12:00 - 15:30
16:30 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:30
16:30 - 23:00
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午餐來到荃灣大鴻輝的《安平燒肉》,試下佢地嘅[60分鐘自選一人午餐],每位最低消費$85,就可以享受到60分鐘嘅午市燒肉半放題套餐,真係超值!😌呢度嘅十二味醬汁選擇多到爆,可以慢慢試台燒嘅醬汁情懷。而我最鐘意就喺「招牌黃金醬」,新鮮蔬菜汁配上台灣麻醬,味道清新,仲有蔬菜嘅甜味。經典台式醬汁五味醬也不錯,酸甜可口,層次分明。即刻點番幾份台灣小食先😋,「安平炸蚵卷」外脆內軟,好正呀!「懷念鹽酥雞」啖啖肉,好滿足。「梅山酥炸薯」炸得啱啱好,仲熱辣辣。原來台灣有種糯米做的知名甜點「台灣小枕頭」,經過烤脆後,煙韌又甜美,一試愛上😍最愛必點之選「安平牛舌芯」,成條牛舌最嫩滑嘅地方,質感彈牙又唔怕韌。還有「薄切牛舌片」,滿足不同口感。招牌「澳洲M5和牛」,「安格斯牛板腱」,「美國SRF極黑牛」油花豐富,口感鮮嫩。海鮮方面有爽彈虎蝦、烤帆立貝及生蠔,帶上牛油一起烤,香氣滿滿🤩呢度自助任選區仲有超過30款美食、飲品、蔬菜、湯品同飯類可以任揀。無論幾飽,食小小都總要食嘅《安平櫻花蝦飯》,呢個飯有櫻花蝦、香蔥、海苔同秘製嘅滷水汁可以配搭。配料分量可以因應個人口味自由控制,人人都可以調配出獨一無二嘅拌飯。食完燒肉,記得要叫番碗清熱解毒嘅仙草芋圓呀!😉 ,芋圓清爽煙韌,甜美軟糯,還加入了香脆花生,口感更加豐富。還有Häagen-Dazs雪糕哦!😍
呢間燒肉真係好多選擇🤩,次次都試唔哂。講緊嘅你「安平燒肉」🔥🥓,M5和牛餐有成104款食物選擇,M5和牛同海鮮係好高質😋,完全係味蕾一大享受!! 月見牛勁吸睛🤩,用咗夢王蛋王😋!牛舌芯好有口感,又嫩又彈😍。而海鮮講得出都幾乎齊哂,生蠔🦪、帆立貝、鮑魚、虎蝦🦐、魷魚🐙、青口🐚等等,Encore咗好幾次!·而自助區亦有多款蔬菜🥬,熟食🧆、飲品🧃等供選擇,醬汁都有成10種咁多;自助區必試😍〔安平櫻花蝦飯〕,有櫻花蝦🦐、香蔥、海苔、秘製滷水汁俾你自由搭配成獨一無二嘅拌飯😚,櫻花蝦極具咬口,且油香四溢,留肚食肉肉前都要食返幾啖😋~·最近更推出🍾〈威士忌系列〉,特別將威士忌混入醬料中,醬料具有威士忌嘅濃香🍸,微微酸甜更能突出肉味👍🏻~·♡ 威士忌烤鳳梨內群柳 ~~推薦👍🏻♡ 威士忌醬烤鮑魚 ~~推薦👍🏻♡ 威士忌烤芝麻牛舌片 ~~推薦👍🏻♡ 威士忌烤九層塔雞軟骨 ~~推薦👍🏻♡ 威士忌烤辣味雞肉片♡ 威士忌烤黑椒豬頸肉♡ 威士忌冬瓜茶·記得叫埋甜品呀,個《薑汁芋圓豆腐布丁杯》微微薑味,芋圓番薯圓好有咬口👍🏻·📍安平燒肉荃灣眾安街荃灣分店55號大鴻輝(荃灣)中心17樓
