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開素食店都如此不友善,店員全部兇神惡殺,買個外賣都要受你氣。點知盒 茄子豆腐飯出到嚟,85%都係芡,豆腐得4舊,茄子3舊(油炸,但畀芡浸到認唔出係茄子)收你$45,你良心過意得去嗎? 隔離兩餸飯賣緊30蚊一盒飯,飯又多過你,芡又少過你,恃住自己有啲歷史就咁樣做生意,理應被社會汰。簡而言之,食物非常無誠意,門口一班阿姐企喺度,亦十分兇神惡殺。It’s rare for a vegetarian place to give out unfriendly vibe, but they did it. Somehow they managed. With a swarm of old ladies crowding the entrance, warning you to go away. However this humble patron didn’t listen to her guts and went in regardless, and had her day ruined. $45 for a teeny-itsy-bitsy portion of plain rice, and
It’s rare for a vegetarian place to give out unfriendly vibe, but they did it. Somehow they managed. With a swarm of old ladies crowding the entrance, warning you to go away. However this humble patron didn’t listen to her guts and went in regardless, and had her day ruined.
$45 for a teeny-itsy-bitsy portion of plain rice, and a box full of brown goo (YES. BROWN. GOO) that supposedly should be the sauce
The menace in this place does not only exude through its servers, but also very literally from their food.
If you want to waste away a random $45 from your pocket , this is the spot for you to splurge on nothing but empty calories that taste incredibly, outstandingly terrible.
When Darwin talked about evolution some centuries ago, I think he was also referring to this— the elimination of horrifying diners, running strictly on an honor system, but should have been washed out, flooded away, and wiped off the surface of the Earth, long ago, as time passes on.
Thanks for nothing.