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還記得這頭狗嗎?它就是佇立在舊中環店的門外,而門口正正是開在石板街中央。石板街即將有新大廈落成,而那時候的H&M 已成了Zara,Frites 亦把店搬到上環,而銅鑼灣亦有新店開業了。多年來不變的,是這店在 belgium mussel pot (比利時青口桶) 於食界中的殿堂級地位,想吃青口大餐便一定想起Frites。近來這銅鑼灣店推出了平日的 salad bar 午餐,可惜不在附近工作,否則必成飯堂之選;雖然只有坐這山望那山的份兒,卻令我留意到,原來Frites 不只是吃青口的地方,而即使近來不想大魚大肉,都有很多較健康的菜式可選。覓來一個平日晚上一試,少不得回顧久違的mussel pot。燈光柔和偏暗,用上色澤深邃的木色和墨綠落地布簾,裝潢甚具格調。平日晚上八時多到達,偌大的空間已擠上了八成,好不熱鬧。雖然在播球賽(而我不知是直播還是重播),大家的注意力都是眼前的人和食物,但如果有熱門而精彩的球賽直播,這裡必定甚好氣氛的。整個用餐位置勝在沒有柱位,所有座位都能清晰的望到熒幕,不失為邊喝酒邊看球賽的好地方。平日來說,氣氛算是不錯,有「人氣」之餘又不會過於喧鬧,不會有違聚會的原意。座
Quinoa, wild rice, silver chard, corn, Cherry tomatoes, beetroots, broccoli, green beans, carrots, raisins avocado, coriander with a citrus dressing
Super protein salad
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Celeriac, remoulade, crushed broad beans, avocado tomato peas shoots and lemon dressing
Crab Tian
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New Zealand Beef Tenderloin with all the trimmings and grilled sourdough
Coriander, fennel, lemon zest and hoegaarden beer
Hoegaarden mussel pot (1kg)
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With red onion and Sherry dressing
Tomato and goat cheese salad
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