港鐵北角站 A1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (3)
來自東京的餐廳品牌,採用居酒屋木系裝潢,並以富日本風味的布藝作裝飾。多款食材由當地空運到港,製作招牌海鮮丼。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 OpenRice Pay
無障礙設施 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (69)
海街丼已經唔係第一次食無論係鰂魚涌定係北角嗰間都有食過🥰一諗到想食日本嘢,但要有質素嘅就會諗起海街丼😆主打丼飯都多項選擇😆今日嗌咗海寶丼(上) 丼飯如圖片一樣咁足料🥰一如既往一樣可以變做茶漬飯侍應好有禮貌耐心講解食法最左邊白色似啫喱嘅係醋之後有暖壺裝住用嚟整茶漬飯嘅鰹魚湯✨好細心🤤魚生新鮮,蟹肉多🥰絕對唔會有料少飯多嘅感覺食到一半我將魚湯倒落個飯度🫶🏻我飲咗一啖魚湯,鮮味十足😍加埋嗰三個小碟嘅配料💯💯💯幫襯過幾次,仍然水準穩定一樣咁出色😆有機會再嚟😍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
嗰晚同老公到北角匯搵嘢食,見到有一間幾靚嘅日式丼飯店,裝修好日式,便決定入去試一試!我哋坐喺窗邊卡位,感覺係幾舒服,我同老公點左「特上海寶丼」裏面有10種不同嘅海鮮,有海膽、甜蝦、吞拿魚、油甘魚、章魚、穴子、蛤蜊、小扇貝、雪場蟹、鮭魚子。師傅同我哋講佢哋跟足日本做法會將所有魚生切粒調好味、再將材料滿滿咁加上嗰熱飯度,所以加埋勁大碗囉!😂跟住店員仲同我哋介紹海街丼特有食法,就係「一丼三食」!首先係配豉油Wasabi食出海鮮嘅鮮味,第二式就係配上佢哋特調嘅「醋啫喱」,慢慢加落個熱飯融咗佢,調返個壽司飯嘅酸味出嚟!第三食就係食到剩返三份一嘅時候,就可以加上佢哋嘅「魚介出汁」,原來係鯛魚湯嚟㗎,連埋三款配料(米果、芝麻、紫菜)作茶漬飯嘅食法!唔同層次嘅食法真係好特別又好美味!我哋仲叫咗凍辣蕃茄,酸酸辣辣凍冰冰好惹味,另外仲叫咗豆腐胡麻沙律,沙律嗰分量仲比我想像中大好多添!不過餐廳冇乜甜品選擇,如果加返多啲日式甜品就更加好啦!整體來講呢間餐廳比我嘅感覺真係唔錯,價錢又ok,期待下一次再嚟試吓其他嘅魚生飯同小食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-13
675 瀏覽
點了廚師推介套餐 刺身食材非常鮮甜 魚無渣 拖羅部份魚脂豐香 每片魚厚度夠有口感 海膽份量不會過少 飯軟硬適中 魚同飯溫度剛好 魚不是凍冰冰 飯係暖既 感受倒廚房用心做 不是隨便交功課 這水準性價$180 在本地來說不錯 希望水準保持 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
期望越大失望越大,食材不錯但口感不行,切丁太細粒冇口感,飯底係白飯?!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🍣 海宝丼【特上】 HK$170> 吞拿魚、油甘魚、章魚、穴子、蛤蜊、小扇貝、真雪蟹、海膽、甜蝦、鮭魚子、青瓜・味道:整體新鮮,但冇話特別鮮甜,一般唔伏,以呢個價錢嚟講我expect更好食。不過料好多,底下都仲有好多刺身撈飯食~btw雪蟹量很多但冇乜味⋯⋯・口感:除咗甜蝦、海膽外,其他刺身都係切丁上,口感上好單一。個人覺得會一片片上咁食會爽好多,至少食到唔同魚嘅口感。🍣 特上吞拿魚蓉丼 HK$160> 吞拿魚蓉、海膽、鮭魚子・味道:好smooth嘅吞拿魚蓉,不過吞拿魚可以再肥美啲,唔夠香口,但冇筋的。・口感:其實咁smooth嘅吞拿魚蓉都有個缺點,就係好似食緊一pat嘢咁,半蓉可能會啱我口味啲哈哈・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🤰性價比:中~🤰9衝度:可試~🤰結論:呀婆級牙齒嘅肚波都覺得個丼太軟爛了,可以唔使切得咁辛苦留返啲咬口畀我XD・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-08-28
1232 瀏覽
Incident 1: Before, I and my sister had dinner together and saw a Japanese rice bowl in North Point wanted to try it. That night, there was a male staff member with baldness leading us to the seat. We were happy to sit in the four-person seat but the nightmare began! Because that male staff member kept asking us that the food was good to eat or not and talking with us .At first I felt good, then he kept coming over to help us refill tea. We actually didn’t want to talk with him! During the meal, I heard that male (probably the boss/manager) who kept scolding their employees because we were sitting in the four-person seat next the counter. That’s why we heard it clearly! In fact, we finished meal quickly because my sister was so uncomfortable and she wanted to leave! Later, when we finished the meals, the male stuff suddenly invited us to eat free yuzu ice cream but we were rejected. When we returned house, my sister told me that male staff with baldness kept walking through next to us and then use his mobile phone under our the table. Because we wear skirt at that night and that man is a voyeur and it was scaring to me! I advise all women who wear skirt and want to have meal in this restaurant should be careful!Incident 2: The second time was that the company's colleagues wanted to eat in the restaurant that day, and I asked the three male colleagues to take the seats first (a total of six people). Later, male (colleague A)suddenly called me and arrived at the door of the restaurant at 12:15, when the restaurant was greeted by a guest. A female staff member invited them to enter, and the three of them were ready to sit. Suddenly, a male manager was yelling at female staff and ordered our three male colleagues to leave .Because we had six people and must arrive the restaurant same time. My colleagues left it and went to another restaurant. Later, I heard from my colleagues that the male manager called them to leave from restaurant is the same male who voyeur my sister last time, and his attitude towards guests and employees was very bad.After two horrible dining experiences, everyone is careful of a male manager (service attitude and his mobile phone), and the lady with the skirt should protect yourself if you really to go dining. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)