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香港點只得 Bakehouse?!呢排暑假成日要帶阿仔去K11上堂,每次經過呢間麵包舖都大排長龍,而仔仔每次經過都會指住話要「買包包」🥖由國際知名糕餅主廚Gontran Cherrier主理,喺全球有超過50間店舖。麵粉同牛油等材料都由法國直送,每個步驟都人手製作,難怪日日都排長龍。今日就想同大家介紹吓除咗牛角包之外,GC仲有啲咩好食😋👍亞麻籽麥方包:健康有益,非常適合已經可以食麵包嘅BB👶!招牌法式焦糖奶油酥:外層酥脆,內裡軟滑綿密,焦糖奶油香甜可口,經典法國甜品🇾🇪山核桃肉桂丹麥卷:外層酥脆,內餡香濃可口,肉桂香氣撲鼻。買完麵包出示返收據去隔離Cafe食嘢仲有九折添✨(下集介紹)👎價錢比起普通麵包舖都貴。每日都超!級!多!人!排隊,基本上五點之後都好多嘢買晒,最好係中午時候去買就多選擇。整體分數:🌟🌟🌟🌟Baby friendly: 👶👶👶📍Gontran Cherrier Bakery (尖沙咀)尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓B205號舖Is Bakehouse the only option in Hong Kong?!These school ho
由國際知名糕餅主廚Gontran Cherrier主理,喺全球有超過50間店舖。麵粉同牛油等材料都由法國直送,每個步驟都人手製作,難怪日日都排長龍。
Baby friendly: 👶👶👶
📍Gontran Cherrier Bakery (尖沙咀)
尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓B205號舖
Is Bakehouse the only option in Hong Kong?!
These school holidays, I have to take my kid to K11 for classes, and every time we pass by this bakery, there’s a long queue. My kid always points at it and says ”I want to buy a bun!“🥖
Managed by renowned pastry chef Gontran Cherrier, the bakery has over 50 stores globally. The flour and butter are directly imported from France, and every step is handmade, which explains the endless queues.
Today, I‘d like to introduce some items besides the croissants that GC offers😋
👍 Flax Seed Wheat Bun: Healthy and suitable for babies who can already eat bread!
Signature French Caramel Cream Puff: Crispy exterior, soft and fluffy interior, with a sweet caramel cream - a classic French dessert.🇾🇪 Walnut Cinnamon Danish: Crispy outside, fragrant and delicious filling, with a cinnamony aroma.
If you show the receipt after buying the bread, you can get a 10% discount at the adjacent cafe✨ (more to come in the next part)
👎 The prices are higher than regular bakeries. It’s super crowded, with most items sold out by 5pm, so it‘s best to go around noon for more options.
Overall rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Baby friendly: 👶👶👶
📍Gontran Cherrier Bakery (Tsim Sha Tsui)
Shop B205, B2/F, K11 Musea, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui