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Artemis&Apollo是一間別致希臘小酒館,主打經典的雅典傳統美食,旨在為食客提供傳統地中海味道。洋溢歐陸風情的簡約裝潢,讓你彷如置身歐洲。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
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食評 (95)
等級4 2023-11-17
2228 瀏覽
Artemis & Apollo 位於灣仔月街,係一間傳統希臘菜餐廳,個門口都好有希臘小白屋既感覺,希臘菜平時真係好少接觸,我地一行8人一齊體驗下Cold MezzeHummus鷹嘴豆泥Tzatziki Theodoros希臘青瓜乳酪Roasted Eggplant烤茄子泥配以一碟蔬菜條同pita bread一齊食用,3個醬入面我覺得Hummus係最好味,酸酸地既味道同蒜味好香,pita bread亦都軟熟同d醬好夾SaladCypriot 主要有希臘乳酪、洋蔥碎、番茄粒、香草、紅石榴、小麥脆粒等等既材料,第一啖好有驚喜,小麥脆粒好脆口同所有野都好夾,但食到一半個口開始咬到好攰同有點膩Hot MezzeSaganaki Platanos鐵板燒芝士,用上羊奶芝士,再加上杏脯果醬同杏脯肉,羊奶芝士膻味無平時咁強烈,芝士既咸同杏脯既甜形成一個好大既對比,味道好夾Spit-Roasted Meats and SeafoodPrawn Saganaki 呢個絕對係打卡既菜式,侍應會淋上已點了火既酒落鐵板蝦到,個個唔係火咁簡單,係火焰黎架🔥🤣,蝦燒得好香亦都食到酒香味,好食Chicken Souvlaki雞肉烤肉係好有希臘風味既一道菜式,但真係好咸,咸到完全食唔到,有點失望Honey Lemon Chicken因為我地都有好多人唔食羊,大廚特登整左呢款蜂蜜雞卑我地,味道酸酸甜甜,雞肉肉質亦都好嫩滑,雞肉略嫌咸左少少,整體都好好食Steki Tou Ilia Lamb Chops by the Kilo烤薄羊架係呢度既signature,份量亦都唔少,中間有d乳酪中和返個油膩感,大火烤既關係邊位有少少燶味但係香口的,鍾意食羊既朋友應該會喜歡的環境係不錯的,但燈光也未免太暗了,暗到我唔係好睇得清楚d食物,希臘菜主要都以奶製類食品為主,所以我地食完頭盤同沙律都已經好飽🙈,整餐既體驗係唔錯的,好岩一大班人gathering 既好地方 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-02-12
491 瀏覽
好久也沒有吃希臘菜,今次回味一趟。可能環境太舒服了,這次慶祝生日的午餐花了兩個小時。右上:Tzatziki Theodoros - 乳酪加上橄欖油,既酸,且清新。皮塔餅蘸上,多吃數塊也無妨。燒茄子泥拌雜菜 - 灰灰的,怎樣看也不像茄子泥,還以為是鷹咀豆泥,吃來有微辣。 甘筍條就如故事書的插圖般可愛。右中上:塞浦路斯沙律 - 吃來就如爆谷。爆谷堆積如山,吃不完!右中下:豬肉及雞肉捲餅 - 烤豬肉較來得香口。右下:Lebneh Cheesecake - 芝士好新鮮,就像剛做出來的! 紅石榴甜中帶酸,可解膩。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-11-12
1041 瀏覽
Came here with my family for a casual weekend meal. I haven’t had good Greek food for a long while and Artemis & Apollo certainly didn’t disappoint. The prawn saganaki is a must order. Hummus and taramasalata went really well with pita bread. The pork souvlaki and the pomegranate chicken were both nicely seasoned and the meat were succulent. The Cypriot salad on the house was exceptionally generous! Their service was the best I could ever ask for! 一定會再光顧!豐富的希臘晚餐 + 很好的顧客服務 = 大家可以試一試! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-15
2497 瀏覽
Artemis & Apollo 係一間傳統希臘餐廳,強調簡單希臘烹飪,由餐廳充滿希臘風情嘅裝修以及音樂,都帶俾食客一種輕鬆用餐嘅歡樂感覺,好似置身於希臘酒館一樣呢間餐廳大部份菜式,都可以品嚐到經典希臘風格嘅經典菜肴。個人推介:是日精選 - 希臘經典菜式之一,烤羊羊肉烤得外脆內軟,再配以檸檬同yogurt ,口感清爽,一啲都唔油膩餐廳以輕鬆希臘氣氛取勝,食物反而係其次。好適合朋友聚會,所以weekend都比較難book位,建議都要早一兩個星期 繼續閱讀
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見到好評論梗係會想食下啦。點知啲食物冇沒希拉味道,但係又唔多好食喎,嗰結論就係下次唔使再來呀🤣 點解大家評論咁高嘅🤔個soulvaki 真係麻麻哋。200+嘅餐我會expect佢好juicy好入味。越食越失望,個雞肉無乜味,個汁又好一般。其實根本同其他買🌯嘅地方無分別... 我寧願去Ebeneezer, 有三個汁可以任用,食落下真係係好正~ 我本身好佢個中意薄荷汁,真係超級好食又唔貴。啲冷盤我就唔多講。唔好食唔啱味。個hummus 點解味道怪怪哋。點解個roasted eggplant點解焗出嚟係少少苦嘅味道🤔 ...你俾我估100次我都唔會知道係eggplant。好食嘅就係個沙拉幾開胃又卜卜脆~ 啲薯條有唔錯,個乳酪醬嘅好食。👍 Came here because of the review but left feeling pretty disappointed. Nothing tasted very greek to me. End of the day what matters is if the food taste good, unfortunately the food wasn't so yummy either.The chicken soulvaki tasted pretty generic. The only saving grace was the bread, the chicken filing was pretty poor. I expected larger chunks of juicy chicken, not small cut up bits of pale chicken. The sauce ok the chicken was some sort of yogurt sauce, so not very flavorful.😭😭😭If you handed it to me without telling me what it is, I would just think it's is a wrap from Ebeneezer. Ebeneezer has three sauces to choose from, I love their mint sauce, and you can add as much sauce as you like, so heaps better and cheaper than this🤣The starters were not my cup of tea. The hummus tasted odd and had an overpowering taste. I prefer if it had a nuttier chickpea taste. 👎😅The roasted eggplant dip wasn't much better. There wasn't any smokey or roasted flavour from the dip, and quite honestly I would have a hard time guessing that it was eggplant because there wasn't much eggplant flavour. 👎The best thing were the Greek french fries and the yoghurt dip.👍 The yoghurt dip was refreshing, tart, by far the best dip when compared to the hummus and the roasted eggplant.The salad was good too. 👍 繼續閱讀
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