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今次要介紹嘅餐廳係成日要排隊嘅Lady M,我相信好多人都已經食過佢哋嘅千層蛋糕,但係佢哋新出嘅開心果口味就可能冇咁多人試過。Lady M is famous for its Mille Crêpes for a period of time. Recently, it has introduced its new product Pistachio Mille Crêpes. 開心果千層蛋糕 (Pistachio Mille Crêpes) $75 / Slice不得不說Lady M嘅千層蛋糕真係好出色,層數多而且工整,美觀上已經好加分,而且咁多層都令都佢質感鬆軟。去返味道方面,杏仁嘅味道好好咁襯托出開心果味,味道滲透到每一層嘅奶油入面,十分濃郁,而表面都加返少少開心果粒左點綴,如果鍾意開心果嘅朋友記得去試下。Lady M's Mille Crêpes are maintained in the highest standard, which provides more layers and attractive outlook than other Mille Crêpes. Th
Lady M is famous for its Mille Crêpes for a period of time. Recently, it has introduced its new product Pistachio Mille Crêpes.
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開心果千層蛋糕 (Pistachio Mille Crêpes) $75 / Slice
不得不說Lady M嘅千層蛋糕真係好出色,層數多而且工整,美觀上已經好加分,而且咁多層都令都佢質感鬆軟。去返味道方面,杏仁嘅味道好好咁襯托出開心果味,味道滲透到每一層嘅奶油入面,十分濃郁,而表面都加返少少開心果粒左點綴,如果鍾意開心果嘅朋友記得去試下。
Lady M's Mille Crêpes are maintained in the highest standard, which provides more layers and attractive outlook than other Mille Crêpes. The number of layers gives it a soft and creamy texture. The flavour of almond matches with pistachio perfectly and filled between every single layer of the Mille Crêpes. The masterpiece ends with some crunched pistachio on top.
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伯爵茶千層蛋糕 (Earl Grey Mille Crêpes) $75 / Slice
停售咗一段時間嘅伯爵茶係今年初先重新推出,水準有過之而無不及。伯爵茶味唔會太濃,反而帶著柔和清新嘅芳香,而且香味好持久。整體而言,味道甘香優雅嘅伯爵茶依然係Lady M系列嘅首選之列。
Earl Grey Mille Crêpes have discontinued on the menu of Lady M for a period of time until this year. They have largely improved the Earl Grey Mille Crêpes in both the outlook and taste. Instead of strengthening the flavour of earl grey, it brings in the aromatic freshness of earl grey, with a long-lasting aroma. Overall, Earl Grey Mille Crêpes is on the top of the list due to its Astringent and elegance.