12:00 - 22:30
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食評 (5)
等級1 2015-09-30
1813 瀏覽
had a great experience dinner at L.B. Superollo . all the time have the set menu for student, just only $45 it is vert fantastic  i think is a good place to gathering with the friends, the food is very delicious, especially the salmon pizza ,but the chicken had a little bit overcooked. and than the manager miss our order , she gift the dissert to me  and the waitress have a good service and good smile.  繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-09-21
2022 瀏覽
下午來澳門探朋友,朋友帶我們到附近餐廳吃東西,店內枱數不多,有上下層,不過上層不見有枱,地方都算整潔,食物種類不多炸薯條,沒有炸的香口感,薯仔太實 不鬆化香焗薯仔,薯仔太實,沒有薯仔香味,可能當地的薯仔是這樣,上面加些醬及香粉,形成一種怪味,這個有點浪費食材,都是好奇累事 地中海沙律,有鷄肉及烤鮮菜,味道清新,開胃前菜1/2慢火烤鷄,鷄肉很淋,很多肉汁,飯很惹味,一粒粒,有咬口 來到澳門,幸好有這位東道主朋友帶路,可以吃些水蟹粥、葡撻、煲仔翅等以外的澳門美食,一試無妨 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-02-28
2113 瀏覽
我們約下午三時到,餐廳空間不大,好像只有四張枱,我們坐在落地玻璃旁的位置,可以看到街外景色。我俩和小孩,點了他們家的-西班牙烤雞半隻拌有味飯:烤雞淋上應該是蘑菇汁,香氣非常吸引,雞皮香脆且脂肪不多,可能是烤的關係,雞胸位置不怕粗糙,但亦未算很滑嫩。整體來說是不俗的。-西班牙海鮮飯:有2隻小龍蝦,魷魚,蝦和鮑魚粒,味道偏酸,可能是我們榨了檸檬,但依然吃得出鮮味,材料頗足,(餐牌寫是二人份)可我俩都是大吃之人,加上小Candice, 我們覺得唔夠飽。服務方面不錯,女侍者會定時幫忙換碟,也會逗我們小Candice玩,我們臨走時還送了朱古力出奇蛋給小Candice, 逗得她得開心。價錢方面埋單連加一約$330。我們只點了2道菜,我覺得頗貴,不過都值得一來。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-11-12
647 瀏覽
Superpollo has a lot going for it.  It serves amazing chicken, it has nice little cocas (Spanish pizzas) and organic soft drinks from New Zealand.It is a very small, but clean place and they have just opened a second branch.  One of the owners also told us that they is opening a third one soon.  The staff are friendly and professional.The real star is the chicken.  It is cooked on a rotisserie and then served with a really nice gravy and delicious seasoned rice.  It was tender and tasty and very good value for money (35 MOP for a quarter chicken).  We also ordered a coca with chorizo, ham and chicken on it.  It was crispy and thin with well balanced flavours.  The toppings were high quality.  We had a Karma Kola and a Gingerella soda as our drinks and they were both great.  This is the only place outside of Australia and New Zealand you can get them.  Nice tasting and organic.Superpollo is a real find and a great place to go and eat quick, cheap, delicious and high standard food.   繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-10-24
576 瀏覽
上次去濠江志記的時候路過這裡,店子小小卻擠滿了客人還有不少人驅車前往買外帶,人氣的店試一下也無妨,總不會差吧!!所以就連續2天往白鴿巢那邊跑~這主理的廚師都是西班牙人,提供著西班牙和地中海美味的菜式前一晚回家後上網搜索過,大概知道想吃些什麼巴塞隆那特色薄餅 MOP68薄薄一層而香脆的餅底,材料有西班牙火腿、蘑菇 與 火箭菜現點現做的,故上菜速度有點慢,要耐心等候啦喜歡這餅底香脆可口,有一抹番茄的甜美 與 香氣風乾火腿軟柔帶點鹹香,火箭菜有著清爽的苦甘1/4慢火烤雞 MOP35附送有味蒸飯,以此價格實在划算還可以看得到廚房裡有一大堆雞在烤爐內在烤,很壯觀嘛一旁的沙律 醬汁味道怪怪的,不喜歡取到的是雞胸部位,肉質不嫩滑也是預料中的事幸好肉味算濃,雞皮吃得出多種香料味,而內裡的肉味道則很淡雞肉沾些醬汁會好吃一點有味蒸飯伴烤雞很合適,份量也剛剛好味道溫和,飯粒分明服務生熱情殷切,用餐後還會詢問合不合胃口,這點留下深刻的印象雖然覺得那個烤雞很普普,但我會為了PIZZA再來的 繼續閱讀
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