19 瀏覽
麵賜園是同區越南菜老店越興圈的姊妹店, 相比起後者的老成, 前者除了在食物上更新潮外, 店面裝修以至是香港idols的應援產品, 也是後者沒有見到的, 單是霓虹龍形招牌燈飾已夠Eye Catching. 店家主打的是精緻港式麵食, 我第一時間就想起大圍的好湯好麵.這次點的是鐵三角海鮮湯麵, 料頭相當豐富, 有蠔, 青口, 鮑魚, 蜆及蟹柳, 可說是大堆頭製作, 味道不差, 口感也不會死實, 貝殼類海鮮的去沙也做足, 就是少了些少鮮味. 魚骨湯頭色水清澈而偏淡, 喝起來清甜不涸喉, 但同樣味道柔和得有點淡. 麵身點了硬身, 煮起來有點糊化, 口感不夠爽. 如果老人家吃應該會較滋味, 但我就是覺得整體感覺差一點. 小食的鹹蛋黃單骨雞翼反而有驚喜, 雞皮香脆雞肉夠嫩, 而且鹹蛋黃很平均地沾在雞翼上, 夠鹹夠香, 如此濃味剛剛好和麵的柔淡味道互有補足.Noodles Dimension is a new opened noodles stall focused on luxurious HK style noodles. Using a lot of seafood including aba
這次點的是鐵三角海鮮湯麵, 料頭相當豐富, 有蠔, 青口, 鮑魚, 蜆及蟹柳, 可說是大堆頭製作, 味道不差, 口感也不會死實, 貝殼類海鮮的去沙也做足, 就是少了些少鮮味. 魚骨湯頭色水清澈而偏淡, 喝起來清甜不涸喉, 但同樣味道柔和得有點淡. 麵身點了硬身, 煮起來有點糊化, 口感不夠爽. 如果老人家吃應該會較滋味, 但我就是覺得整體感覺差一點. 小食的鹹蛋黃單骨雞翼反而有驚喜, 雞皮香脆雞肉夠嫩, 而且鹹蛋黃很平均地沾在雞翼上, 夠鹹夠香, 如此濃味剛剛好和麵的柔淡味道互有補足.
Noodles Dimension is a new opened noodles stall focused on luxurious HK style noodles. Using a lot of seafood including abalone, mussels and oysters in the seafood noodles, it is full and the taste is a bit milder than my expectation. The noodles are too soft and not spongy enough. The chicken wings with salted egg are nice for beer and it is nasty than the noodles.