港鐵銅鑼灣站 D4 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:30 - 02:00
07:30 - 02:00
AlipayHK 現金 八達通 微信支付
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食評 (7)
等級3 2025-01-04
143 瀏覽
朋友話呢間既牛腩唔錯,今日就黎試試啦。叫左一碗牛三寶米粉,一碗牛雜粗麵,一碗鳳城水餃。其實唔算係出色,不過又冇其他食評咁差。我覺得啲牛腩同牛肚都幾好食,而且麵量都幾多,係銅鑼灣黎講性價比係ok啦。比較返同日午餐外賣食既某一間雞扒蔥油飯$8x蚊,呢餐真係好抵啦😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-08-03
242 瀏覽
潮發行完Sogo搵午餐食,比哩間舖頭隔離喜茶排隊吸引到,咪入去試下服務— 吾搭檯亦有幫我排另一條隊—飲茶又提醒我地遲幾分鐘可以便幾蚊—提醒廚房比塊好d 牛腩味道— 崩沙腩($62)3分     — 價錢系比普通腩貴,但已經想食好耐,食落系好d,”皮”吾硬吾韌,肉吾痴牙。      — 吾會太咸。      — 粗麵吾算太爽。— 牛根牛丸河($52)4分     — 牛根分量好多,如果可以爽d仲好。      — 牛丸正常— 腐乳通菜(+$15)3分     — 分量OK     — 腐乳只有辣味,無腐乳香味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我經過有啲肚餓,就走入去食啦…叫咗會牛什米,碗嘢一埋枱都未食落口,知道奶嘢中服吖,第一啖試個湯先,個湯完全係重味精湯,再試埋個牛什,完全冇牛什嘅香味,同埋啲牛什份量唔足料,一句到尾完全係,一碗冇個心冇個成意,去做嘅一碗所謂秘製牛什米囉…😌😌😌 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-16
302 瀏覽
好耐無食過潮汕式/中式粉麵,今日銅鑼灣見呢間餐廳環境乾淨又新,仲有火鍋🍲配料如潮汕牛丸,墨魚丸等…諗住試啱都可以入手定打邊爐煮麵料😛★金牌牛三寶河粉(牛腩/牛筋/牛肚)加鳳城水餃 $65試咗第一啖湯就覺得佢同之前食嘅粉麵有啲唔同,同樣有腩汁嘅湯頭,但唔會好鹹~牛腩更加有驚喜🤤調味適中,肉質既有口感又腍,食落一啲都唔柴亦都冇渣,仲要帶有有陣牛脂油味👍牛筋亦都炆得好腍,夠晒膠,滿滿骨膠原😍平時食牛肚總覺得好韌,呢度比別家都煮得入味夠腍,而且零腥羶味🤩鳳城水餃脹卜卜🥟,餡料豐富,仲有大大隻鮮蝦,加埋木耳同筍絲,吃起來口感十足👍銅鑼灣雖然有好多食肆,但呢間粉麵店絕對唔差,什至比起同區旅客必去嘅打卡餐更好更用心制作~ 值錢又合理,而且又有質素!值得支持🤩 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-13
357 瀏覽
🍜 The food here was average, but it had some highlights worth mentioning. The beef in their Assorted Beef Flat Rice Noodle was tender and flavorful, although I found the beef broth to be slightly lacking in strength. The vegetables were well-cooked and nicely chopped, which added a delightful touch to the dish. And let me tell you, the Dumplings were the standout item for me. They were absolutely delicious!1. Assorted Beef Flat Rice Noodle - $502. Beef Offal Flat Rice Noodle - $413. Beef Brisket Flat Rice Noodle - $414. Dumpling - $395. Two dishes of Vegetables - $15 each6. Three drinks (before 6pm offer, add only $5 each when ordering a noodle)💰 In terms of price, they offers reasonable rates, especially considering its prime location in Causeway Bay. The total bill for the three of us came to $216, with no service charge. I'm definitely planning to return and try their Wonton next time!🍽️ Overall, this restaurant is a decent spot for a quick and satisfying Cantonese noodle fix. While it may not be the most exceptional dining experience, it offers good value for money and conveniently caters to the busy neighborhood. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)