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The Eastmark喺德福戲院再過一條天橋就到。未入門口已經聞到陣陣咖啡香,原來有間咖啡店叫CoCo Espresso,比d香味吸引住就決定嗌杯試下。You can reach The Eastmark by passing through the footbridge near MCL cinema near Telford Plaza. Before I reach the entrance of The Eastmark, I can smell the aroma of coffee. Then I noticed there is a coffee shop named “CoCo Espresso”. Being attracted by the aroma, I bought a cup of coffee.嗌左杯Caffe Mocha。Caffe Mocha有濃濃朱古力味,加左少少奶,咖啡嘅苦同奶嘅甜味互相平衡,微甜飲落又香又滑。I ordered a cup of Caffe Mocha. Caffe Mocha has a strong taste of cho
You can reach The Eastmark by passing through the footbridge near MCL cinema near Telford Plaza. Before I reach the entrance of The Eastmark, I can smell the aroma of coffee. Then I noticed there is a coffee shop named “CoCo Espresso”. Being attracted by the aroma, I bought a cup of coffee.
嗌左杯Caffe Mocha。Caffe Mocha有濃濃朱古力味,加左少少奶,咖啡嘅苦同奶嘅甜味互相平衡,微甜飲落又香又滑。
I ordered a cup of Caffe Mocha. Caffe Mocha has a strong taste of chocolate. The sweetness of milk is balanced by the bitterness of coffee. Overall, Caffe Mocha tastes a little bit sweet, smells good and is smooth in texture.