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It is really disappointing to have experienced this. I have made a reservation twice in this restaurant and they cancelled both of my reservations only 1 day before. You may take a look at the screenshots above. I have made reservations on Aug 7 and Oct 2 respectively . It is difficult to book a table on sat lunch hour, given that i have booked the table 1 week in advance, just to make sure i could have a proper lunch with my friend. The restaurant should really have notified their customers at
大家可以睇上面嘅screen caps,我book左依間餐廳兩次(一次係8月7號,一次係10月2號), 兩次佢地都話要搞event,所以cancel我嘅booking。兩次佢地都係一日前先通知我,我覺得好離譜。 如果你地係搞event嘅,係咪應該早啲通知啲顧客?起碼都預早一兩日通知啦。我係一個禮拜前已經book定依間餐廳。星期六lunch食飯時間好多餐廳都full,佢地一日前先通知,我未必book得切另一間餐廳。好彩我唔係同friend慶祝啫,如果係同friend慶祝嘅,點樣臨時搵過第二間餐廳?我唔知大家點睇依件事,但我覺得咁樣真係唔可以接受。