2023-01-16 4144 瀏覽
近來咩型式既餐飲都趨向走Fine Dining路線,連以往大家會覺得是經濟抵吃的越南菜也走上這極致的一面。說的是最近開業不久的 SEP,走的正是越式炭火燒文化,配合精緻的法式料理手法,將越南菜推上 high end。店裡主打炭火燒,特別訂製了以炭火燒烤的爐具及人手砌的磚爐,令人未品嚐已率先感受到餐廳的炭火燒飲食文化,大廚更特地準備了不同柴木來烹調,務求每款食物都能配上適合的煙燻香氣。餐廳提供一個八道菜既Petit Vietnam Wood-fired Journey Menu,首先端來的是開胃的餐前小食 - 1.2.3. DZO!,分別是pineapple lager,banh trang crepe 及 squid,一杯只有一口的老虎啤,但卻充斥著pina colada味,小巧有趣,勾起了食慾,接著吃惹味既小薄餅及香口既炸魷魚,這份餐前小食又的確份量十足。第一道就是苗子愛吃的越式法包 - SAIGONESE BÁNH MÌ,餐廳特地做得細小,不但方便,更不會太飽,而且以自己製作為概念,玩法十足。雖然只是頭盤,但當中已迎來了荔枝木燒烤的豬頸肉,同時塗上chili jam及鵝肝醬,再夾入
近來咩型式既餐飲都趨向走Fine Dining路線,連以往大家會覺得是經濟抵吃的越南菜也走上這極致的一面。說的是最近開業不久的 SEP,走的正是越式炭火燒文化,配合精緻的法式料理手法,將越南菜推上 high end。店裡主打炭火燒,特別訂製了以炭火燒烤的爐具及人手砌的磚爐,令人未品嚐已率先感受到餐廳的炭火燒飲食文化,大廚更特地準備了不同柴木來烹調,務求每款食物都能配上適合的煙燻香氣。
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餐廳提供一個八道菜既Petit Vietnam Wood-fired Journey Menu,首先端來的是開胃的餐前小食 - 1.2.3. DZO!,分別是pineapple lager,banh trang crepe 及 squid,一杯只有一口的老虎啤,但卻充斥著pina colada味,小巧有趣,勾起了食慾,接著吃惹味既小薄餅及香口既炸魷魚,這份餐前小食又的確份量十足。
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第一道就是苗子愛吃的越式法包 - SAIGONESE BÁNH MÌ,餐廳特地做得細小,不但方便,更不會太飽,而且以自己製作為概念,玩法十足。雖然只是頭盤,但當中已迎來了荔枝木燒烤的豬頸肉,同時塗上chili jam及鵝肝醬,再夾入醃漬蘿蔔片及札肉的,苗子確是非常喜歡。
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緊接而來的是MEKONG SPRINGROLL,用上XXL 既西班牙紅蝦,蘸上脆炸漿來炸,炸得外層鬆脆內裡幼嫩,再裹上粉皮,層次十足,將蝦頭膏擠出同吃,相當惹味。
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繼續海鮮的份兒,就是招牌的FRENCH QUARTER CHILEAN SEABASS。大廚以蕉葉包著來燒,燒至焦燶,裡面的卻依然嫩滑,蘸上香濃既檸檬刁草香檳牛油白汁,鮮香十足。
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好戲一浪接一浪,HÔI AN POULET送來,如薯片般香脆的雞皮下,是非常嫩滑而肉味香濃的肉質,很久未吃過如此高質的燒雞了。
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店中的另一招牌非BÚN BÒ HUÊ莫屬,經大廚既調製下,變成一碗獨特有特式的牛肉粉,濃郁的牛骨香茅清湯以大水煲盛著,在客人面前煮滾後撞入粉中,再將早已切成薄片的黑安格斯肉眼逐片放入滾湯中,送到客人面前吃就剛好是半熟了,十分滋味。
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吃過熱湯粉後,即準備食甜品了,先是-14oc DALAT FROZEN CHOCOLATE,棒子朱古力味非常香濃,小小一口清清味蕾,適合不過。
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最後的甜品就是苗子最為喜愛的TRAIN STATION FRITTERS了,雖然是有點油,但班蘭味香濃,沾上特製的椰子醬,非常好吃。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1400 (晚餐)
2023-01-15 1209 瀏覽
Dinner. Vietnamese restaurant with state-of-the-art wood-fire oven.Very spacious main dining area with 3 private rooms seating 6-8. Some seats at the bar counter overlooking the open kitchen - to be used as chef’s table later on.Turned out chef was an artist as well, as he did the drawings of his dishes on the menu. 2 set menus to choose from; picked the longer one for $1680 pp. Considered adding $480 for a 3-glass wine pairing but just went for a glass of burgundy white. Wine list not bad.Tray
Dinner. Vietnamese restaurant with state-of-the-art wood-fire oven.
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Very spacious main dining area with 3 private rooms seating 6-8. Some seats at the bar counter overlooking the open kitchen - to be used as chef’s table later on.
Turned out chef was an artist as well, as he did the drawings of his dishes on the menu.
2 set menus to choose from; picked the longer one for $1680 pp. Considered adding $480 for a 3-glass wine pairing but just went for a glass of burgundy white. Wine list not bad.
Tray of different sauces, including lemon aioli, fish sauce, spicy lime sauce, shallots and lime etc.
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Manager seemed to have taken great heed to my warning that I was allergic to spicy things.
Here’s what we had.
-miniature pineapple lager with coconut foam. So cute!
-lightly crispy rice paper cracker layered with mullet roe and lemongrass satay.
-Deep fried Calamari
-扎肉 made with Yamato pork- to be dipped in the fish sauce.
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Barbecued Iberico pork secreto (ie thin cut of meat hidden on the side of the thick neck). On the side: sweet n sour sauce with pineapple and lemongrass. Liked the marbled texture. Quite juicy and tender. Went very well with the sauce.
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Grilled clams from Nha Trang with scallions and roasted peanut.
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Carabinero shrimps carpaccio and Taiwanese yam wrapped in crispy rice paper. Served with Vietnamese shrimp roe inside the shrimp head. Hint of lemongrass. On the side: sea grapes and greens as palate cleanser.
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Seabass topped with chives wrapped in lemon leaves. Fish stock sauce with champagne, shallots, dill and turmeric. Quite a big serving.
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Yellow chicken dry-aged for 48 hours. On the side: Green papaya salad; and a bowl of shallots with lime, black pepper and salt. Loved the super crispy skin and tender but chewy texture. Chef explained that the chicken was in the oven at 650 degrees.
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Korean ribeye cap in rice noodles.
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On the side: banana blossom salad and donut. Donut was much softer than the Chinese 油炸鬼. Extra on the house: deckle (牛白肉) ie the fatty connective tissue near the heart.
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Ate together with the ribeye; interesting contrasting textures. The noodles could be softer. Soup had been cooked for 36 hours with beef bones etc. Hint of lemongrass. Loved the soup but PickyEater thought the flavors were too intense.
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Dessert: Vietnamese 64% Chocolate IceCream.
Pandan churros. Served with coconut sauce. Again, much softer than expected.
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In summary: enjoyed chef’s interpretation of Vietnamese cuisine with the wood fire element. Lovely mix of flavors. Interested to return and try other grilled/oven dishes like the smoked wagyu tongue and ribs. Impeccable service- as expected from the lai sun group.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)