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食評 (50)
等級4 2023-10-11
298 瀏覽
煲仔飯款式都算多,但性價比一般,但佢即叫即煲,呢方面都欣賞!我覺得偏貴🥲🥲🥲🥲未係好大驚喜!🥲但環境都算舒服,服務態度都可以!如果價錢稍為降一些會比較理想!🤗🤗 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-07-15
399 瀏覽
點煲(新港城中心(4期))是一家以其精緻的點心和多樣化的選擇而受到食客的喜愛。首先,點煲的點心品質非常出色。無論是蝦餃、燒賣還是鮮竹卷,每一道點心都製作精細,外皮薄脆、內餡鮮美。食材新鮮且味道鮮明,每一口都能感受到細膩的口感和豐富的風味。此外,他們的糯米雞和蛋撻也非常受歡迎,口感綿密,味道濃郁。其次,餐廳提供了多樣化的點心選擇,滿足不同人的口味喜好。無論您喜歡傳統的精緻點心還是創意新派的創意點心,這裡都能找到合適的選擇。他們還提供各種口味的糖水和茶飲,為整餐體驗增添了一份甜蜜和清涼。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-06-11
187 瀏覽
[ Dim Pot 點煲 | 馬鞍山 ]This is my third time here as I’m obsessed with their live and fresh seafood. But today I finally tried something new. —— —— 豉汁蒸白鱔 $148My first time trying this fish as I’ve been told there are so many little bones in each bite but the effort is well worth it as the meat is extremely delicious when cooked right. This eel was cooked perfectly in my opinion. The skin is bouncy and chewy and the flesh is so tender that it rips off the bone with ease (does not flake as it is not a flaky fish). There are a lot of bones and I choked three times eating it but got the hang of it after a while. Love the fermented black soybean that is salty and a classic with fish. Highly recommend this dish if you like eating this kind of eel. The portion is nicely sized with 6 plump pieces. —— —— 金銀蒜蓉新鮮蒸龍躉 $148 I get this every time I’m here as it is just so freaking good! The grouper is thick and always cooked perfectly, absolutely love the gelatinous skin with the tender and flaky flesh. But what’s even more delicious is the addictive vermicelli soaked in this garlic oil and soy sauce. I can eat bowls of this on its own! 10/10 recommend this dish and I think about it every day. —— —— 推介 🙆🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, I love the quality of their seafood here as it is guaranteed fresh and straight from their tank. The value is also pretty great given the quality. 🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-01-15
1057 瀏覽
好耐之前已經介紹過呢間裝修格調非常特色嘅煲仔飯店,選擇咗一個寒冷❄️嘅晚上 ,一次過食到咁多款唔同口味嘅煲仔飯,係幸福嘅事🫖.多款唔同款式嘅煲仔飯,有經典配搭仲有新派嘅組合,實在係相當有創意,用一隻🥄就可以刮晒飯焦出嚟,緊記加入「秘製豬油🐷」成件事即刻唔同晒🫖———————————————————————————🥢金銀蒜龍躉🐟煲仔飯💬啖啖魚肉厚切,配上秘製醬油,食得到嘅係鮮味,將煲仔飯嘅經典提升,荷葉籠仔蒸飯嘅變奏☺️.🥢臘鴨髀🦆鴛鴦腸煲仔飯💬臘味嘅油香果然係非常重要,揀選好嘅食材都係有幫助,臘腸潤腸同臘鴨髀都唔係死鹹,極度有質素☺️.🥢滑雞🐔鴛鴦腸煲仔飯💬確實係滑雞,非常滑,部分比較肥美,能夠散發出油份,令米飯🍚更加香濃,都係經典必選☺️.🥢金銀蒜開邊蝦🦐煲仔飯💬開邊蒸蝦好彈牙好鮮味,金銀蒜🧄加埋蔥🌱嘅香滲入米飯🍚之中,食落滋味,加入豬油更有另一番感覺🤤.🥢秋冬期間限定 - 蛇羹🐍💬好滿足可以食到蛇羹,用火保溫可以等待⌛️煲仔飯之後先享用,天冷有一碗蛇羹暖胃係窩心嘅事☺️ 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-12-27
829 瀏覽
天寒地凍,掌心凍冰冰,又凍又肚餓;路過新港城中心間《點煲》,個柴爐火紅咁煲緊煲仔飯,吾理佢係咪得個樣,見有位即刻衝入去叫個煲仔先!點左二人餐,有湯有點心併盤有小菜(揀左牛腩煲)有煲仔飯(揀左爉腸鷄煲飯)都係二百幾蚊!點心拼盤造型可愛,燒賣奶王包都正常;蘿蔔牛腩滾住上枱,牛腩軟冧,唯獨蘿白上菜時仍然係白色,亦未入味,可能可以煲長少少;主角臘腸鷄煲大約十五分鐘後個煲冒住煙咁上,梗係開心喇;特備長鐵匙俾客抓飯焦,啲飯焦脆卜卜,數得出八件有骨鷄件,兩截臘腸,大人細路都食得開心;可惜煲飯只有臘腸既香,但食落冇乜應有既油感,不過行商場既家常便飯係ok 既。 繼續閱讀
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