港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 步行約5分鐘
18:00 - 01:00
18:00 - 01:00
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食評 (46)
📍1st Floor, Guanfu Center, No. 9North Florida, Tsim Sha Tsui 銅鑼灣邊寧頓街13-15號1樓
This cozy restaurant is a hidden gem in the bustling area of Tsim Sha Tsui, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere perfect for a casual meal with friends or family.
Menu Highlights1. 韓國馬格利酒 막걸리 / Korean Makgeolli $100 🍾✨👍This traditional Korean rice wine is a must-try. It has a slightly sweet and tangy flavor, making it a refreshing accompaniment to the rich and savory dishes on the menu.2. 五花肉 Pork belly ($138) 🐷👍The pork belly is succulent and flavorful, grilled to perfection. It's served with a variety of dipping sauces and fresh lettuce leaves, allowing you to create your own delicious wraps.3. 猪頸肉 Pork neck ($138) 🐷👍The pork neck is tender and juicy, with a perfect balance of fat and meat. It's marinated in a savory sauce that enhances its natural flavors, making it a standout dish.4. 豬皮 Pork rinds ($138) 🐷 For those who enjoy a bit of crunch, the pork rinds are a delightful treat. They are crispy and well-seasoned, providing a satisfying contrast to the other dishes.5. 泡菜煎餅 Kimchi pancake ($110) 🌶️🌶️👍The kimchi pancake is a crowd favorite. It's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a spicy kick from the kimchi. It's a perfect appetizer to start your meal.Overall Experience 👍👍💯😋🤤✨✨✨
Seoul House Restaurant 首爾家韓國料理 offers a delightful culinary journey through Korea with its diverse menu and authentic flavors. The friendly staff and cozy ambiance make it a great spot for a relaxed dining experience. Whether you're a fan of Korean cuisine or looking to try something new, Seoul House is definitely worth a visit.
食物好普通 炸雞完全係差 又唔入味 又唔滑 又多碎骨 切得好差 仲要價錢一啲都唔平 魚糕鍋$198 但係最多就係蘿蔔甘筍 啲青口不過不失 但完全唔值$198 😅 個湯底好似味精湯咁 淨係食到好鹹嘅辛辣麵味員工質素又係好差 叫佢拎野好似好唔願意咁又唔主動 跟住食都未食完 人仲坐喺度已經不停收晒啲碗碗碟碟(間野唔full)果個時間只係8點幾 究竟點解可以咁冇禮貌果條街大把正宗韓國嘢 唔需要食呢間 呢間完全唔正宗 韓國啤酒細罐要$29 😅😅😅?
漢城韓國餐廳 (尖沙咀)海鮮湯麵 - 鮮味滿溢的韓式海鮮大餐韓氣十足嘅人氣韓式餐廳朋友,你有冇試過去韓國餐廳食野?如果未試過嘅話,我一定要推薦你去試吓啊!最近我去咗一間韓氣十足嘅韓式餐廳,呢度嘅環境超級舒適,仲有好多道地嘅韓國風味。首先要推介嘅就係佢哋嘅「石鍋拌飯」,超級彈牙嘅米飯配上新鮮海鮮,再加埋幾勺韓國辣醬,簡直係人間美味!除咗拌飯之外,「海鮮辣麵」同「海鮮煎餅」都係唔能錯過嘅招牌菜。海鮮辣麵又辣又香,麵條好彈牙,配合鮮甜嘅海鮮絕對係一絕!而海鮮煎餅就晒滑又酥脆,實在係又平又好食。最後要講講呢間餐廳嘅裝修同服務啦!餐廳嘅裝潢好簡約but又帶有濃濃韓風,連擺放餐具嘅方式都好特別,好有韓國范兒。服務生都好有禮貌,好快就會拎餐上黎。總之,如果你有興趣試吓正宗嘅韓國菜式,我真心推薦你一試,保證唔會令你失望!😋靜靜雞指數 🐥🐥🐣🥚🥚🔂再偷食指數 ✅✅✅✅☑️💲減荷包指數 💸💸💵💵💵——————————————————店舖資料📍 尖沙咀山林道35號地舖
鍾意飲酒嘅你唔好錯過!有feel嘅「酒館」裝修非常cozy 韓國人打埋 好有韓國家庭嘅感覺有多種韓國酒🇰🇷~ 開到零晨1點嘅酒肉餐廳🥃➊ 燒肉set (for 2) $480豬肉、牛肉、雞肉、羊肉、魷魚(任選3款)已經腌好嘅menu 調味較多 味道唔錯 送酒一流!➋ Set包括小菜、蘿蔔湯、米飯(*之後再加泡菜芽菜等等+$10一碟)➌ 生菜🥬另加$50除咗燒肉仲有其他下酒菜式,多款湯品e.g. 凍明太魚湯/ 辣炒/ 各類煎餅 (6款) etc.個人就覺得係小小偏貴嘅,而且每款食品都要加$$如果係特別日子都值得一去,因為環境都真係幾有feel鍾意飲酒的話又可以飲到多種韓國酒,的確幾happy🍶
今日去 2001年開店既韓國餐廳😌呢間係尖沙咀區內開店最長時間 同區最經濟實惠既店舖適合家庭聚餐😗而且由韓國人主理 美味正宗韓國料理1️⃣韓式豬手 豬手大大份 肉質鮮嫩加埋D韓式醬汁食 一流2️⃣人蔘雞湯 天氣轉冷岩曬食熱野呢個人蔘雞湯加埋年糕仲可以飽肚湯用石鍋盛上可以保溫3️⃣生米酒韓國的米酒 入口清新 🙂🙂🙂🙂▪️位置: 8/10▫️環境: 8/10▪️衛生: 8/10▫️服務: 7/10▪️食物: 8/10