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今日超靚天氣☀️ 久久宅在家👩🏼💻 難得到宜家喺香港最潮嘅 M+ 西九文化區🏛 吸吓新鮮空氣 🌬同場加映 全西九 最美味芝味薄餅🍕@港灣小館 新鮮薄批加重手香濃芝士 配藍天碧海 風光明媚 食完心情大靚 😍WFH for waaaaaay too long - needed some fresh air in such a lovely sunny day, strolled to the hippest hangout in HK - West Kowloon Art Park 🎭Enjoyed the freshly made Quattro Formaggi Pizza 🍕 at the famous Cafe Boheme - Best Pizza in the whole of West Kowloon! Say Cheeeeeeese! 🧀Recommended dishes 必吃Quattro Formaggi Pizza 4種濃芝士薄餅Margarita Pizza 蕃茄水牛芝士薄餅香港最潮嘅 M+ 西九文化區🏛
同場加映 全西九 最美味芝味薄餅🍕@港灣小館 新鮮薄批加重手香濃芝士 配藍天碧海 風光明媚 食完心情大靚 😍
WFH for waaaaaay too long - needed some fresh air in such a lovely sunny day, strolled to the hippest hangout in HK - West Kowloon Art Park 🎭
Enjoyed the freshly made Quattro Formaggi Pizza 🍕 at the famous Cafe Boheme - Best Pizza in the whole of West Kowloon!
Say Cheeeeeeese! 🧀
Recommended dishes 必吃
Quattro Formaggi Pizza 4種濃芝士薄餅
Margarita Pizza 蕃茄水牛芝士薄餅
香港最潮嘅 M+ 西九文化區🏛
Margarita Pizza 蕃茄水牛芝士薄餅
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