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食評 (5)
等級4 2024-11-21
157 瀏覽
💫 First, we indulged in a bite-sized appetizer featuring house-made cured meat paired with potato foam. This dish was a revelation, hiding three different textures of potato: the smooth foam, crispy potato strands, and perfectly baked salt-roasted potatoes. The combination was simply divine!🐟 One of the standout dishes was their signature seafood plate, which featured caviar, sweet white shrimp from Toyama Bay, and locally aged squid, all enhanced by a smoky butter infused with binchotan charcoal. The layers of flavor showcased the freshness of the seafood in a truly exquisite way.🥗 The caviar and blue crab salad was another highlight. Its presentation was visually stunning, topped with a refreshing blend of green apple, organic quinoa, and a vibrant layer of lime jelly, mango, passion fruit, and coconut puree. It was the perfect light and refreshing dish!🥖 To top it all off, I savored the unexpected pairing of French foie gras with dark chocolate and 15-year-old balsamic vinegar. The bittersweet notes of the chocolate combined with the tangy acidity of the balsamic worked wonders to balance the richness of the foie gras, creating a delightful contrast.🥩 The meal wouldn’t be complete without indulging in the American Prime ribeye steak. Cooked to perfection, the meat was tender and juicy, bursting with flavor. The accompanying watercress salad added a refreshing crunch, while the rich port wine sauce elevated the dish, complementing the savory notes of the steak beautifully. Each bite was a celebration of quality ingredients and skillful preparation.🫚 For dessert, I opted for the unique combination of lemon lemongrass, ginger, and dark chocolate. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-08-31
1153 瀏覽
Dinner. Restaurant actually combines 3 different culinary experiences under one roof: charcoal-grill yakitori, omakase, and the recently added fusion cuisine.Friendly Manager showed us around the various private rooms with karaoke- which could be adapted for different cuisines (even Chinese from sister restaurant upstairs) depending on clients’ needs.Main dining room is fitted with funky disco vibes n lighting. Our fusion dinner was actually hosted in the omakase private room.Set menu only. Here’s what we had.Lightly toasted Naan Bread from Japan, served with a rich cheese sauce and a zesty spicy tomato sauce. Excellent- naan bread has been on the back of my mind for a while now.Crispy pastry crust filled with cherry tomato salsaCrispy pastry crust filled with 臘肉, mashed potato, crispy potato shreds and potato foam, each contributing unique textures and flavors.White shrimp and aged squid encased in Italian caviar, with dill oil enhancing the fresh seafood flavors. Particularly noteworthy was the sauce that had been smoked in the in-house charcoal grill; loved the smoky flavors.Blue Crab Salad- artfully presented and arranged with caviar, organic quinoa, in a tantalizing Thai sauce, enriched with coconut, tomato mango and passionfruit. Layer of lime jelly provided a refreshing finish that tied the dish together beautifully.Perfectly seared melt-in-your-mouth foie gras topped with