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Named after the 尾張 Owari Province in Japan, at first glance this is only another random region's name the owners have bestowed upon their restaurant. But since 三河屋, named after Mikawa just happens to sit opposite on the same street, instantly, it clicked in my head and I suspect this to be opened by the same owner!! As people who might have read up on Japanese history will know, these 2 provinces were once considered the epicentre of the biggest Shogunate in Japan, home to the powerful To
Ok sorry if adding a bit of history bores you, I just thought its fun to mention how Japanese boss 五十嵐修 came up with the most appropriate of names for his latest venture, as he rules both sides of the street now!!
- 三河屋 opposite is famous for their Una-don 鰻丼, as 三河 is one of the most famous and important areas for producing freshwater eel.
- Over here at 尾張屋, they serve more higher end products such as 和牛 and 黒豚 as well as Fried rice and Noodles dishes, more of the Aichi or Osaka style. They also serve some Aichi favourites such as 鳥すきやき Chicken Sukiyaki or にゅうめん Nyu-Men noodles.
- But their also famous 鴨なべ Duck Hot Pot and 鰻丼 can only be ordered at the original shop at 三河屋, so beware!
明安街 is gradually being conquered and transformed into Aichi. A repeat of the 加太賀 success and phenomenon!