364 瀏覽
之前到訪過K11 Musea店幾次,食物主要以日式西餐: 意粉、三文治、蛋糕及咖啡等! 銅鑼灣世貿中心終於正式開業,環境好舒服休閑😍 適逢冬季,有唔少以草莓為主題嘅甜品🍓//⭐️Crispy Strawberry Pie with Whipped Cream $108: 銅鑼灣世貿中心限定嘅士多啤梨批😍 打卡一流! 酥皮牛油香濃鬆脆,中間仲有鮮忌廉同海綿蛋糕,杏仁碎圍住外層,外貌非常精美😚🍓Strawberry Afternoon Tea Set $238* Strawberry Biscuit Sandwich* Strawberry and Caramel Apple Omelet* Strawberry and Pistachio Pudding Parfait* Strawberry and Ricotta Cheese Shortcake🍝Clam Chowder Pasta with Clams and Scallops $148🫖Fresh Strawberry Tea : Strawberry Darjeeling Tea with strawberry juice🫖G
⭐️Crispy Strawberry Pie with Whipped Cream $108
: 銅鑼灣世貿中心限定嘅士多啤梨批😍 打卡一流! 酥皮牛油香濃鬆脆,中間仲有鮮忌廉同海綿蛋糕,杏仁碎圍住外層,外貌非常精美😚
🍓Strawberry Afternoon Tea Set $238
* Strawberry Biscuit Sandwich
* Strawberry and Caramel Apple Omelet
* Strawberry and Pistachio Pudding Parfait
* Strawberry and Ricotta Cheese Shortcake
🍝Clam Chowder Pasta with Clams and Scallops $148
🫖Fresh Strawberry Tea
: Strawberry Darjeeling Tea with strawberry juice
🫖Green Herb Tea with Honey Grapefruit syrup
: With fresh mint, rosemary, lemongrass, and lemon verbena