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逸日 iat iat 以紙皮石地板、方形瓷磚牆及木製傢俱,讓人沉醉於迷人的日系復古情調,細味各款主食、甜品及特色飲品。主食奶酪鮭魚菠菜鹹批,焗得鬆脆的批皮包著加入菠菜與三文魚的蛋漿內餡,濃郁而不過鹹,無論作為午餐還是下午茶輕食都十分適合。甜品選擇眾多,每一款甜品都感受到製作者的用心,尤其是蛋香與焦糖配合得宜的香草焦糖烤布丁,是多層次的成熟風味。Indulge in a variety of mains, desserts and specialty drinks at iat iat, which brings a retro Japanese vibe in the city centre. Their salmon and spinach quiche boasts a crispy crust with a creamy filling, making it ideal no matter during lunchtime or afternoon tea. Don’t miss their list of desserts, such as the signature vani
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