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玫瑰醬蛋 $50Rose and Mixed Berry Cheesecake 用韓國🇰🇷士多啤梨加紅桑子果乾整成嘅蛋糕,上面放左玫瑰花瓣🌹同埋雜莓醬,賣相已經贏曬啦😙雖然係士多啤梨味嘅蛋糕,但係每啖食落去滿嘴都有濃重嘅芝士味🧀 呢款比較厚實嘅蛋糕通常食幾啖就好容易濟🥲 但係呢款因為溝左雜莓醬,所以相比起會酸啲,非常開胃😜 This cake incorporated the theme of mixed berries by making the cake batter with Korean strawberries and dried raspberries, topped with rose petals and mixed berries jam. Most cheesecakes are quite heavy, but the jam evened it out with its sourness. The balance between cheese and strawberry aromas were on point. 紫薯奶 $45Sweet Purple Pot
玫瑰醬蛋 $50
Rose and Mixed Berry Cheesecake
雖然係士多啤梨味嘅蛋糕,但係每啖食落去滿嘴都有濃重嘅芝士味🧀 呢款比較厚實嘅蛋糕通常食幾啖就好容易濟🥲 但係呢款因為溝左雜莓醬,所以相比起會酸啲,非常開胃😜
This cake incorporated the theme of mixed berries by making the cake batter with Korean strawberries and dried raspberries, topped with rose petals and mixed berries jam. Most cheesecakes are quite heavy, but the jam evened it out with its sourness. The balance between cheese and strawberry aromas were on point.
紫薯奶 $45
Sweet Purple Potato Latte
啲奶已經被發打至起泡,但係飲落去好順滑👍🏼 雖然紫薯已經被磨成粉,但都飲得出啲纖維口感,都幾特別😌 我個人覺得奶味偏重,蓋過左紫薯🍠,所以如果用返light少少嘅奶就更加正🥳
This pastel purple drink in the exquisitely carved silver bowl was really quite the presentation. The milk was frothed beforehand, giving this drink a unique texture. If the purple sweet potato taste stood out a little more, it would’ve been a perfect drink.
美式咖啡 $45
Black Americano
佢地今日採用嘅咖啡豆帶著微甘而不帶酸嘅餘韻👍🏼 有甘醇濃郁嘅咖啡味☕️ 配得起呢個價錢!
The type of coffee beans that were used had a subtle sweet aftertaste. The strength of the caffeine like a slightly watered down espresso.