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食評 (9)
.@maisonkayser (上環).呢間Bakery係其中一間我幾鍾意嘅法式Bakery之前試過佢哋嘅almond croissants & chocolate danish roll 我都覺得高質 & 鍾意大家可以睇返之前嘅post🤍.肉桂核桃丹麥酥.每層口感堆疊感覺厚實 rather 好空氣 做到dense dense哋嘅口感但又好酥脆!肉桂核桃存在感幾夠!油香感適中 唔算膩 甜度中上 我個人覺得係抵quota嘅選擇!對於「肉桂捲」控!呢個口味可以kill kill甜度 都唔算低但因為鍾意得「肉桂捲」都無理由要食「唔甜」嘅肉桂酥啦🤣.紅梅燕麥曲奇.法式軟曲奇 好厚實 軟熟 rather 酥脆甜度雖然偏高 熱量密度也算高但紅梅燕麥令到件事感覺中和啲🐜螞蟻人可kill!驚太甜嘅就可能未必會好like.綜合而言 我覺得呢間Bakery嘅包質素都算係高但單價相比港式餅店又係會高啲...蘿蔔青菜 各有所好錢銀厚薄 各有不同所以 睇kcal & $ 做人自己選擇啦🤣🤍. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-02-23
1533 瀏覽
疫情期間時間較多,喜歡自己做健康Sourdough 🍞 ⋯疫情緩和了,工作開始復常,抽不了空常做健康麵包了😞最近發現這間口碑不錯的bakery & cafe😍除了三文治、甜品、咖啡☕️👍🏻還要有酸種麵售賣😃而且$27有半個,不貴唄!先買半個試試,噢!她們完全做到皮微脆內輕軟口感,老公都讚👍🏻塗上少少淡牛油🧈或無糖果醬就不會掩蓋了sourdough 獨有的香味和口感,好吃😋想飽足些可作三文治🥪✌🏻放上低脂芝士自制牛油果🥑醬和黑松露蛋🥚⋯😋😋😋完全不輸cafe做的💃🏻😜 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-01-14
1040 瀏覽
Today our manager surprise us with two special French dessert🥧🇫🇷The “King’s pie” Galette des Rois. It’s a pastry pie stuffed with mainly sweet almond puree and other ingredients like 🥚 and 🧈 . People mainly have it on the 6th of Jan to celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men in BethlehemIt. It looks like a pot pie but a sweeter and more deluxe version. The special thing of this pie is each pie will have a button randomly stuffed in the pie. The youngest member of the group have to assign different slices to different people to see whether who is the lucky one who get the bottom then he/ she can be the King/ Queen👑When I first saw the pie, I thought 💭 it’s just a pie like normal tuna/ pineapple pie. However, it surprised me 🤩!!!When you first bite it, you can clearly taste the different layers of pastry running in your mouth. With the aroma of milk and butter, almond takes the advantage and perfectly combine to form an unexpected harmony and comfortable tatse😋 The chef have balance everything well which the pie is perfectly seasoned. It won’t be over sweet or too greasy, and with the help of the almond stuffed, it moisture the pie to make the outside crunchy and crispy but soft and smooth in the inside!!!🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧Place (Convenient?) N/A (Bought by colleague)Decor N/A Flavour 9/10👍🏼Service N/A🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-07-30
1347 瀏覽
最近呢一個星期日日都食下午茶.真係有啲過分.不過日日食唔同嘅嘢都OK嘅.今日有同事過咗去中環做野.經過見到呢間同事推介話好好食.所以今日我哋一齊試吓👏🏻今次一共買咗25件.我哋呢一層嘅同事都一齊食☺️真係花多眼亂每款味道都有買齊.我今次揀咗朱古力既!一擺入口不得了.個朱古力味超濃超滑.整體係會有啲甜.但係可以接受.入邊會有少少脆餅.最低會有朱古力蛋糕.中間會有cream所以整體好滑.而同事都話個檸檬撻同埋個焦糖餅勁好食😋有同事就話個紅桑子撻就會有啲酸.中間就係綠色嘅cream應該係開心果味.但係整體配搭都幾好食.下次我一定會試埋其他味道😊 繼續閱讀
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經過買過bread 見好似好吸引又話有蕃茄味嘅麵包同埋有一個寫住漢堡包,通常漢堡包都會有塊漢堡喺入邊㗎嘛,咁我就以為佢好新穎隱藏咗塊喺個包裏便要咬開知道啦…😡**點知搞到第一啖個包已經毫無味道仲衰過白麵包**😡😡我真心覺得一般白麵包好味過佢好好多完全係冇料喺裏面我唔明白點解叫做漢堡包囉係咪因為個影子漢堡所以叫漢堡包?😳😳仲要收$14有冇搞X錯?😠以後不會再幫襯!完 繼續閱讀
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