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每次經過東海堂都會比佢嘅烘培香味吸引到😛所有撻都係新鮮出爐!我極度推介北海道牛乳蛋白撻 ($9) 入邊嘅牛乳好滑 好有牛奶香味 出面果層曲奇皮好脆 好香牛油味 自從第一次食 🐰小編就已經上左癮 呢次係🐰小編第一次去食佢新出嘅日式流心芝士撻 ($14) 入面芝士餡黏稠度高唔算好流心 芝士味香濃 佢嘅質素係達標嘅 但始終唔夠Candy Shake咁好食😳未試過真係要去試下佢嘅牛乳撻!🔖-Every time when I walk pass Aroma Bakery, the bakery smell is so tempting😛! All tarts are fresh baked! I highly recommend the Hokkaidō milk egg white tart ($9) to you. The inner milk coagulation is creamy with a fragrance of milk. The outer cookie layer is crispy with a strong butter fragrance. I have gott
Every time when I walk pass Aroma Bakery, the bakery smell is so tempting😛! All tarts are fresh baked! I highly recommend the Hokkaidō milk egg white tart ($9) to you. The inner milk coagulation is creamy with a fragrance of milk. The outer cookie layer is crispy with a strong butter fragrance. I have gotten addicted to it since the first time I ate it! This is my first time to try the Japanese lava cheese tart ($14). The cheese custard inside is viscous with a strong cream cheese flavour. It is up to standard but it is not comparable to that in Candy Shake.😳🔖
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