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從鳳凰到麒麟,以神獸作精神核心的墨麒麟,注定有著對咖啡與別不同的執著和要求。每期以各地單品咖啡豆製作濃縮咖啡飲品,開業初期選用來自印尼蘇門答臘西部的咖啡豆,黑咖啡中能品嘗到芒果的酸香,感受有別於坊間印尼咖啡豆的熱帶風情。朝啡夕酒的日夜交替模式,讓人能在任何時間,都能在這空間輕鬆享受一杯。With a focus on single origin coffee, Black Kirin Coffee, the new coffee partner at Dio Store, provides espresso drinks with their SOE pick that changes from time to time. Beans from Indonesia West Kerinci have been selected during the launch, giving a tropical fruity vibe in this iced americano.
With a focus on single origin coffee, Black Kirin Coffee, the new coffee partner at Dio Store, provides espresso drinks with their SOE pick that changes from time to time. Beans from Indonesia West Kerinci have been selected during the launch, giving a tropical fruity vibe in this iced americano.
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