港鐵筲箕灣站 B2 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:30
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
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食評 (38)
等級4 2024-10-13
329 瀏覽
Revisiting after a while seeing their afternoon tea menu changed, it seems pretty positive. Food options are variety and in reasonable price.We ordered winter melon soup rice and cold noodles & minced meat with pickles and sesame sauce. We additionally asked for two sides, leek & pork dumplings and steamed pork and soup dumplings. Winter melon soup rice was huge and boiling hot. It took forever to eat. Soup was smoothing and hearty. Light but savoury. It contained lots of ingredients, including the Chinese ham, Winter melon and chicken pieces. Filling and delicious.Cold noodles & minced meat with pickles and sesame sauce was again in enormous portion. Noodle was on a chewy hard side which was my preference. Toppings were loaded which required a big toss. It was flavourful. Mince consisted of mushrooms which added an umami flavour. Pickles were mildly tangy but savoury. When it came to the bottom, it became oily and a bit salty due to the soaking sauce. Pork and leek dumplings were also tasty. Bite size and freshly serve. Wrapping was a bit thick but soft. Strong flavour of leek which I love! Xiaolongbao was not disappointing too. Wrapper was just right. Freshly made. It burst out of soup after the first bite. Meaty and savoury. All in all, economical traditional Shanghai food which always surprises me when coming back. They change their menu occasionally too! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-25
133 瀏覽
點了一個二人套餐,兩湯兩食送,分別係蔥爆牛肉同糖醋魚塊,兩飯一甜品。 另外叫一個蒜蓉炒菜心。點餐後,侍應問我地要菜飯定白飯,咁我地話要菜飯。埋單後,發現每個菜飯收$12。 但餐牌冇講,侍應問我哋時候亦都冇話俾我聽有價格分別。我哋之後同侍應講,佢話佢哋菜飯係另外加錢,唔肯退錢。其實咁樣有冇違反商品說明條例?另外,所有餸都好鹹,尤其是個蒜蓉炒菜心好似食緊啲鹽落口咁…. 唉😮‍💨就係咁俾佢糟蹋咗一個難得可以輕鬆出外食下飯晚星期六晚上….最後埋單$406就係食咗啲咁既野……. 好鹹呀,要去飲番杯水先…… 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-13
169 瀏覽
我地叫咗4樣野食,1.三小樣小食:個鎮江肴肉好食,燻魚正常,個筍好鹹2.話梅黑醋排骨:鹹!3.鮮肉小籠包:比較一般,普普通通4.醃篤鮮:唔正宗,冇竹筍,淨系得少少金華火腿同d菜。(諮詢咗一個高高地嘅年紀稍微大嘅服務員阿姐,佢話醃篤鮮本身就系冇竹筍嘅,非常堅決肯定。希望個老闆可以再培訓員工對於菜色嘅瞭解,或者更改下個menu名稱,起碼英文唔好寫bamboo shoot soup with salt pork)5.會館炒飯:非常鹹! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-10
647 瀏覽
今日在這晚餐,經自助下單要了一個二人套餐,其中一樣餸是霸王雞,過了一陣服務員放了一碟雞在枱面,我咬了一口發覺有酒味,於是奇怪便問服務員,獲答覆是霸王雞賣完,便用醉雞代替,但之前完全沒詢問客人是否同意,但現在她說問過廚師說我食過便不肯更換,而另一個餸菜津白亦淡而無味,而單據上面清楚顯示我點的餸是霸王雞,現在好像是強迫客人接受,令人極度不快,最後所有餸菜和甜品也不進食便結帳離開,服務員雖然免了加一,我也說了不需要,這店以後不會再幫襯 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-24
595 瀏覽
想簡簡單單食碗麵解決一餐, 都有D驚喜首先坐低就有杯茶上,Nice~ 個擔擔麵花生醬味唔會太濃,但食落會聞到花生香,個擔擔麵醬仲有炒香既肉燥,麵底有芽菜,口感味道都唔錯;排骨另上,厚實大啖肉,口感鬆軟,炸粉好薄,啱啱好做到香脆口感又唔會成口炸粉,成件事恰到好處,唔錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)