港鐵大窩口站 B 出口, 步行約11分鐘 繼續閱讀
59272230 (WhatsApp)
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
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食評 (134)
等級2 2025-02-03
168 瀏覽
Short Story: Really nice, simple middle Eastern food, very good service, comfortable and not crowded. Please give it a try. Long Story: We've been wanting to try this restaurant for a long time and today we finally made it. I wish we'd come sooner! We've only seen it crowded at lunch a few times but today it was not, so that's why we were able to relax and enjoy our time there. Welcome in by the Uncle Waiter who was friendly. Ordered through the app. Ads in the ordering app are kind of annoying, please get rid of these, guys! I'm already your customer and I want to get to ordering! We order the lamb and beef hummus, the beef hummus, and the extra large chicken leg/thigh. Soup comes with it, it's a very nice, basic tomato soup which it very nicely seasoned and just hot enough and not overly salty or oily, as Western soups can sometimes be. I liked this a lot. The soup came fast and the main dishes came shortly after we finished the soup. Great service detail! To me, the lamb beef hummus was PHENOMENAL. Portion is not huge, but definitely not small, as many places do that these days. Could have been more hummus, though, as it really matches the meat and vegetables. Meat is almost perfectly cooked. I say almost because the beef is a tiny bit over but I'm not complaining. The seasoning is really nice. I've not a pro palate, but this tasted fabulous to me. Excellent work, guys! The beef hummus was a little bit over salty, and maybe there's some vinegar in the sauce? But it was nice that Mrs. Charlie did finish it. The chicken was for my daughter, Charlie Jr. Its just a fried chicken thigh leg, but... It wasn't greasy at all. This part was really good, guys, a simple thing like that is great. Drinks were OK. The Apple ginger drink they cut a little heart shape in the aoole which is a very nice touch, and the drink has strong ginger but not too sweet for really nice balance. Milk tea was... a bit too milky. The coffee tea (yin yeung) had strong coffee taste but tea was not strong. The balance of these two drinks was only OK and not great. Uncle Waiter was doing a good job helping the other customers with friendly conversations we heard and giving helpful tips. No rush to leave or time limits or anything so we can talk while Charlie Jr. is drawing pictures in her book. To sum up, I'll definitely be back to try more dishes. the hummus, a simple dish, was done simply fabulously and it was one of the best dishes I've eaten in many years. Really that good in my humble opinion. Thanks, guys! 繼續閱讀
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香港少有嘅以色列餐廳,  菜單主要以中東菜式為主。第一次食鷹嘴豆泥彼得包, 叫咗傳統鷹嘴豆泥, 豆泥混合咗橄欖油。 ($70)彼得包上枱時非常熱, 表面睇好似好乾, 入口非常之軟熟, 配鷹嘴豆泥好夾。熱石榴茶: (+$15)同平時嘅石榴茶有少少唔同, 杯入面有條迷迭香, 飲落酸酸地, 唔會有強烈嘅香料味。唔知咩品種, 不過啲石榴籽幾好食 餐牌見到個甜品好特別: 流奶與蜜(+$18), 睇完都唔知咩黎。好奇心驅使下, 就叫左個試下。原來係奶凍黎 ,配上玫瑰花醬同開心果粒奶涷有少少乳酪味, 一啲都唔蘇, 配上玫瑰花醬令奶涷更清新。網評話呢間餐廳啲侍應態度好差, 不過今次去又唔太覺, 個叔叔仲問我甜品同飲品需唔需要後上。去咗兩次都仲未試條彼得魚,下次再去要試下。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-10-20
698 瀏覽
呢間係喺呢本區內裏十分有特色嘅餐廳,好適合帶埋朋友嚟聚會同埋打卡。以前經過呢間餐廳,見到每一個餐嘅價錢都過$100 ,唔敢入去。今日見到竟然有$58一個下午茶餐,就即刻衝咗入去食。我仲加咗$20要咗一杯菠菜牛油果特飲,好好味。餐廳裏面放着詩歌。除咗以色列菜外,仲有限定嘅中式食物。我今日點嘅係下午茶的牛舌沙律,牛舌煎得又嫩又香,又有大量的牛油果同埋鷹嘴豆,真係物超所值,值得推介!希望佢唔好開開下唔開,香港越嚟越少特色餐廳了。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-09-03
1406 瀏覽
原本知道因為未能續租因素會結業,在呢間店結業,當晚特登來食最後晚餐,誰知最後租約可以處理到,可以繼續營運真係睇呢間特色餐廳開心。 佢嘅鷹嘴豆醬同彼得包真係冇得輸,普通貝果麵包配特色醬,跟住又超級好食,佢嘅獨特味道真係之後佢先可以食到。 當晚特別嘅係,有一張枱有位叔叔自彈自唱,超級有特色,主要係日文同埋一啲懷舊金曲。即刻氣氛滿滿。叔叔唔止音樂有才,畫工都一流,佢仲即場送咗米奇老鼠唐老鴨圖畫俾我仔仔,跟住仲要喺佢手上高畫咗一隻,仲要加埋閃石,仔仔開心咗好耐。 繼續閱讀
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唔理會任何宗教、政治傾向,純粹想見識下咩叫以色列中東菜。係香港呢類菜比印巴類更少,同一啲本地黎巴嫩菜餐廳比較之下,呢間某啲伴菜、主要飲品都比較港式,可能因為咁,係混合情況底下得出一個相宜價錢。呢度啲主菜好似全部都可以做餐,跟飲品&餐湯(菜或豆湯)兩者都幾唔錯。唔係出面西餐廳啲紅白湯。米飯有得揀中式或中東,嚟得呢度緊係中東米啦!唔知算唔算Basmati呢,係咪已經係黃姜飯嚟㗎呢? 【 水波蛋阿拉伯肉醬中東米飯 】除咗係中東飯之外,呢款唔覺得有乜同本地菜色唔同,呢碟普通咗啲。【 菲塔奶酪菠菜沙克舒卡雞肉中東米飯 】 呢款係好奇怪咁賣相麻麻但出奇地好味,絕對有佢嗰種奶酪嘅特色,有肉有菜,又有中東米,一日所需應該足夠啦啩?【 橄欖油紅酒醋古斯米沙律 】可以當係輕食嘅主菜份量,橄欖油出色過啲菜【 中東烤卷 - 雞肉 】好食,肉、菜、醬料夾算係土耳其Kebab風格?【 鷹嘴豆泥(原味) + 比得包 】呢碟菜可能好冷門冇乜本地人吼,但我覺得呢款先係呢間餐廳最代表之選。唔覺本地人對Chana有興趣,比得包更加罕有,以豆泥方式出場,唔試過就真係毫無意義食以色列菜。旋渦視覺中央加入橄欖油為其精髓,令豆泥更升層次。---沙律菜用嘅黑醋&橄欖油都非常出色,食得出係用好材料,至於沙律菜本身就中規中矩。呢度亦有啲未聽見過嘅以色列菜餚令人好奇想試,又有啲Cafe Style嘅款式。似乎係想融合香港人口味多元化?免加一 繼續閱讀
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