leaves of Brussels sprouts and slices of Korean pear that added a subtle sweetness. On the side: mousse made with dark chocolate and 15-year-old Italian balsamic vinegar, which did a standout job of balancing the buttery richness of the foie gras, creating a sophisticated flavor profile.Cold Melon Soup- with bits of sweet melon, crispy Iberian ham, and hint of cardamom (豆蔻, peppery spice with hints of citrus), delivering a delightful contrast of flavors and textures. A refreshing interlude indeed. Much prefer this to the bisque chef originally intended to serve.Snow crab and spaghettini (perfectly al dente) homemade with Japanese flour, in a homemade XO sauce. Tilefish with crispy scales, cooked with the うろこ焼き (u rokuyaki) method, ie spooning hot oil over the skin first, then cooked. Sauce of preserved plums introduced a delightful herbal note with a tangy twist, showcasing the chef's adventurous spirit. This was served on a bed of fragrant orzo (pasta shaped like a large grain of rice) cooked the Malaysian way with various herbs like lemongrass, makrut lime leaves etc.Tender US Prime Ribeye Cap- served in generous portions in a rich port wine sauce. On the side: watercress salad and mashed potato.Strawberry Tart filled with luscious homemade custard sprinkled with pistachio crumbs. Loved the crunchy chocolate-covered pastry crust. In summary: remarkable dining experience featuring a luxurious exploration of flavors that bridges Italian and Japanese culinary traditions. Each dish reflects Chef's expertise and passion for quality ingredients. Impeccable service. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-07-29
1392 瀏覽
一班人想吃一個有質素的西餐,又想唱K坊間真是選擇不多,但這間新開業的Wintage Fusion,不但可以畀大家品嘗到藝術品般的高質美食,最吸引的是一班人更可以包房唱K,有時間的話型廚Ryan更會在大家面前為美食添晴,成為一道道吃得落肚的藝術品,絕對是色香味俱全。前菜是Crispy Croustade panzanella即布拉塔起司、車厘茄莎莎醬,細細件啱啱好,一啖放晒入口內,那意大利流心水牛芝士即布拉塔起司,軟滑到可全數送入口內,濃濃的乳香,還滲出淡淡的松露及車厘茄香甜味,外脆內軟,單是頭盤己令人好有驚喜。另一款前菜Crispy Croustade Ham & Potato即秘製上特臘肉、薯仔泡沫,將中國臘肉切絲炸好後放在上層,同樣是細細粒一口放進口中,軟滑香香的薯仔與臘肉的鹹香超夾,臘肉味還很濃,驚喜不絕。Caviar of the Sea魚子醬、白蝦、魷魚、煙燻奶油、蒔蘿油,便有個人至愛的魚子醬,半球狀的造型,面層以魚子包住,內裏是白蝦及魷魚粒,吃時配埋大廚秘製的煙燻奶油、蒔蘿油,更添鮮味。Blue Crab Salad魚子醬、藍蟹、有機藜麥、芒果及百香果 面層是薄薄的啫喱。揭開啫喱是魚子醬,內裏有鮮甜的藍蟹,有點咬感的有機藜麥、芒果及百香果,只能說句是超鮮超好味。Seared Foie Gras法國鵝肝、球芽甘藍、法國黑巧克力、15年意大利陳醋,以煎焗的烹調方式,配以韓國雪梨,外層帶點香脆的鵝肝,厚切的鵝肝油潤又厚身,Ryan特意將鵝肝配以法國黑巧克力及15年意大利陳醋,一口咬下去完全中和了鵝肝的油膩感,好好味呀!Nasi Ulam Orzo脆皮馬頭魚、梅脯意大利米形意粉即Orzo,吸收了自製蝦米醬及幾款印尼香料,煎香了的馬頭魚,皮是脆卜卜,魚肉嫩滑好鮮味,吃時蘸點話梅汁及忌廉芝士,有點東南亞的味道,好美味好滿足。Strawberry Tart日本士多啤梨、自家製吉士醬入口味道香甜鬆軟,日本士多啤梨非常的鮮甜,以這道甜品作結,真是令大家都食得好滿足呀!平時食西餐好少會有得最K,但Wintage Fusion就可以俾人唱K,一班人便可以包場,雖說是10點last order只是廚房收工,但大家可以繼續唱,當然唱到夠喇!堅盡興。這裏的設備都是很先進,能滿足好聲音的大家。用餐區舒適又寛敞,這個私人空間,最受大班朋友的歡迎。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-07-29
1106 瀏覽
食物擺設似藝術品不過最重要食物高質有驚喜🤩先出場係閃閃發光一啖一口的前菜兩款口味各有特色👍🏻第二道魚子醬白蝦魷魚😍滿滿魚子醬包住白蝦同魷魚層次分明鮮味無窮🤤下一道係蝴蝶翩翩起舞嘅魚子醬藍蟹有機藜麥和果香味道好夾令人❤️動、嚟到飲湯時候濃濃嘅海蝦加椰子蓉及薏米好飲得黎有咬口😋唔食牛嘅我主菜轉咗份嫰羊、肉質超級嫩火喉啱啱好👍🏻最後再上吸引我們眼球嘅甜品🍓甜而不膩👏🏻佳餚畫上完美句號。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-07-09
734 瀏覽
朋友請食飯,試咗間新餐廳都係set Menu。選擇不算多。但係每道菜好味又有驚喜,最喜歡佢哋嘅魚子波波,話係餐廳signature ,魚子醬裏面包住魷魚白蝦濃濃嘅煙燻味道 的確夠好味仲有西班牙紅蝦魚翅湯真正嘅中西合璧 fusion配搭得相當出色!鵝肝及牛肉都正!一向不太喜歡食西餐,因為時間長又食唔飽,但係佢哋時間控制得好上餐算快,而且食到尾二度餸已經感覺到好飽好滿足!環境私密食物高質精緻,係唔錯食西餐一次非常好嘅體驗 繼續閱讀
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