港鐵北角站 A1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (3)
來自東京的餐廳品牌,採用居酒屋木系裝潢,並以富日本風味的布藝作裝飾。多款食材由當地空運到港,製作招牌海鮮丼。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 OpenRice Pay
無障礙設施 詳細介紹
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食評 (118)
等級3 2025-03-16
27 瀏覽
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Easy Access | Corkage Fee | Wheelchair | Easy Parking | Cake Cutting Fee🙂 Restroom Cleanliness😠 Pet FriendlyThis restaurant has 3 branches in Hong Kong. The one I went is in Hong Kong side North Point. It is part of the Harbour North Shopping Mall but the entrance is from outside on Java Road at street level. So wheelchair has no problem at all. There is lots of parking space in the mall if you drive and free parking for a certain spending limit. You can either take tram, bus, minibus or MTR there. It is just 2min walk from Exiat A1 North Point MTR station. The service there is excellent and the food quality is very good at this price range. We ordered the chef of today‘s menu which is $280 per order. The set including the sashimi, rice, fish soup and some appetizers. The sashimi is surprisingly excellent especially the toro, kinmetai, 金目鯛, 真鯛, 平目. They include uni too but they are quite small in size. The sashimi size is generous and fresh! The fish soup is very hot served in a small vacuum insulated bottles. This to be put in the rice and eat together. The taste is very good and delicious. The sake we ordered is amazing good, it’s just $70 a jar and it‘s good for 2 people. They don‘t charge for the wine you bring if just 1 bottle but they don’t have wine glass to provide. Cake is the same if not too big a cake. There is no restroom inside the restaurant and you have to use the one in the mall. It takes a distance to walk up there, so don‘t go in the last minute since there is always a queue. Hmm, I will definitely go back to try some other dishes again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-09
1808 瀏覽
好少去北角 既然去到嗰頭就搵啲嘢食見近近地有間丼飯就試吓一個人最適合食呢啲套餐個蟹吞拿魚蓉丼飯真係幾好食。個碗嚟到檯面已經睇到好豐富,蟹肉同吞拿魚蓉鋪滿成碗飯面。兩種海鮮夾埋一齊食,再加埋蟹籽同三文魚子,鮮味十足。出邊好多時啲蟹肉都冇味,但係佢呢間個蟹肉好新鮮好有味。佢個麵豉湯都好好飲,前菜都好食,但係有個啫喱狀嘅前菜就太濃味。份量啱啱好,我清晒一粒飯都冇剩。價錢中等,我覺得都算抵食嘅。如果鍾意食日式丼飯嘅話,呢個丼飯真係值得試吓。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
東區寶寶有福了😍,北角高質日本海鮮丼,次次搭車經過都見大排長龍,今日早少少去,直接入座😌店內大多係卡位,坐得舒服,裝修滿滿和風感,影相打卡一流📸🐟特上海寶丼🐟集吞拿魚,油甘魚,章魚,穴子,蛤蜊,小扇貝,真雪蟹,海膽,甜蝦,鮭魚子於一身,店員一送上,即被閃閃發光既海膽吸引眼球,刺身新鮮厚切,食完再加鮮魚湯,即變美味茶漬飯🤤🦐醬油漬蝦丼🦐蝦丼係所有蝦迷必點😆一送上眼前,我同朋友都不約而同”嘩”左一聲,肥美鮮蝦🦐鋪滿丼面,一定可以滿足每位刺身蝦迷。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-21
1675 瀏覽
最近朋友說海街丼 在北角都有一間, 之前經過幾次見都多人排隊,所以趁過了午餐繁忙時間先去食下日本野我們入到餐廳見內部裝修設計都帶有日本🇯🇵風味,又有不少擺設顯得都好可愛!三文魚腩丼 好豐富三文魚大塊厚身鮮味十足鮮甜味美 配上茄子小食好滋味滑蛋鰻魚定食 滑蛋鰻魚擺得有儀式感,滑蛋汁送飯一流🍚升級定食有沙律🥗漬物 味噌湯🥣鰻魚同樣水準好好👍肉質軟熟海街丼地點:北角渣華道123號北角匯二期地下G38號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-09-17
1425 瀏覽
同朋友喺港島食lunch,想搵啲好嘢食去試吓😍😍喺北角會見到呢一間食當飯嘅日本餐廳,我哋就入去試吓😍😍首先餐廳嘅環境好好,好乾淨,同埋都坐得好舒服,因為啲枱都好闊落,有足夠嘅空間,可以同朋友好開心咁傾😃我哋叫咗兩個丼飯,覺得食材好新鮮,賣相都好精美,啱晒鍾意打卡嘅我哋😍😍😍另外食物嘅份量都足夠,我哋食完都覺得好夠飽,性價比係高的😇😇推介大家過嚟試吓,食完仲想encore添🥰🥰🥰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)