以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
澳門餐廳以英式酒吧及扒房風格,選址位於充滿英倫情懷的澳門倫敦人寬敞的空間和高聳的樓底令人十分舒適,餐廳中央的橢圓形酒吧區域,集合了傳統英式風格與現代設計元素,打卡一流。各式各樣的藝術擺設,都充滿英倫風情的味道,加上牆上的畫作及其特色卡位座位,環境上真的不錯。🌟威靈頓牛柳 (蘑菇、黑松露蘑菇泥、洋葱、奶油土豆、紅酒汁)網上很多負評說香港餐廳所製作的威靈頓牛扒酥皮與牛扒分開,零食合不滿的地方是有點格格不入有分離的感覺,但在澳門所製作的威靈頓牛扒卻沒有這個問題。肉質非常鬆軟,雖然是三成,但沒有任何血水,亦沒有血腥的味道,反而食出牛肉的肉質非常幼嫩,配上酥皮和黑松露蘑菇的味道恰到好處,不過不知為何沒有加上巴馬火腿。味道不太鹹,可能份量不多,其實味道真的不錯。另外我們叫了一個三道菜的午餐包括前菜主菜和甜品。餐前的麵包夠熱夠鬆軟,配上牛油也不錯,前菜🌟油甘魚韃靼油甘魚、紅菜頭、奶油如果與牛肉韃靼相比,這個油甘魚Tartare味道真是一般,可能口感問題,我自己又不太喜歡紅菜頭,有點覺得自己點錯了菜的感覺。主菜🌟燴飯 Risotto(南瓜、野菌、鼠尾草黄油)這個意大利飯都是水準之作,不過就是沒有驚喜,不過不失。甜品🌟太妃糖布丁Sticky Toffee Pudding(法式乳酪奶油、香草冰)這個可說是必叫之選,布丁的味道非常突出,一入口有一種超香滑濃厚的暖流,就是充滿着太妃糖醬的海棉蛋糕。另一邊廂卻是冷的香草冰淇淋,一冷一凍,非常有驚喜!不過實話實說,我最欣賞的只有這個牛柳和甜品,其他食物卻只是一般,不過以這樣有名的餐廳來說,價錢並非想像中昂貴,尚算合理,所以也是一間推介的餐廳。
᪥由知名米之蓮星級廚師,英國殿堂級名廚Gordon Ramsay主理的正宗英式酒吧及扒房。餐廳設計優雅,滿滿都是英國室內設計特色,以啡色為主調,並以深綠色陪襯。᪥來到這間餐廳必定點的當然是會Beef Wellington 威靈燉牛柳口溶化,那種鮮嫩的感覺,是令人難忘。威靈頓牛外層包有蘑菇和松露,另有班戟和香脆包。᪥前菜scallop 大大粒帶子配上椰菜花,豬血布丁,烤松子仁和葡萄乾,各種配料混在一起,變出了獨特的味道,有葡萄乾的甜,烤松子的脆口。᪥Pumpkin Velouté南瓜湯中加入了鵝肝,麵包丁和鼠尾草,擺盤精緻,用上日本白色南瓜製作,淡淡的南瓜香味。᪥64% Chocolate Tart ,朱古力撻香濃,配上特製的乳酪雪糕,乳酪雪糕上加入橄欖油,是特別的配搭,但味道出奇的好。᪥這裡的侍應服務態度真的超棒,除了正常地介紹每一道菜式,在菜式菜式之間也會跟客人交談,知道我們是遊客也會說說澳門的事,服務態度真系一百分。
期待以久終於黎到地獄廚神開的店, 踏進門口, 已感覺到高貴得黎又帶點chill. Bar枱就係大門不遠位置. 旁邊係一張長型的矮枱同沙發. 富有英倫風味.今次三個人叫左兩個主菜加一個lunch set (3 courses Mop 328).先黎一個welcome bread, 一個可以分到四份. 唔夠可以添加. 麵包軟熟但一定要落佢地特制的牛油, 因為係有蒜蓉味. 落左牛油個包即時味道提昇. 伯克夏豬肉醬Berkshire Pork Pate 呢個係lunch set的前菜. 上菜時, 店員有介紹兩款醬料. 烤過的奶油面包放底, 上面放上豬肉醬, 最後就點佢附上的兩個醬, 雖然其中一個醬係"梨蔥酸辣醬" 但一d都感覺唔到辣味. 另一個醬係块根芹蛋黃醬, 試過就咁食豬肉醬. 味道係唔差的, 但配埋奶油面包同兩個醬. 真係超好味. 個兩個醬料簡直係為豬肉醬錦上天花. 呢個前菜好推介.威靈頓牛排 Beef Wellington $598我地係早兩星期訂位. 然後問店家需唔需要訂威靈頓牛排, 佢地話係需要, 所以就留左一份. 一上菜, 店員同樣有介紹呢個菜的每一層係用左咩的用料, 牛排係用左澳洲的M5和牛. 另外外層的脆皮, 中間重有一層黑松露蘑菇泥, 加一個紅酒汁.牛的熟成度我地由店家發辨, 黎到時牛的顏色鮮嫩, 食落口唔駛咬好耐已經溶係口. 而黑松露的味道都好濃, 不過加埋個紅酒汁就令到味道更豐富.倫敦漢堡 The London Burger $258漢堡包的份量同樣係唔細, 裡面的牛柳目測至少有1.5cm厚. 可以選擇要幾成熟, 我地同樣由店家發辨. 黎到時配有薯條, 漢堡裡面有芝士, 洋蔥同埋蕃茄. 店家會好主動幫你切開個burger, 若果好似我地咁, 全部菜一切上, 可能佢地唔想令到個burger切開會涼左, 有另外比手套我地之後切開食. 十分貼心.嫩烤雞胸肉 Roasted Chicken Breast呢個係lunch set的主菜. 配有烤蘑菇, 羽衣甘藍及百里香汁, 相對於兩個主菜. 呢個就失色左少少, 雞有少少嚡. 但絕對係可以接受的程度.太妃糖布丁 Sticky Toffee Pudding 最後lunch set的甜品, 係太妃糖布丁, 我地無睇個英文, 一食就taste到係拖肥糖. 配有Creme fraiche, 同雲呢拿雪糕. 一聽到toffee可能大家會覺得好甜, 但又唔係喎. 味道係剛剛好, 有拖肥味之餘又唔會好甜. 至於布丁的texture似係蛋糕咁. 好軟熟. 呢個都係好推介. 餐茶我地叫左凍咖啡, 而另外再加一個伯爵茶. 估唔到係用壺上, 飲完重可以添加熱水. 及附上牛油餅乾一塊. 茶都係好香濃. 差點要問店家這是那牌子的伯爵茶.(笑)最後要讚係店員的服務態度真係好好. 以咁的價錢有咁的美食, 環境及服務真係無滿份都超過九十分以上.
Deco is nice with modern British style. Service is excellent and warm.Food is fine at this price but nothing really stands out. Overall a nice place for chilled brunch but probably not ideal for fine dining.Beef wellington: fine but no surpriseFish and chips (kids): normal I guess per my 3 yr old kid
