I'm all about trying new things, so I decided to go for Starbucks' Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. The earthy, slightly bitter matcha combined with the creamy milk and just a touch of sweetness was like a breath of fresh air. And then, I took it up a notch by pairing it with a Chocolate Croissant. The contrast between the slightly bitter matcha and the indulgent, buttery croissant was like a flavor adventure. It was like my taste buds went on a rollercoaster and loved every second of it!
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
I got quick refreshment here while my wife was doing DFS shopping. Although I had a full breakfast in the lounge, I think I need some strong coffee to awake my fuzzy brain due to lack of sleep in this trip . The Strawberry roll (HK$24) tasted light without heavy cream in the middle of the Swiss roll. The double espresso (HK$17) tasted strong, body, and thick enough to work with the Swiss roll. I think this is a good match too .
每次翻香港starbucks緊有新products. 今日一落機, 見倒有new drinks, 反正都要等好耐先有行李, 所以就去試. cranberry wheat scone scone上面有1粒粒嘅barley, whole oat, seed. balance翻個scone嘅鬆軟. 食落仲有啲蛋香. 不過texture同傳統嘅english scone比就稔左啲. 可能要就番香港人嘅口味. 而且大部分嘅muffins, pastries只係~$15, 係英國買要$30. 1/3價錢, 抵到爛呀哈哈Rooibos Tea Latte 呢個spice tea飲落有啲紅棗味, 感覺好warm, 啱晒冬天飲! 但係明明無咖啡點解叫latte? fusion ma?
令小弟認為近年在形象及出品最成功的食肆,不單能打入內地市場,更可以著書立說,一紙風行,真有獨到之處.雖然定價比坊間一般食肆偏高,但水準穩定,出品逐步多元化,例如近年來每逢新年有咖啡蛋卷,與及定期有特價咖啡豆出售,近日更推出starbucks card,可惜只能當儲值卡用,作用不大.雖然咖啡是主打,但小弟卻偏好近似沙冰的frappuccino blended,大慨$30左右一杯,而芒果味更是至愛,一如坊間製法,用冰塊混和糖漿用攪拌器打而成,每當工作至混身大汗時,偶爾一杯亦可消暑解熱.