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理間比起其他分店好食得多!擔擔麵 做得好有水準。前菜 (麻辣涼皮、筍、夫妻肺片),辣子雞,樟茶鴨,窩窩頭。每樣菜式都做得很美味。下次要試一下佢個水煮牛。見到隔離檯食水煮牛好似好好味。下次試一試佢地個lunch menu. Had an enjoyable dinner at this spicy restaurant. The spicy level of each dish is acceptable and not too over the top. The appetizers were really delicious. Next time I’ll try other spicy dishes. Such as the spicy sichuan beef. The spicy chicken, zhangcha duck, were very flavorful. This is a restaurant I will revisit.
Had an enjoyable dinner at this spicy restaurant. The spicy level of each dish is acceptable and not too over the top. The appetizers were really delicious. Next time I’ll try other spicy dishes. Such as the spicy sichuan beef. The spicy chicken, zhangcha duck, were very flavorful. This is a restaurant I will revisit.