Overseas from coast to coast, to find the place we love the most.. Planning a birthday is never easy and despite how much we wanted a British dining experience in actual London for my father's birthday, that just wasn't feasible. So when I heard that Gordan Ramsay's Pub & Grill had just opened at the Londoner Macao, we knew that this was the perfect place for his celebration.Choosing to celebrate my father's birthday at Gordan Ramsay's Pub & Grill was the easiest and best decision I could possibly make. I, first, filled up the online reservation form on the Londoner Macao website one week before. I then received the confirmation instantly via email. I was not expecting much so I was greatly surprised by just how smooth and quick the whole process was.From the moment we arrived at the restaurant, our first and only impression of those who have helped planned this surprise for my dad and welcomed us that day is that they are kind, efficient, considerate and passionate about providing only the best experience for their diners. The decor was beautiful. We were seated in the middle of restaurant, facing the bar. Only the à la carte menu was offered for lunch. The menu was full of delicious choices. We were blown away by each dish we ordered (see photos of my recommendations). As a fan of Gordan Ramsay, who lives in a city that no longer holds as many of his similar establishments (e.g. BSK&B, LHGR), the food was just as good (dare I say...even better!).Either way, this experience is definitely another one for the books as it also happened to be the weekend of the Westlife Concert (The Wild Dreams Tour 2023). Just when I thought the birthday lunch couldn't get any better, in walks a 5 ft 10 in tracksuit and Bambi eyes - Mr. Nicky Byrne (!!!!!!). I say, if it's good enough for a Westlife (The best Irish Pop group since 1998), it is absolutely good enough for me/us. I highly recommend you to try Gordan Ramsay's Pub & Grill. It is a wonderful place for family, friends and all loved ones to eat, drink and proclaim "I was there, too!"Where the fields are green, to see you (great food, amazing staff, outstanding decor, an absolutely banger of songs, etc.) once again...and we will! Obrigada, Chef GR, GR P&B team and the Londoner Macao!(special thanks once again to all the staff present that day, especially our server Ms Ho Ke (my apologies for misspelling your name) and Ms Selina Li for all your help from start to finish. All the best to the team!)