港鐵西營盤站 C 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 16:15
11:00 - 16:15
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牛筋 牛腩
食評 (52)
等級4 2024-12-24
111 瀏覽
行完山經過 聽講好出名就入咗去裝修好懷舊 牆上仲有花碼寫價錢見佢嘅牛腩出名就嗌咗碗牛腩牛筋河粉牛腩筋肉分明 好腍牛筋都好腍 有少少咬口 啖啖骨膠原最值得一提嘅係個牛腩湯底好清甜 飲完唔會覺得頸渴 所以猜測應該冇乜味精食咗一半之後加少少辣椒油個辣椒油好香 唔算太辣撈埋落碗牛腩湯度 好似紅燒牛肉麵嘅味 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-09-06
611 瀏覽
#枝記麵家 喺半山區有一間超過50年嘅老店麵家,西營盤地鐵站般咸道出口行過去好快到,兩三年前曾經食過牛腩河,當時覺得普普通通。時間幾年今次再去幫襯,價錢都幾貴,下午茶三點開始,$52一碗麵飲品,凍飲再加兩蚊。增加時段一碗麵$42起,唔算平。今次想試下佢嘅牛筋麵,牛筋都有五六件,都好入味好淋,比幾年前食嘅牛腩還要好,當時覺得牛腩有啲實。湯底亦都好夠味,唔會沖淡咗,今次過得非常唔錯。老闆話牛筋係炆煮,返好多時間同功夫,或者因為咁樣所以會較淋,而家好多都係白烚,可能比較爽身,兩種唔同做法。凍檸茶就似家庭式沖制,茶色雖然救心但查香味不夠,下午茶時段加兩蚊還可以,正價時段散叫廿幾蚊就無謂。值得一提係營業時間到下晝四點幾,我因為四點後先去到,所以又阻住佢哋收工😅整體嚟講呢個價錢食到傳統手藝我覺得還可以啦,只要覺得好食就唔貴😋枝記麵家半山巴丙頓道1號地下M4A號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-11
1063 瀏覽
朋友話枝記嘅牛腩麵好食到爆炸,我就一試難忘!食落去嘅時候,牛腩啖啖肉,咬落去又腍又香,仲有啲微微嘅辣味,是但攪一攪,牛腩嘅香味喺舌尖爆炸💥,真係香過噴香水。另外講到佢哋嘅魚蛋,真係咁彈牙彈到我都想唱歌🎤。每一啖麵條都掛滿哂牛腩嘅醬汁,入口滑溜溜嘅,食落舒服得很!呢度嘅墨魚丸都唔錯,墨魚味足夠咁濃,又唔會太過火,搭配牛湯一流👍。食完之後,嗰個滿足感,真係食飽一餐都值得嘞。下次一定要再嚟,睇吓仲有咩樣潛力股等緊我發掘! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-09-19
1127 瀏覽
牛腩牛筋燘得非常入味, 好淋, 近排食過好多間牛腩,佢係真係最好食! 魚蛋亦都好彈牙! 凍檸茶茶底亦都很好喝! 雖然位置唔係好方便,但係出西營盤地鐵站行2分鐘就到啦! 而家呢啲麵檔, 街坊小舖越來越少, 非常值得支持, 老闆人很好! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-07-03
1405 瀏覽
This noodle shop is located on Babington Path in Mid-Levels and has been in business for more than fifty years. A gem for the neighbourhood, it has served its signature beef brisket noodles for many generations. While the décor is certainly dated, with rundown walls, tiled floors, and the most basic foldable tables and chairs, there is a familiarity and vibe that brings back good memories, in the time when things were not easy, but people worked hard, and everyone had the sparkle in the eyes for a better future.I ordered the Beef Brisket Noodle ($40) while my wife has the Beef Brisket and Tendon Noodle ($46). The beef brisket is braised perfectly with very soft texture, with the ground bean paste providing rich and amazing flavours. The soup is delicious and drinking them will not make one thirsty. The noodle also has a nice al dente mouthfeel. Perfect on all fronts, no wonder it draws so many rave reviews!Seeing the tendon is very good too, I decide to test the capacity of my stomach and order another Beef Tendon with Squid Balls Rice Noodle ($46). The collagen of the tendon gives a luxurious easy bite, and I think the rice noodle is also a great match with the soup. The squid balls are decent, but compared with the beef brisket or tendon they are apparently less impressive.Together with Milk Tea and Iced Lemon Tea, the bill is $170. Service is standard as you would expect from such noodle house, but I can sense a kindness here. We should do our best to protect and make  sure such treasure in the neighborhood continues to stay, as I truly believe it is one of those things that makes Hong Kong such a great place. 繼續閱讀
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