The food was fine but my friend and I were very disappointed with your staff service.We don’t drink alcohol so we asked the manager if we can change the wine to coffee while we were ordering the set. The manager said it’s fine and will serve the coffee after the dessert. Then after the dessert we asked a staff to serve the coffee for us. She doubted if that can be changed even we told her that we ordered it at the beginning and she can ask her colleague. We can tell from her reaction that she wa
The food was fine but my friend and I were very disappointed with your staff service.
We don’t drink alcohol so we asked the manager if we can change the wine to coffee while we were ordering the set. The manager said it’s fine and will serve the coffee after the dessert. Then after the dessert we asked a staff to serve the coffee for us. She doubted if that can be changed even we told her that we ordered it at the beginning and she can ask her colleague. We can tell from her reaction that she was still suspecting on that but just gave up to argue with us. We already felt a bit offended at that moment.
Then after waiting for 15 mins, as we were in a bit rush, I stood up and wanted to ask how our coffee are. We just simply wanna know the progress of our coffee but not urging the waitress. I saw the black lady coming to us with our coffee, so I sat back without saying anything. But then the waitress suddenly, let’s say “EDUCATED” us, “girls….you have to be patient. Our shop is busy today and I have already started making the coffee to you immediately. So you should not try to ask me.” My friend and I were shocked as we didn’t say anything. I told her we didn’t say any words and why she is judging us. She is like “I m not judging you but just want to tell you have to be patient….” blah blah blah. We felt truly offended as we just simply wanna know how the coffee is. We didn’t mean to urge her. And to be honest, even we meant to urge her, it was definitely not the proper attitude of telling your client to be patient? Why do we deserve this “education” of being patient??
The manager then asked us about the whole situation. I told her, and while I mentioned we waited the coffee for 15 mins, the staff sneered at us. Exercise me this kind of attitude is so RUDE to us. And the manager just said “the shop was really busy today, and weekend is not supposed to be rush. The staff is new trained and I always told her not to be rush. Coz the style of our store is no rush. I understand the pace of Hong Kong people is fast but in here we have no rush and enjoy the food.” COME ON, the main reason we were provoked was not because of the time, it’s all about the attitude the waitress showed to us. And to be honest we did understand how busy you were, and we just simply wanna know how long it takes for our coffee without urging or pushing you to be hurry. We don’t deserve this kind of education about being patient from you. I think the manager misunderstood the reason of our anger. She gave us the 20%off discount for next time visit, I accepted because I didn’t wanna waste time of arguing this stuff (though I felt so regret of accepting her offer cause i know I won’t come anymore).
If the owner or staffs of the resto read this long comment, please understand this is not about the cultural or communication issue. It’s all about the customer-facing attitude. I have never had that poor experience in a resto by being “educated” how to be patient. Hope you can have better training of service for the staffs.
Btw, we ordered Americano for the coffee. But the taste is as bitter as espressos.

想試呢間小餐館好耐,就book咗位同朋友食。佢有$200 set 跟一杯餐酒,我同朋友都唔飲酒所以係order嘅時候已經講可唔可以轉咖啡,個經理話可以,我哋話最後先上。
我起身嘅時候就見到嗰個侍應拎住兩杯咖啡俾我哋,咁我就冇講任何嘢坐返去,點知個侍應突然間用一副不爽教育我哋嘅語氣講girls u have to be patient, 我哋間舖頭好忙㗎,我已經即刻整俾你㗎喇,你唔需要催我。我果下真係火都扯上嚟,即刻話我都冇講任何一句野喎,你嚟judge 我?佢又繼續一副不爽樣話,我唔係judge 你,不過你要有耐性囉,你過嚟搵我都係想問杯咖啡幾時到者,我都已經即刻整俾你,你唔需要嚟搵我囉。聽到呢度我同朋友都嬲咗,首先我哋其實想知杯咖啡幾時到姐,都冇講過一句野催佢,點解我哋要比佢教育返轉頭?甚至可以講就算我哋真係催佢,佢嘅態度就係好似阿媽咁教育返我哋要有耐性???成件事勁awkward 同offensive, 搞到我俾錢嘅時候忍唔住同個個侍應講我覺得你態度有問題,我同朋友都覺得被冒犯。然後個侍應又開始講一大堆嘢,個經理喺隔離即刻問咩事,我將成件事話翻比佢聽,講到我哋等咗15分鐘時個侍應冷笑一聲質疑我地。我個下更加燥,點知個經理同返我講話,我哋今日都有啲忙㗎,weekend is not supposed to be rush, 我都明白香港人節奏係快嘅,但我哋呢度唔興咁chur, 個員工係new training,所以咖啡有啲耐希望你明白,如果我同事表達有啲錯誤唔好意思,我送返枝酒比你啦。其實個經理明唔明我哋嬲嘅重點,重點唔係杯咖啡有幾耐,而係我哋咩都冇講過,無啦啦俾人教育要有耐性,就因為我哋只係想知杯咖啡要幾耐。呢個絕對唔關香港人節奏快嘅問題,而係個侍應本身attitude 嘅問題,最後個經理同我講話下次嚟食八折俾我地,我留咗個電話,因為我覺得已經冇爭論落去嘅空間,我唔想再嘈所以我accept 左佢offer(雖然我而家好後悔真係唔應該留,因為我一定唔會再嚟食),我打咁大篇文希望間餐廳個老細或者員工睇到,其實我哋嗰時本意真係唔係為左催你,而係純粹想知究竟杯咖啡要幾耐,如果咁樣就要俾人教育「要有耐性」嘅話,咁呢個絕對唔係溝通或者文化上嘅差異問題,而係個員工本身態度真係有問題,如果佢真係new training,咁唔該教育下佢對客嘅態度。
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