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這茶店雖然位於廣場入口的一角, 但不太起眼, 這店的茶杯上印上有意思的字句, 很特別。自從發現了這間茶店, 我便幫襯了好幾次以下是對這店的少少評語: 珍珠招牌奶茶 $ 28這裡的珍珠十分很有咬口帶有小小甜味對於我來說茶味不夠濃珍珠桂花烏龍奶茶 $ 29這個茶味夠濃, 夠桂花味粉粿珍珠招牌奶綠 $34粉粿原來是一條條有茶味的蒟蒻條, 蒟蒻條和飲管的粗幼大小差不多, 加上珍珠, 有不同的層次感茶味夠, 奶味不夠整體不錯, 員工有禮貌The shop outlet is located at the corner of the entrance of the plaza but not eye-catching. The cup for the tea is special with some meaningful words printed. I've bought tea from this outlet for several times. Here are some comments: Milk Tea with Pearls $ 28The pearl is chewy with
這店的茶杯上印上有意思的字句, 很特別。
自從發現了這間茶店, 我便幫襯了好幾次
珍珠招牌奶茶 $ 28
珍珠桂花烏龍奶茶 $ 29
這個茶味夠濃, 夠桂花味
粉粿珍珠招牌奶綠 $34
粉粿原來是一條條有茶味的蒟蒻條, 蒟蒻條和飲管的粗幼大小差不多, 加上珍珠, 有不同的層次感
茶味夠, 奶味不夠
整體不錯, 員工有禮貌
The shop outlet is located at the corner of the entrance of the plaza but not eye-catching.
The cup for the tea is special with some meaningful words printed.
I've bought tea from this outlet for several times.
Here are some comments:
Milk Tea with Pearls $ 28
The pearl is chewy with subtle sweetness.
To me, the flavour of tea is not strong enough.
Osmanthus Oolong Milk Tea with Pearls $ 28
The flavor of tea and Osmanthus are strong enough
Milk Green Tea with Signature Tea Jelly and Pearls $ 28
Tea jelly is a strip of Konjac jelly that is thick as the straw.
The jelly strip plus the pearl in the tea provides different layers of texture.
The milk of the tea is not enough but the flavor of the green tea is strong enough.
It's good in general. The staff is nice.