34 瀏覽
bf悉心及非常預早安排my birthday dinner, 坐底已見到阿Sue為我造既一張birthday card(字眼係代我bf而寫的), 我宜家都有keep住張咭留念.1. 南瓜蕃茄冷熱湯- 唔錯, 幾特別, 湯夠滑, 蕃茄也夠厚大.2. balsamic vinegar octopus salad - 八爪魚爽口唔勒.3. 頭盆: 鵝肝& 煙三文魚/雞(not sure), 唔錯4. 香醬青口- D sauce includes some mixed herbs, 薰香, 如果多D牛油or有層baked cheese over them will be better.5. 紅洒汁鴨腿- 很淋&入味, but i prefer the skin to be more crispy, 層次感會好D.6. 香草燴羊膝- 羊膝幾大, 肉也淋, 但羊味唔夠, D sauce is similar or even the same as my main course above, i think it's better to make the sources of the two mai
1. 南瓜蕃茄冷熱湯- 唔錯, 幾特別, 湯夠滑, 蕃茄也夠厚大.
2. balsamic vinegar octopus salad - 八爪魚爽口唔勒.
3. 頭盆: 鵝肝& 煙三文魚/雞(not sure), 唔錯
4. 香醬青口- D sauce includes some mixed herbs, 薰香, 如果多D牛油or有層baked cheese over them will be better.
5. 紅洒汁鴨腿- 很淋&入味, but i prefer the skin to be more crispy, 層次感會好D.
6. 香草燴羊膝- 羊膝幾大, 肉也淋, 但羊味唔夠, D sauce is similar or even the same as my main course above, i think it's better to make the sources of the two main courses more different.
7. 田螺燴天使麵- 忌廉汁唔太漏, 田螺多D就好啦!
8. 雪山火焰- It's happy that Sue to sing a birthday song to me during the presentation of the dessert, 洒味適中, 蛋白軟滑,
與內裹既芒果雪糕很匹配, 好過配蛋糕.
9. 花茶- ok lar.