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食評 (5)
等級4 2024-04-19
177 瀏覽
今日同朋友一行四人出嚟食 個即興dinner , 見火煱執咗,所以試吓小炒,點知有驚喜wow 🤩孜然蒜香骨,味道剛剛好,又不會太油,外脆內軟,十分不錯👍🏻吊燒雞半隻,個皮整得好好食,十分有驚喜!👍🏻麻辣水煮牛肉,芽菜青瓜木耳做湯底,中和水煮牛肉嘅油膩,不錯不錯😌黑松露馬碲煎肉餅,十分有特色,少少黑松露的香味,朋友十分喜歡☺️唯獨個豉椒炒蜆,味道好但有d 蜆唔新鮮,美中不足!但整體而言性價比高,值得一試👍🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-15
292 瀏覽
以前,政府在香港舊區或工厰區內,都有建築政府熟食中心,以平價租給大排檔,建築物外形不好看,像是政府街市一樣,但里面的食物相對外面店鋪便宜很多,吸引一般市民和勞工去吃工作餐。我從來沒有到過熟食大樓,今次特意來嘗試下這熟食中心的大排檔,鑊氣怎樣?廈門炒米粉,又酸又甜,味道適中,但鑊氣一般,沒有地道的火喉,但價錢和親切的大排檔服務風格足以令人感到港式的排檔文化和風味。才42元就提供一碟廈門炒米粉,飲凍檸茶加3元,相信已是今時今日比較便宜的午餐。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2021-11-23
720 瀏覽
天氣凍凍地,諗住去觀塘食個羊腩煲暖下身。點知中伏!!!1. 羊骨多過肉2. 羊無羊味,淡過煲湯豬肉3. 啲肉黑蚊蚊,薑都霉晒,成煲野似人地食剩翻煮咁款4. 有枝竹,無馬蹄,但唔知點解有蓮藕同冬菇唯一可取係跟煲個唐生菜最鮮甜。🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬食到我哋無晒心機😥😓😢咁難食仲要收$328一煲(細煲)咩料呀!💀另外叫左個蠔餅,超多粉,味道一般般。$78唔係叫大家唔好去食,但係唔該老細見到評語就改善下啦,俾啲良心好喎。(收3舊幾水咁既貨色,真係超過份。不過其實$100都唔想食)🤦🏻‍♀️ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2019-03-12
1182 瀏覽
食過好多次了,成日lunch都落黎食,間舖係街市入面,環境就唔可以咁多要求但入面都光猛企理乾淨!係住家菜嘅感覺lunch一星期至少都會黎一次,重點係d湯好好飲,0味精,推介推介 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-12-18
741 瀏覽
Met boyfriend in Kwun Tong for lunch and it was his time to choose a place to eat. Thus, we headed to the cooked food market. Originally he wanted to eat somewhere else but the line was too long. So, he randomly chose this place.百口味小廚 is located on the bottom floor of the cooked food market. There is no English name.Menu is on the wall. Though at lunch time, they have a very inexpensive lunch menu. You can order a rice and mains or some sort of fried rice or noodle. All come with a daily soup.Boyfriend ordered a stir fried rice noodle with char siu ($38). Portion size was large.  But it was not good at all. It not only lacked seasoning, but it tasted burnt. It was so burnt, it lay unfinished.I ordered something from the daily lunch. Sweet and sour pork with a bowl of rice and daily soup ($34). The good? Not that much. The soup of the day was a coconut soup. It was ok. Not great but not bad as well. I guess I've had better coconut soup at my workplace. But then boyfriend informs me that is one it's signature dishes so ..... I guess nothing compares?  The sweet and sour pork sauce was ok. A good balance of sour and sweet. But The pork meat? Hard as a rock. I couldn't chew it apart no matter how hard I tried. It was also cold. I know some places like to prepare the daily meals ahead of time but this wasn't even kept warm. Needless to say, I left it untouched.No I know why out of all the places surrounding us, this was the only one with plenty of seats. Service was friendly. But the food? Terrible and definitely geared to provide huge portions at a bargain price. I won't be back. 繼續閱讀
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