10:00 - 21:30
10:00 - 21:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
在香港,剩下的粉麵店不多,剛剪完頭髮想搵個地方食少少野,於是我選擇了這家。當時下午五點,店內只有兩位顧客。員工卻堅持要我坐在一張對著其中一位顧客的細枱,這張枱根本只能勉強放下兩碗麵。我話張枱好迫,但她竟然反問我點會迫然後一直催我點餐。我感到非常不滿,無法理解為什麼他們會這樣對待顧客。那時並不是高峰時段,周圍還有這麼多空枱可供選擇。 我唔想受氣即走佢重口噏噏 「咁都迫?」唔加強顧客服務,改善服務員的態度好快消失
始於1994 銅鑼灣堅拿道東(鵝頸橋側)的江仔記,專注魚旦超過二十年,香港製造魚旦自設工場,祖傳秘方豬骨餚製湯底。魚蛋魚片足料彈牙,絕對喺熟客摰愛。偶然都會想過來食下~鮮蝦雲吞米粉+蠔油菜芯
26號晚叫咗外賣 一打雲吞一打水餃 但只有10隻雲吞 還有一隻是穿的。之前都經常買外賣, 都冇咁嘅情況, 信任他老字號, 唔通經常買外賣都要揭開數數, 因為返到屋企先至看到, 十分不開心。
[ 江仔記粉麵專家 | 銅鑼灣 ]After passing by this fishball specialist store for years, I have finally become a customer. I had quite high hopes given their fame and the fact that they were very busy on a regular Wednesday at 6 pm and most guests were solo diners that seemed like regulars. Price-wise , it is not the cheapest option and you can tell they increased the price after their fame which might have affected the quality they are delivering. —— —— 雙并墨魚丸魚旦紫菜河 $48 I placed my order and within 5 minutes it was served to me. I got a combo with their cuttlefish balls and homemade fishballs, unable to try their sliced fish cake as they cannot have more than 2 toppings for combos. The homemade fishballs conjured a high expectation from me but it is not that memorable. Yes, the fishballs are bouncy and well-flavoured but very one-dimensional and rather small too. The bounce and chew of fresh the fishball slowly diminishes after that first bite. As for the cuttlefish balls, they were much better than the fish balls as they had more texture from the bits of cuttlefish and were better seasoned, the size was also more reasonable. My noodle of choice was hor fun and I’ve definitely had better elsewhere. It tasted fresh but very generic, there was little to no chew and a majority of my noodles were stuck together. I added seaweed too and it gave a textural contrast to the soft noodles but again, nothing special about them. They use a pork bone soup which is tasty but again, nothing memorable and I would have preferred if they used a fish-bone-based broth to tie the whole dish together. I would much rather go to 文輝墨魚丸大王 in Jardine’s Bazaar for a memorable bowl of seaweed and hor fun with their delicious cuttlefish balls. —— —— 推介 🫡 💬 Overall, not the best impression of 江仔記 as the environment is also not the most ideal. I had to share a table with another person and thank god they put a divider between us because midway through his meal, he coughed up a large chunk of digested soup and noodles right onto the divider and I immediately lost my appetite, thank god I already finished my meal though. I do want to say this experience did not affect my review as I pretty much already decided the fate of this restaurant halfway through the meal. But then again, it could have just been bad luck. 🗓 Revisit? ✅ / ❎ ⭕️