳位於澳門氹仔新濠天地裝潢時尚優雅 供應多款全人手製作的創意點心 每道點心也相當賞心悅目 金魚造型的蝦餃和雞仔外型咸水角 單看已令人愛不釋手 海鮮手袋酥外表製成簡單的手袋狀 放入油鍋中炸至金黃酥脆 口感外酥內軟 黑松露野菌天鵝賣相也很精緻 野菌帶有獨特的甘香 外層酥脆鬆化 .▪️巧手三色餃拼盤 | MOP $118▪️金魚蝦餃皇 | MOP $88▪️藍青口鮮肉燒賣 | MOP $88▪️黑松露野菌天鵝 | MOP $98▪️雞仔咸水角 | MOP $38▪️白兔椰汁糕 | MOP $38▪️海鮮手袋酥 | MOP $78▪️爆竹脆蝦腸 | MOP $98 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-03-14
2669 瀏覽
On this short trip, I was staying at one of the hotels at the City of Dreams. I have never eaten in the hotel (with exception to room service) as I always try to venture out in town to try all Macau has to offer. However, this time I was feeling a bit lazy and decided to just try one of the Chinese restaurants right on the casino floor. To my surprise, this place was pretty good. The restaurant interior is pretty classy in itself. Furthermore, the change in environment is a complete 180….transitioning from the fast paced gambling floor to a quiet serene setting inside the restaurant where you enjoy your food at your own pace. First thing we ordered was the chrsyatheum tea......served in a nice tea pot (what was great was that the staff were very attentive, refilling our tea quite often and checking in if the food was satisfactory or if we needed anything). We ordered pigs intestine with sliced mushroom and veggies, some stir fried vegetables, Sichuan fried chicken, dumplings and white rice. The pigs intestine was perfectly cooked…although the sliced mushrooms were slightly undercooked but no matter to me. Stir fried vegetables were pretty standard although not heavily laden with MSG which is a plus for me, any most importantly, not oily at all as compared to your typical chinese fare. The Sichuan fried chicken was pretty amazing….crispy and spicy and the perfect combination with white rice. Staff were very attentive and polite….as well as trilingual (Cantonese/mandarin/English). Will definitely try to check out this place on my next trip to Macau. 繼續閱讀
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