今日一行四人出街 經過見到廣告間店做緊「60分鐘自選午餐」朋友提議我哋多人可以樣樣叫啲咁就入嚟試吓呢個台式烤肉- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1. 60分鐘自選午餐一人都食到嘅半放題燒肉多人就可以好似我哋咁樣樣叫啲 一齊分享試多幾款肉類/海鮮/台式小吃遂碟咁叫豬雞牛肉價錢$28-$48都有大推澳洲M5和牛&安平牛舌芯和牛脂肪分佈均勻 肉質柔軟多汁牛舌芯夾起都感覺到好爽彈海鮮就有生蠔、虎蝦、帆立貝價錢$32-$38 質素都算唔錯烤到出汁 蝦肉相對比較飽滿仲有少少$15@1台式小食可叫另外出面設有自助任選區域蔬菜/飲品、台式茶品免費任揀食食吓先留意到餐枱嘅廣告原來like&follow佢哋就送期間限定 開心果奶蓋紅茶好香開心果味 嚟到要試!!另外有個DIY櫻花蝦拌飯區域只須五個步驟就可以整好啦~有櫻花蝦/香蔥/海苔/秘製滷水汁製作簡單而又可以任落份量最後仲有Haagen-Dazs雪糕或者台式安平仙草芋圓作結見佢推出「威士忌系列」烤肉聖誕限定 台灣兒加好興咁樣用啲威士忌、糖、香料仲有其他調味料去整個醬聞到肉類/海鮮持續散發酒香烤完更加入味 好啱聖誕主題可以再同朋友嚟食慶祝聖誕
我都好鍾意食台式燒肉,呢度不停播住耳熟能詳嘅台灣歌曲,真係勾起我好多回憶啊,今次主要食lunch !🥢午市套餐 🦐(每位最低消費$85)今日去咗食半自助燒肉午餐,套餐可以自選三款鮮嫩肉品,仲可以享用超過三十款自助區美食、飲品,仲可以自己整安平櫻花🌸蝦飯,真係食得超滿足!🔥燒肉最鍾意澳洲M5和牛片:和牛鮮紅色澤均勻,微微燒烤🍖將美味釋放,幾好食推薦!「醬汁係燒肉嘅靈魂」呢度配咗好多款醬汁,其中最有特色係黃金醬,包含蔬菜同麻醬,酸豬腩肉+生菜🥬好出色!🐃👅牛舌都係我至愛,呢度有2款,牛舌片同牛舌芯,我比較鍾意牛舌芯多啲:牛舌芯切成長條形,肉質嫩中帶韌,超美味!🐔九層塔三杯雞都幾好食喎,雞肉先經過醃製,將個雞皮燒到微焦,九層塔香料味好香增添風味!海鮮🐟🤍帆立貝好大粒,一邊燒一邊望到貝汁,感覺好新鮮juicy!🦐🌸安平櫻花蝦拌飯呢拌飯勁好食,份量可以自己話事,我加咗大量櫻花蝦、海苔同秘製的滷水汁,仲加咗勁多蒜片,真係食一碗都唔夠要再encore!自助取餐區有大量蔬菜🥬,當中竟然有秋葵比較少見!🫖🥤最鍾意嘅台式冷泡茶,四季春烏龍茶非常之清新,可以解除燒肉油膩感覺!🎄聖誕都推出咗限定系列:威士忌烤肉醬系列,使用依家台灣流行:以威士忌🥃、糖、香料同其他秘製調製嘅醬料,大大提升肉類的風味,燒肉一流,大家可以試吓!🔥以上全部嘢食都好食,服務亦都唔錯,間唔中會幫我哋換烤網,性價比幾高,推薦!
