3965 瀏覽
If you search on Openrice, this cake shop ranks as the #1 shop in the Western District so definitely had to come check it out! The shop was quaint and small with a variety of colorful cakes on display as well as small tables for patrons to eat in if they wish. I decided to get a few desserts as takeaways and my goodies were carefully taped to the bottom of a tall roomy box which was easy to carry and dismantle.綠茶紅豆蛋糕 | Green Tea Red Bean Cake (HK$35) - this was one interesting looking matcha cak
綠茶紅豆蛋糕 | Green Tea Red Bean Cake
237 瀏覽
8 讚好
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無花果撻 | Fig Tart
287 瀏覽
7 讚好
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紫蕃薯蛋糕 | Purple Sweet Potato Cake
279 瀏覽
7 讚好
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