港鐵銅鑼灣站 F2 出口, 步行約2分鐘
11:00 - 21:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
摩斯經典肉醬意粉$𝟒𝟓 🍝𝑀𝑂𝑆 𝐵𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟上年開左間「𝑀𝑂𝑆 𝐶𝑈𝐶𝐼𝑁𝐴」分店✨餐廳主要行悠閒意式餐館路線😚性價比高嘅價錢就可以食到意粉同𝑝𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑎 🍕🍝食物質素都唔差而且價錢又合理如果偶然想食下西餐都可以試吓😆食物質素:⭐️⭐️⭐️餐廳環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️食物價錢:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️整體:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
我真係好鍾意食啲呢間啲意粉,特別係肉醬意粉,求下你哋開多啲分店!特別係大埔區!!我會日日都食,早餐食,午餐又食,晚餐都食! 以前係銅鑼灣返工都係日日食! Mos cucina 世一!!
MOS Burger is fairly popular chain of fast food burgers from Japan. But recently they created cafe versions serving not only their burgers but pastas. Now they have MOS Cucina. The food court version of their MOS Cafe.Menu is English and Chinese. As it's located in the food court, there is no 10% service charge. They offer various pastas along with pizza slices and desserts. All can be created into combos.I decided on the MOS Special Bolognese with Wagyu Beef Minced Steak ($60) and added a corn potage and dessert for $33. A decent portion of pasta that was not over cooked. The bolognese was not a lot of meat but a lot of onions. It tasted ok. I hoped it would taste like the mince sauce they have on their burgers but it wasnt the case. The steak was actually a patty and did taste a bit like their burger patty. I added a corn potage which is my normal order at MOS Burger as it's always sweet with bits of corn. Exactly like the powdered packge ones I sometimes buy when I need a feel a bit hungry but it's not time for lunch yet.The dessert I chose was a matcha tiramisu. I liked it. Creamy with a nice matcha taste. There was a well soaked sponge cake.It was decent. Not great but at least quite palatable. But I felt it was a bit steep for a food court. Unsure if I'd be back.
🌹元朗行完山,出銅鑼灣搵食,午餐時間過了,但下午茶又不多選擇,想起Mos Burger最近新開了一個品牌《Mos Cucina》,供應包以外的食物,而且地點就腳,就在希慎廣場內,決定去探店。 星期日整個food court都是人,好不容易搵到一個窗邊位,坐下來去尋找食店,順便落單。摩斯經典肉醬意粉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️肉醬味濃,份量夠,意大利粉軟硬適中和風蘑菇意粉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️和風味突出,份量夠,意大利粉軟硬適中長薄餅⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️細小份量,滿足口感Tiramisu⭐️⭐️⭐️不甜,抹茶配芝士突出口感Coke Zero⭐️⭐️⭐️個人評分食物味道飲品環境服務衛生抵吃回頭率
估唔到MOS Burger西餐路線。喺銅鑼灣見到呢一間日式嘅漢堡快餐店有意粉,咁梗係第一時間去食啦。一去到發現唔單止有意粉其實仲有埋Pizza,甚至仲有甜品,簡直係雙重驚喜。去到希慎廣場直接搭lift落一層去到food court門口就係呢一間。其實佢個餐牌都幾多嘢選擇:咁我自己就揀咗個忌廉煙燻三文魚意粉,然後再加多$26要個pizza,再加$6有個抹茶鮮奶。落完單之後呢咁就可以自己去搵個位坐,等嗰個警示器一響起就可以過去拎餐點。中午嗰陣時其實就冇乜人楚所以位置都仲有好多。欣賞住銅鑼灣周邊環境食嘢其實都幾開心,視野都算係開陽。好快啲嘢食就嚟到啦,因為係快餐店嘅關係所以成個等待過程唔需要15分鐘。三文魚意粉佢嗰個三文魚其實就有三塊左右。意粉上面有大量嘅芝士粉。忌廉汁喺底,食嗰陣時做稍稍翻動一下意粉。成個Pizza好大份,未做到芝士拉斯嘅嗰個效果,但係食得飽。佢個Pizza其實焗到有少少燶,但又係厚邊,咬落去嗰陣時要用少少牙力。薯條我覺得係好香,唔單只係嗰種油炸味亦都係薯仔本身嘅香味。可以食得出佢啖啖都係薯仔嘅肉。抹茶鮮奶其實就係抹茶粉沖開咗,變成抹茶,然後再倒落鮮奶。雖然我係叫咗少冰,但其實佢仲好似係正常冰咁樣。我覺得淨係叫呢一杯嘢飲要$26係有啲唔抵嘅。係套餐加配$6就可以接受。總體來講,一個高級快餐嘅價錢可以俾你體驗到食西餐嘅感覺,性價比算係幾高。兩個人食左$150。環境係越晏越多人,所以要去食嘅話就要快啲去霸位。