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向來大愛Godiva chocolate soft serve,當然不會放過今天新推出的香草白巧克力口味!雪糕口感依舊軟滑,又不會溶得太快。香草味有點兒蓋過了白朱古力味道,所以整體也不會過甜過膩😍值得一試Vanilla White Chocolate flavor just launched in HK today, and Godiva's soft serve has never let me down! 💕 It's so milky and soft, not too dense yet not melting fast. The vanilla flavor is quite strong while the white chocolate flavor is comparatively light.
Vanilla White Chocolate flavor just launched in HK today, and Godiva's soft serve has never let me down! 💕 It's so milky and soft, not too dense yet not melting fast. The vanilla flavor is quite strong while the white chocolate flavor is comparatively light.