27 瀏覽
文迪gives me a very nice arrangement for this b'day dinner. Sue gave us a room, so we could enjoy a private time. My b'day card was nicely placed on the shelf of the table. The environment was very good, romantic, casual, and relaxing.1.女人的心(南瓜蕃茄冷熱湯):8分, served with 蒜茸飽, the feeling of cold and hot combines pretty good, a nice start for the night.2.香煎鵝肝配魚子醬:6分, the surface of 鵝肝is overcooked, but the taste is OK. The combination of 鵝肝and 魚子醬was not really matching.3.意式香醋墨魚沙律:7分, honestly I was
1.女人的心(南瓜蕃茄冷熱湯):8分, served with 蒜茸飽, the feeling of cold and hot combines pretty good, a nice start for the night.
2.香煎鵝肝配魚子醬:6分, the surface of 鵝肝is overcooked, but the taste is OK. The combination of 鵝肝and 魚子醬was not really matching.
3.意式香醋墨魚沙律:7分, honestly I was not a lover of 墨魚, but the salad dressing was good.
4.香草焗青口:8分, there were a total of 3 pieces of 青口. The first two pieces worth a score of 9, 香草adds values to 青口. The taste was good! However, the third piece was 太韌. It seems like the heat power could not be the same for all 3 pieces.
5.脆皮鴨配紅酒汁:8分, though it was called 脆皮鴨, 皮was not 脆, but 紅酒汁was pretty good combination with 鴨. However, the same thing happens as 青口. After it was cold, 鴨became 太韌.
6.香草燴羊膝:6分, the taste did not like 羊膝, but like pork. And the taste was not very good. 紅酒汁配鴨was better than 紅酒汁配羊
7.野菌燴意大利飯:6分, it was too wet. If it could serve in a little bit dryer, the taste should be better.
8.火焰雪山:9分, ice-cream was cold and hard enough, so it would not be melted too fast. The taste was good! A very special b'day dessert for me!
9.清香花茶:8分, nice tea for wrapping up the night.
There are still rooms for improvement in the quality of the food, but it would be a decent experience to visit Bon Appetit. I regret to see that there were so many bad comments for Bon Appetit. Sue and Sidney really have hearts to provide a nice place for us to enjoy the dinner. Of course the special meaning of this restaurant has extra credit. I hope that Sue and Sidney could continue their wonderful work here, and the love of the Lord would be with all the guests.