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佢個甜品真係好難食,難食到我完全食唔到落去。個芒果芋香波波仙草完全冇味咁,啲仙草食落有少少鹹,加咗兩粒湯圓入面啲餡係硬嘅。另外有一個芝麻糊燉蛋白加芝麻湯圓,就算啲湯圓係現成嘅都冇理由難食都咁樣 。雖然我哋係叫外賣,但係應該本身都已經係超級難食。老實講已經好耐冇食過咁難食嘅甜品,我係完全唔能夠夾硬食晒成碗,所以唯有只可以丟掉。建議大家唔好浪費金錢嘗試呢間舖頭,除非你想試下難食甜品嘅極致 。I would say that this tasted super awful. Do not recommend to any human being with a normal taste, but even if you are hungry or craving for dessert. This was most very likely the worst dessert I have ever had.
I would say that this tasted super awful. Do not recommend to any human being with a normal taste, but even if you are hungry or craving for dessert. This was most very likely the worst dessert I have ever had.