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侍應態度惡劣。食晚飯呢度只係坐滿咗一半?等了足足30分鐘,而我只係叫咗一個普通嘅乾鍋花菜和豆乾炒豬肉。戴眼鏡果個侍應行埋嚟,竟然同我講,你要唔要cancel?煮就煮緊。Waiters have bad attitude. The place for dinner was only half full? After waiting for a full 30 minutes, I just ordered a regular stir-fried pork with cauliflower and tofu in a dry pot. A waiter wearing glasses came to the restaurant and actually told me, "Do you want to cancel? It’s cooking’
Waiters have bad attitude. The place for dinner was only half full? After waiting for a full 30 minutes, I just ordered a regular stir-fried pork with cauliflower and tofu in a dry pot. A waiter wearing glasses came to the restaurant and actually told me, "Do you want to cancel? It’s cooking’