港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
高街的意大利餐廳絕對係性價比高之選最方便唔駛諗就係叫signature set dinner 4 樣野都係 $258 起香草味包包 外脆內軟 不過細食嘅人 千祈唔好食太多 要留肚食主菜前菜我揀咗cold cut 不過不失Medium 既牛 無得輸 配菜係另上既今次我2 個人 揀左薯條同埋菜 最後甜品作結無得輸啦 🫶🏻
As I am a meat lover and a chef good friend of my recommended this restaurant, I have decided to give it a good. I went by myself, as my family was out of town, and I have notbeen disappointed.I tried the Steak Night Promotion, which comes with 3 options of steaks, I picked the New Zealand rib eye, and a complementary glass of wine, obviously red.The steak was cooked to perfection, with a right balance of aromatic herbs, served with roasted potatoes. The wine was very good too, so much so, I ordered another glass of it. I don't remember the name of the wine, but there is so many type it, especially Italian wines, that it is hard to remember it all.The staff is very nice too. There were 2 waiters on the floor, and one of them is Italian, although he has quite dark skin, may be he is from South Italy.The experience was very positive, and even if my wife dos not eat beef, there are many other option for her.Oh, and not to forget, it price is very convenient. The Steak Night Promotion comes at 228HK$, a truth bargain for a good quality steak.Highly recommend and I will be back with my family
位於市中心的Stekka Master餐廳,以其出色的北歐料理而聞名。這裡不僅保留了傳統的經典菜餚,同時也融入了創新的元素,為食客呈現出一道道令人驚艷的佳餚。首先是他們的招牌牛排大餐。煎得恰到好處的牛排表面呈現深褐色的焦香色澤,肉質鮮嫩多汁。搭配酥脆的烤馬鈴薯塊和新鮮的綠葉蔬菜,整個餐盤令人食指大動。另一道不容錯過的是西班牙海鮮飯。飯粒金黃,飽滿多汁的海鮮包括青口、蝦仁等,搭配香菜的清新,為整道菜肴增添了層次感。最後,經典的提拉米蘇同樣令人難忘。濕潤綿密的乳酪餡與浸泡在咖啡液中的海綿蛋糕,交織出迷人的口感,表面還灑有細緻的可可粉,散發著濃郁的巧克力香氣。總的來說,Stekka Master是一家融合傳統與創新的北歐餐廳,在這裡您可以品嘗到道地的北歐風味,同時也能體驗到創新菜式帶來的驚喜。無論是商務聚會還是家庭聚餐,這裡都是您的不二之選。
Restaurant Review:I recently visited a restaurant that offers a delightful T-bone steak paired with Italian red wine. The combination is delicious! During the promotion period, you can enjoy a kilogram of T-bone steak and a bottle of 2018 Italian red wine for just HK$599. It’s excellent value for money.One of my favorite parts of the meal was the Buffalo Mozzarella and Parma Ham Salad, as well as the bread served before dinner, which we dipped into sweet vinegar and olive oil.I found the restaurant on OpenRice, located in Sai Ying Pun. My family and I had a wonderful time at the restaurant.
話說最近大胃王做朋友生日,講到明好食好味牛扒,見西營盤呢間扒房做緊牛扒 All you Can Eat,禮拜二仲要有 Discount,$488 就可以任食牛扒、串燒漢堡扒,遠係遠咗啲,都一於去試下🤣,估唔到又真係物有所值!.前菜 - 意式特色冷盤一坐低叫咗嘢,熱情嘅外國 Staff 就即刻拎左個冷盤比我哋食,3唔同風味嘅火腿、芝士同橄欖配搭住食,開胃又好 Chill!.食完前菜,就到主菜登場嘅時刻啦!份糧超震撼,第一 Round 首先 3 種都各比咗幾份我哋試,完全唔因為係放題就 Hea 你,Feel 到係有心做嘅,牛扒肉味濃、漢堡扒夠曬 Juicy,串燒超惹味,全部超高質,但真係好飽🤣,我食咗 2 輪就已經投降🏳️!好彩朋友夠大食,回番夠本。而且餐廳嘅紅白酒都係任飲,staff 一見你隻杯吉咗就即刻過嚟幫你 Refill,最尾兩個都飲到面紅離場😚.話明慶祝生日,點可以無蛋糕!餐廳慶生氣氛都好好,嗌咗個 Tiramisu 會係蛋糕碟寫名就基本啦,仲要成間餐廳一齊唱生日歌!朋友好開心,我就滿足啦!.整體嚟講如果住港島嘅朋友仔,都好推薦可以嚟試下,揀個 weekend 嚟 Chill 下都係唔錯選擇!