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琴日4點左右諗住食下午茶,一行入去嗰阿叔問幾多位。我哋話3位,佢話冇位喎你坐角落頭度啦,我哋已經呆咗,吓明明周圍都係位不過都唔係令我要寫評價嘅原因。坐低睇完食咩之後叫咗佢幾次都唔嚟落單,其實唔想做咪返屋企囉,我地又冇得罪佢,最後因為叫咗好多次都當睇我哋唔到所以我哋決定放棄咗唔食走人,比錢買難受不知所謂!This place is a joke, for some reason there’s only one waiter when we walked in and this old man has the worst attitude I’ve seen. Avoid this crap place and there are plenty of other options available in the area.
This place is a joke, for some reason there’s only one waiter when we walked in and this old man has the worst attitude I’ve seen. Avoid this crap place and there are plenty of other options available in the area.