❤️ 每位最低消費為$85,即可享用60分鐘的午市燒肉半自助套餐❤️ 套餐內至少自選三款鮮嫩肉品,並且還可以品嚐超過三十款的自助區美食❤️ 燒幾生幾熟可以自己控制❤️ 有大量紅茶綠茶 不怕吃得太滯 檸檬紅茶同冬瓜茶配燒肉好夾❤️ 可以用生菜夾住燒肉來食💯 Tsuen Wan 60-Minute Customizable BBQ Lunch for One💯 ❤️ The minimum spend per person is $85, allowing you to enjoy a 60-minute half-buffet BBQ lunch set. ❤️ The set includes at least three selections of tender meats, and you can also taste over thirty options from the buffet area. ❤️ You can control how rare or well-done your meats are cooked. ❤️ There is plenty of black and green tea available, so you don’t have to worry about feeling heavy after eating. Lemon black tea and winter melon tea pair perfectly with the BBQ meats. ❤️ You can wrap the BBQ meats in lettuce to eat. **All-You-Can-Eat Choice** ✨ **Sakura Shrimp Rice** ✨ ✅ Includes sakura shrimp, seaweed, scallions, or a special marinated sauce for pairing. The portion of ingredients can be adjusted to personal taste, allowing you to create a unique rice dish. It’s so much fun! 🤤😝 **Highly Recommended Seafood Dishes** ✨ **Grilled Scallops** ✨ $38 ✅ The fresh and sweet taste makes you want to keep eating; absolutely not to be missed! 😍 ✨ **Salt and Garlic Grilled Oysters** ✨ $32 ✅ The flavor is very unique, with a strong garlic aroma. ✅ The freshness of the oysters is perfectly showcased, and eating them leaves a lasting impression! 🍽️✨ **Top Recommended Beef Dishes** ✨ **Australian M5 Wagyu Chuck Eye** ✨ $48 This wagyu chuck eye is truly a dream for beef lovers! The meat is tender and juicy, with a rich beef flavor that is intoxicating! 🥩❤️ ✨ **American SRF Black Angus** ✨ $38 The texture of the black angus is extremely delicate and smooth. With simple seasoning, the natural flavor of the beef is fully displayed. Highly recommended! 👌 ✨ **Tri-Tip Beef** ✨ $38 ✅ The meat quality is excellent, cooked to perfection, and the rich texture leaves you feeling satisfied! 😋 ✨ **Sichuan Pepper Beef Strips** ✨ $38 ✅ The flavor is surprising, with a mild spiciness that complements the delicious beef; truly a superb dish! 🔥 ✨ **Angus Beef Brisket** ✨ $32 ✅ The meat quality is quite impressive, with a bouncy texture, making it a perfect match for BBQ flavors! 👍 ✨ **Thinly Sliced Beef Brisket** ✨ $32 ✅ The flavor is exceptional, with tender meat that is suitable for eating alone or as a side dish! 🥳 ✨ **Beef Tongue Heart** ✨ $48 ✅ The unique texture of the beef tongue heart is unforgettable when grilled; it’s definitely a dish worth trying! 🍖 ✨ **Salted Beef Tongue** ✨ $32 ✅ Just right, with delicious meat that pairs wonderfully with sauces! **Other Highly Recommended Dishes** ✨ **Thick Cut Snowflake Pork** ✨ $28 ✅ The meat is very juicy; once you take a bite, you can't stop! It’s truly a paradise for meat lovers! 🥓❤️ ✨ **Indigenous Salt-Grilled Meat** ✨ $28 ✅ This indigenous salt-grilled meat has a unique flavor, with tender meat that lets you experience primal deliciousness! 🌟 ✨ **Grilled Squid** ✨ $22 ✅ Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the seafood flavor is fully released, making it a must-try! 🐙✨ ✨ **Spicy Kidney Slices** ✨ $22 ✅ The flavor is amazing, with a mildly spicy taste that makes it irresistible! 🌶️ ✨ **Basil Three-Cup Chicken** ✨ $28 The aroma of basil three-cup chicken is captivating, and the chicken is tender and flavorful, paired with the unique taste of herbs. This is definitely a dish not to be missed! 🍗🍃 **Desserts** ✨ **Taro Balls with Ginger Pudding Cup** ✨ ✅ The perfect dessert choice for autumn and winter; it warms both the heart and stomach. ✅ The chewy taro balls paired with warming ginger pudding are delightful. ✅ The colors are very appealing, making it visually enjoyable! ✅ You’ll want to order this every time! 🤤🌟 ✨ **Vanilla Blueberry Macaron Ice Cream** ✨ ✅ A very special flavor that is also delicious! ✅ The aroma of vanilla and the sweet and sour taste of blueberries combine perfectly, making each bite feel heavenly. 🍦💖 ✅ This ice cream has a refreshing taste, not too heavy, making it perfect for summer enjoyment. 🍇🍨 ✅ The rich aroma of vanilla and the sweet-sour flavor of blueberries complement each other, making this ice cream my top dessert choice! 😍🎉 ✨ **Cookie Ice Cream Cake** ✨ ✅ The smooth texture of classic flavor ice cream is irresistible! It’s a perfect treat! The observations and remarks presented herein are derived from a trial dining experience provided by the restaurant, reflecting the author's genuine feelings encountered during the dining process. This paragraph serves as a disclaimer. These comments are intended solely for informational purposes and may not necessarily represent experiences of all patrons.#AnpingBBQ #BBQBuffet #AllYouCanEatBBQ #BBQToTheFullest #BBQLovers #TsuenWan #TsuenWanFood